[PlugIn] PHP Version selector FREE!

I'd like to use this plugin to offer php4, php5, and php5, all mod_ruid2.

Does anyone use this configuration?

Does it work?



as far as i remember this plugin just create an .htaccess to the user domain root path where is writteng which php version refer for .php and other files.

Should be a problem for mod_ruid i suppose.

Are you facing problems?

I presume you mean Shouldn't be a problem for mod_ruid I suppose instead of should.

No problems. Haven't tried it yet.l I'm studying mod_ruid2 now; I'll be building a box with it shortly, and ongoing I want all our servers to support PHP 4, 5 and 6. I haven't tried, but it appears I can set up all three versions of PHP using mod_ruid2. Anyone know of any reason why I can't?

Simply, many hosting companies (1&1 comes to mind) are now offering choice of all three PHP versions, and I want to do the same.

yes i meant shouldn't :)

I saw a guide here on forum for install all 3 version togheter, mod_ruid should just affect apache with no problem on mod_ruid.

The only problem i think should come up is with suphp and mod_ruid but honestly ive never tryed so mine are just opinions.

hi i use phpvs

but i have some users is in /home and some users in /home2

the phpvs just want use /home

is it possible to do something for use both /home and /home2 with phpvs please ????

in the script /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/phpvs/user/index.html , i can see this :


while (($domain=@readdir($dh)) !== false) if (is_dir($basedir."/domains/$domain/public_html") && $domain!="..") {
$htaccess[$domain]=$_SERVER["HOME"] . "/domains/$domain/public_html/.htaccess";

maybe its possible to change $basedir="/home/{$_SERVER['USER']}"; with another variable for use both home and home2 ??

sorry for my english..:eek:
You need to change the line


to something more dynamic, which would rely on /etc/password entries or ENV.
problem with php version selector

I don't know if it is because of recent updates but
recently I got "No domains found!" :confused: when I use this plugin.

do you have any tips to solve that prob.


Should be:
.. or getenv('HOME') (I forget if we pass variables via system or env).. .in any case, we do provide the HOME token, so that's what the plugin should be using, as it would account for different home paths.

Sorry for digging a old topic up.

But is it allowed to change this module according to Custombuild 2 and with htaccess for php-fpm per user pool and start a new topic for the updated plugin?

Because at the moment is does not work.

Also I dont see any licensing on the plugin.
I'd recommend using DirectAdmin PHP selector for that: http://www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=1456

The only problem I can think of the native DA selector is:

"Note that the httpd.conf rewrite requires an apache restart, which can take upto 1 full minute."

I have changed this module according for php-FPM per user pool htaccess, that one does not need a apache restart. And works instant.
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The requested URL /da/phpvs.php was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

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