
Are you interesting into trying NSIM 2.0 ?

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Good to see you back, and we can now get on this billing system, I never gave up hope, and it seemed to pay off...:)

Thanks for all your support ladies and gentlements, I am back from a major cutdown of inet and big surgery / back problem

I am finally back, and I'm planning to do several update in 2008 (Including porting the pluggin to PHP5). I am not rich, neither have alot of free time, therefore, it might be a bit slow, but I promise updates, and new pluggins will also come soon. I will keep this thread updated when it happen, so please subscribe to it and thanks again for all the support. I Really appreciate it,
I really like DA, and that why I try to make free thing, I even got offered to buy my NSIM rights, but definitly I've refused. I want this to stay free, and open source.

In 2008, I will plan out how we could all maybe work together, and make a sort of REPO/CVS of pluggins for DA. I'd really appreciate if somes of you already have a system that the majority of poeple use here for team dev of pluggin without sharing access to personal stuff, like I dont know, a CVS stable server, or some other solution, please just PM it to me and explain thanks. Otherwise, I'll dig up and make something available.

My Best Regards,
(And sorry if my english suck.. Im not english Native heh)

Thanks for all your support ladies and gentlements, I am back from a major cutdown of inet and big surgery / back problem

I am finally back, and I'm planning to do several update in 2008 (Including porting the pluggin to PHP5). I am not rich, neither have alot of free time, therefore, it might be a bit slow, but I promise updates, and new pluggins will also come soon. I will keep this thread updated when it happen, so please subscribe to it and thanks again for all the support. I Really appreciate it,
I really like DA, and that why I try to make free thing, I even got offered to buy my NSIM rights, but definitly I've refused. I want this to stay free, and open source.

In 2008, I will plan out how we could all maybe work together, and make a sort of REPO/CVS of pluggins for DA. I'd really appreciate if somes of you already have a system that the majority of poeple use here for team dev of pluggin without sharing access to personal stuff, like I dont know, a CVS stable server, or some other solution, please just PM it to me and explain thanks. Otherwise, I'll dig up and make something available.

My Best Regards,
(And sorry if my english suck.. Im not english Native heh)


Welcome back,
I'm one guy using your plugins, with a few modifications.
may I ask what mods you have done?, What do they do..........
Now that you have been using Msim, can you give us your opinion thus far.
NSIM Version 2.0 on his way!

Yes, it real :eek:

I have been working on a large scale system where we needed to build an invoice system as well. I was waiting to get there to decide what would be done for NSIM.

Basicly 3 quick thing for now :

1- NSIM will now not "directly" be a directadmin pluggin, but will rather be a standalone php solution that will have a module inside that will be a DA pluggin to manage / create and suspend account. We had to think for this for a long time but yea, that way will be more expandable for any future use. The system will basicly support paypal and offline payment, invoice members automaticly that is expired, and even send a reminder to em, whatever their subscription is based on a subscription plan definition. That where one of our module, coded for DirectAdmin will come into play for DA concern. NSIM and it DirectAdmin module will remain free as always but yea, I didnt saw much donation for version 1 ;) Feel free to donate and your name or company name will be included in the DONATORS file that will be included within the source code.

2- I will need beta testers as well, that do only have monthly and yearly prices on their plan. (We will support CAD and USD currency as well, USD being for USA and CAD for the rest of the world). I will post more information in short term to how get the new beta and how to install / initialize it.

3- Alot of licensing requests has been done previously.. as for NSIM 2.0 and it DirectAdmin module, it pretty simple, I should require that if you don't donate something if you make more then 50K a year, that a banner "Im a cheap" appear on yer site, but yea I wont :p

Basicly it go as follow : You can use, modify or distribute the source code and idea as long as if you modify it in any way, you share your change with us, and if your going to distribute, that you provide the proper md5/sha1 checksum and ask for my approval for distribution. It is freely available for personnal, commercial and spacial use :D with the best hope this will be usefull.

The general roadmap is simple: We'll make a simple and stable version for production as soon as possible and then we will be able to modify it as required after.
Great to see you're back Arbours (I hope the surgery was a success and you are indeed in good health now days).

I'm interested in setting up a general repo for OSS style plugins/3-rd party addons to directadmin.

