[Plugin] IP Blocker

ok i fixed it. uninstall and redownload and install.

this plugin needs to be improve.. like lissting the ip blocked in the plugin without clicking.

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ok i fixed it. uninstall and redownload and install.

this plugin needs to be improve.. like lissting the ip blocked in the plugin without clicking.

I'd like to do a complete recode at some point. Someone else also suggested listing all the IPs blocked without really having to dig deep, so the idea is definitely getting bounced around in my mind. :)
Sorry for the lack of an update. Had some complications with my computer that led me to losing all my work on the new version and I just forgot about it after that. I'll start on it again now and see where I can get on it. :)
veri nice plugin but i can not download it , please reuplado it somewhere and give download link , thanks,
Sorry for the double-post, but finally after many hours of working on it (mainly squashing bugs), I have completed the new version. Unfortunately, whenever I released the original, I forgot to put the version update URL, so it won't automatically update for most. This version has that small part fixed. Also, I took away the feature of being able to ban IPs per domain as I and most others felt it simply wasn't needed. Now, blocking an IP will block it across all the domains for a user. If the script finds that any of the domains have different IPs blocked (such as if you cleared the .htaccess file or added a domain or something like that), it will rebuild the list of IPs and update the .htaccess file for each domain that needs it. Also new is the ability to add multiple IPs at once. Just put in all the IPs you want blocked into the field, seperated by a space, and it'll add them all at once.

So far, it doesn't report any errors. I plan on adding that next. That way if a user tries to add an incorrect IP or something and it doesn't block it, they won't wonder why.
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Dravu, thank you for sending me traffic :D
Thank you for the plugin !
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Due to the "ereg" functions becoming deprecated in PHP 5.3 and PHP 6, I went ahead and switched them over to their "preg" counterparts. There should be no noticeable difference unless you were previously having problems using the plugin due to the stated change.
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Admin level....

Is there a way of adding bulk IPs like you would need to do to block a country or other larger region?
If not this would be a good thing to add
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just installed and tested on a user,
1st I get "The IP Blocker is either not installed or isn't currently blocking any IP Addresses"
I added an IP but it does not show up on list, I looked at .htaccess and nothing has changed, tried changing permissions on .htaccess didnt work
using version 1.7
Un installed v1.7 and installed v1.6 just to see if it would work, but no go plus I get errors while in a user account with v1.6
Warning: array_unique(): The argument should be an array in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/ipblocker/user/class.php on line 140
Warning: array_values(): The argument should be an array in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/ipblocker/user/class.php on line 140
just installed and tested on a user,
1st I get "The IP Blocker is either not installed or isn't currently blocking any IP Addresses"
I added an IP but it does not show up on list, I looked at .htaccess and nothing has changed, tried changing permissions on .htaccess didnt work
using version 1.7
What is the IP that you are trying to block? The IP Blocker uses a built-in PHP method for determining if what you entered was a valid IP address and if it sees that it's not, won't do anything.

As for the other error you're having, I'll take a look at the coding and see if I can figure out why you'd be getting it.
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