[PLUGIN] CustomBuild 2.0

trying to build nginx-apache and it never goes past the starting nginx section.
nginx starts but httpd won't

should mention I cannot update to latest DA build (due to license) until its actually released so I cannot use latest file to test with.
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You must be running DA 1.45.2. Please read my post on page 2 :)
yeah I can't update.
I see the issue too, when building the extra/httpd_vhosts file instead of using fomat
<VirtualHost SERVER IP:80>

its using
<VirtualHost SERVER IP80>

IOW its removing the : so httpd won't start
it does this when trying to build only apache too, running ./build rewite confs from ssh corrects it
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This is nothing plugin related. That was a bug in CB 2.0 with nginx_apache option used without rewrite_confs. A fixed version should be uploaded to files1 download server very soon, however, "./build rewrite_confs" is a fix for now, and you may do rewrite_confs directly from the plugin too.
ok, until the new DA released I will have to wait to test stuff unless John wants to send link like he has in past.
my license is through my dedicated server (datashack) so I cannot access client area to d/l beta and stuff.
still getting
Warning: shell_exec(): Cannot execute using backquotes in Safe Mode in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/custombuild/admin/elements/menu.php on line 1

it has to do with a php hardening command done that was recomended by custombuild?
safemode is off in php.ini
It's not because of php.ini, but because of you compilation flag. Please do:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
mv custom custom_backup
./build php n
ok had him do, says made no difference,

It's not because of php.ini, but because of you compilation flag. Please do:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
mv custom custom_backup
./build php n
I did get this email from lfd
System Integrity checking detected a modified system
The following list of files have FAILED the md5sum comparison test. This means that the file has been changed in some way. This could be a result of an OS update or application upgrade. If the change is unexpected it should be investigated:

/bin/php: FAILED
/usr/local/bin/phar: FAILED
/usr/local/bin/phar.phar: FAILED
/usr/local/bin/php: FAILED
The problem on AndyII server is:
[root@serv1 custombuild]# ./build | grep Version
 |                   Version: 1.2.41                      |

That means that CustomBuild 2.0 is not installed on the system.
I will publicly thank you kind sir :)
this is a great feature and a great software
I am now the proud owner of CB 2.0 and the plugin...yea me :cool:
so all I have to do is select what I want, like ordering from a menu and hit save and its delivered to me?
wow!! and its free? Amazing and thank you for such a great contribution to the world of DA.

my only thoughts were to change colors on the page, after a couple seconds I see that the darker blue was what is active and the lighter blue is a choice, not so much for me but perhaps the contrast for some who may have vision troubles, or color perception?
I see in bootsrtap a simple color change for active. hover ... here is a screen shot of a wild color combo but more to show what is on (green) and what is off or inactive (off red)
(the extra red on php_1 release is the mouse hover on choice)


  • cb.png
    21.6 KB · Views: 244
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Thank you for your opinion. For me dark blue was fine, but that was the 3rd report about the colors, so I've release 1.0.7 version of the plugin (can be updated in plugin manager), which uses red+green. Please note that it's a change in CSS, which could be cached, so if you don't see red+green after update, please use "ctrl+shift+r" on your computer. Waiting for other opinions/suggestions.
blue was ok for me to :)
and I like blue, I just finished a theme for a classifieds script and called it canyon blue lol
blue is relaxing and calm,
but reg+green will definitely do it for all

I do have a question,
I can update the CB plugin right from the plugin manager, correct?
I am on version 1.0.4
plus CB is like a "stats at a glance" of what your running, whats active and whats not
very nice indeed

***never mind lol, I should have read your post a little closer
Ive updated to 1.0.7 thanks!
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From what you wrote I understood that blue was not okay :) Yes, you can update it there, however, I'd recommend doing the following once, because log filename format has changed in 1.0.5:
rm -f /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/custombuild/logs/*
ok, until the new DA released I will have to wait to test stuff unless John wants to send link like he has in past.
my license is through my dedicated server (datashack) so I cannot access client area to d/l beta and stuff.
Please contact me using PM with your OS and arch (32/64bit) and I'll provide the link for you :)
Just an FYI, I'm a bit of a security nut so I changed my default DA Admin username to something more cryptic. When I try to execute any of the updates, it attempts to use the default admin account which is no longer valid.

Or, is there a setting by where I can set what the default admin account name is?

Any thoughts?
Or, is there a setting by where I can set what the default admin account name is?
Any thoughts?

Use at your own risk! And I hope that it will work for you!

Maybe it will work if you run the following commands in the shell:

Replace $username with your own admin username!

chmod 700 /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/custombuild/configure
chown [B]$username[/B]:[B]$username[/B] /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/custombuild/configure

chmod 700 /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/custombuild/logs
chown [B]$username[/B]:[B]$username[/B] /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/custombuild/logs

chown root:[B]$username[/B] /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/custombuild/admin/build
chmod 4755 /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/custombuild/admin/build

And edit the following file: /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/custombuild/plugins.conf


Replace with your own admin username.

After each update (of the plugin) you must execute the commands again!

Use at your own risk! And I hope that it will work for you!

With kind regards,

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With DA 1.45.3 RC1 and newer if admin user exists, you don't need to be admin to use the plugin (because of run_admin_as=admin in plugin.conf), in older versions of DA only admin user can use the plugin :)
Thanks Martynas... Will that work even if the admin user is renamed to something like 2098llk or something cryptic other than "admin"?