Hopefully DA may come to the party and offer to host it (as it does expand on their base, and add to the value of their core product). hint, hint, nudge, nudge. ;)

Another forum topic (subforum maybe) for discussing open-sourced plugins/ addons.

I prefer using OSS as we have previously seen the 1-man-band, disappear and never return leaving customers in the lurch. At least with OSS software, others can come in and work on the code.

Interested to see what others thoughts on the matter are, and I'm happy to be a beta-tester for the V2 of NSIM. I was toying with purchasing ClientExec, but may wait to see what NSIM delivers.
Pre-requeirment and advancements for version 2.0


  1. MySQL 4.* (Latest version with the new PASSWORD function) :o
  2. Apache 1.* (We do welcome feedback on Apache 2.*) :p
  3. PHP 4.* (We do welcome feedback on PHP 5) :p
  4. Internet Explorer 7+ or FireFox 1.5+ :D
  5. For sake of beta testing.. a domain name or sub domain. Example: domain.com or invoices.domain.com. We strongly suggest to run at least this solution on a separate account to reduce the chance of sensible information being viewed by malicious users ... :cool:

:eek: SCREENSHOOTS: :eek:

Members List is User friendly

Members List

Members Add / Details

Members Invoices

Manual Payments via members section

Manual Payments via the top menu (All manuals payments search)

Paypal Payments via the top menu (All paypals payments search)

Billing Plans > Details of a Billing Plans

Billing Plans List

Employees List

Employees Details


1a.) [READY] Layout and Session system is done.
1b.) [READY] Extranet Layout and Session system is done.

2.) [READY] Employees section:

This section let you add different account (employees) that can access the extranet (Admin panel). You can add, view the details and updates them, and disable the employee

3.) [READY] Members section:

This section list all account on your directadmin server (except for the admin). You may quickly access their username, email, invoices (*) , profiles details (*), suspend & unsuspend and finally remove/delete the account from your server.

3a.) [READY] Members Invoices section:

The system create Invoice (order) for each member account/subscription that is expired. This page will list all of em for a member and also list all payment that could be tied to this invoice (order).
You can also send a reminder anytime you want manually with a nice Reminder Button for each invoice that is expired and in the PENDING state, or rather NOT PAID or PAID BY PAYPAL

3b.) [READY] Member Profile section:

The system work like a billing, but to be friendly with new server owner, our system detect when no profile exist for a member, create it for you, and then tell you that you should fill the member profile data for billing purpose as soon as possible as well. The member profile is mean to be expanded.

4a.) [READY] Payment: Manuals Payments Search Engine

Working with my lastest technologies for searching by keywords, this interface let your staff find all the payments in case there some errors or losts payments. Quickly find em in a matter of seconds.

4b.) [READY] Payment: Paypal Payments Search Engine

Working with my lastest technologies for searching by keywords, this interface let your staff find all the payments in case there some errors or losts payments. Quickly find em in a matter of seconds.

5.) [READY] Billing plans

You simply create a billing plan for each say direct admin package, and then when you create a new member, you simply select the billing plan you want and the direct admin package you want. The rest should be automagic. :p

6.) [READY] Message center

Stored in a MySQL Database, the message can come from various place. It require a fullname, phone or email, a message. A simple example will be implemented in the client billing section with a image code protection scheme working with GDI, so have latest GDI installed for Apache/PHP

7.) [READY] Members Subscriptions

While each member have one subscription, these subscriptions are linked to the invoices (orders), and are used to define when the subscription start, end, got reminded the last time, what DirectAdmin (C) package this account is supposed to be as the billing plan tied to it. This is neat because ultimatly, speaking of customization, you could then attach a certain billing plan but change the DirectAdmin (C) package but also vice-versa. You could also from there, extend a subscription, make it expire at next billing cycle (ran 4-5 times a day), change DirectAdmin (C) package type and also Billing plan. You may also configure the Length Type (Montly/Yearly and CAD$/USD$)

8.) [READY] Billing cycle engine

The billing cycle engine is made from PHP. It is a file that you may call from the extranet employees billing section top menu, or setup a crond to hit the php file on a regular automatic basis. It will find any subscription that are expired for the current day, create an Invoice (order), and email the customer a warning with a link to pay via paypal. The customer may also use the client billing section to get in his history and pay pending invoice (Order).
If the member do not reply or paid (change the status of the order) his invoice, a reminder will be sent every 10 days. A invoice is created and sent also when you create a member.

