OpenLiteSpeed must be reloaded after change .htaccess


Verified User
Jun 20, 2019

How to change in OpenLiteSpeed option for .htaccess? Now when I add some lines like rewrite in Wordpress I must reload OLS to see changes. Client can't reload OLS byself, it's only admin things:confused:

I know all redirect rules but after changes in file .htaccess I don't have effect. I must reload openlitespeed service to rules working. This is terrible for users beacuse they can't use .htaccess without my service restart.
Is this some shortcoming of da? I am not up on ols so my comments might be off here. In the quick search I did light speed makes this hard. Since the want you to buy the commercial version. Again no expert here but some general googling seem to point to this.
Hi, there is only way to solve this problem? Is it possible to set restart, reload when .htaccess is changed? Minimum one minut delay is also bad delay for user experience.

OpenLiteSpeed would need to support it natively to ‘solve’ it :) It’s possible to use inotify to watch for .htaccess changes and do this immediately, but it wouldn’t be as light as cron is.
If I understand correctly:, captures file saves. So I guess, there should be, but not sure whether it captures file saves. But if file edited would be within webroot and named .htaccess it could send out reload request to openlitespeed. But yeah that only for web editor. Everything related to ftp and ssh, should either be handled also by logs monitor service, which would capture files being edited and would do same or ftp server hooks if one has any. :)

Would be nice if directadmin could pre-create these scripts out of the box when openlitespeed is installed.