9.) [READY] Client Section: Billing Informations Form

Save some customer support with our billing informations form where the customer can log with his direct admin credidential, and then update his member profile. This might be usefull to keep your informations up to date.

10.) [READY] Client Section: Invoices List

Save some customer support with our invoice history list. The customer can view all invoices for his account, pay for uncleared & pending status orders via paypal or others methods.

11a.) [READY] Client Section: W3C XHTML Strict 1.0 Validation Passed

11b.) [READY] Client Section: W3C CSS Validation Passed

12.) [READY] Client Section: Login page anti-brute force.

Checking with the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDRESS'], we are doing pretty much what iptables do with it's recents match module. We store each fail attempt, and if it is over a certain amount without a short delay, the member get the following message : "Sorry but you have reach the maximum login / sign in attempt. Please retry again in 15 minutes or contact us during business hours." Doing this will reduce brute force system efficiency even if nothing is perfect.

13.) [READY] Client Section: Paypal API Integration

Currently suppose to work with instant payment and echeck, the beta will come shipped with the belahost IPN testing tool so you may test and beta properly. The production release, will have the real paypal Interface. That mean when your testing, just click like if you were going to pay via paypal but it will bring you to a other page, wont ask your paypal credidentials. Just scroll down completly and press Submit IPN


I finally got sometime to read up a bit, and make up my mind for NSIM v2.0 and it successors.

The licensing will be either General Public License or Lesser General Public License, it will be up to you to which one you may subscription, but additionnally, I will require the following points to be respected in all means :
  1. You may NOT remove the headers comments and credits in the original package of sources code, or any derivated work neither the licenses files included anywhere in the solution / sources code package of NSIM.
  2. You may NOT remove, change or alter in any way the bottom hyperlink, credits and images found on the footers, linking to one of my website, that will display on the client billing and the employees billing section of the solution.
  3. You may NOT use this sources and php files to make an another billing system designed for Direct Admin where you would charge for any kind of service other than distribution fees, as CD-Rom shipping etc. In others words, you are NOT permitted to use my work to make yourself a money making machine, either by paying me or not (period). NSIM is not for sale, I hope that clarify some questions.
  4. Distribution is permitted as long as you provide the right and correct MD5 *AND* SHA1 checksum *AND* that you link somewhere on your page the link appearing at the bottom (footers) of the client billing and employees billing section. It must be appearing exactly as it is, in text format, not hidden by any sort of style css. (You may change the color of the link so it become visible, that it.)
  5. You may jump of a bridge if you would be found selling NSIM service for money, or be using the sources to do so. NSIM is develloped for being free! What if I would start to tax your water ? The air you breath ? Even if we are near, please... respect my will, kk?thx!.
Best regards,​
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I've installed nsim and no new links appeard in admin's/reseller's/user panel..
Am i missing something?
Hi Im playing with the version 1 script and seems to work well but which php script do i edit to change the currency to UK pounds £ as I have changed the payment to £ in admin but if I do test setups in the reseller part and ask for payment from paypal it always asks for $ and not £ so apart from that it seems a fine script for basic reselling.

Will beta test version 2 on a different server but I have had a couple of resellers use version 1 so would be nice to change the currency on this one first.


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End of NSIM 1 Support or Developpment.

Please take note that I am not further investing time in NSIM 1 due to it lack of expandability. You should really focus on getting NSIM 2, help me test and beta it, and not remain silent (post in the new NSIM 2 thread any suggestions , bugs or else). That way and only that way will get you the feature youll like in it.

I do promise a better support and development in NSIM 2 than NSIM 1, so just drop NSIM 1 and help NSIM 2 become "teh" thing! :)

Best Regards,

Is there an order page inlcuded in this software or is there likely to be one in the future?

testing now :)
when logging in as employee, entering the supplied user and pass, I get a screen that says "missing or invalid password'
I did put it there lol
notes say user, pass is admin/admin but according to db its administrator/administrator
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1st problem
Members wont "Update" after information is entered