Verified User
Yes, it's true we did remove two products (one heavily discounted, and one completely unsustainable). So it certainly is a price increase if you are used to paying once, then getting something for life.
We've offered the same product group for 17 years, without price increase, and those with currently active subscriptions will renew at the same price, so they will not get a surprise bill.
Also, this is retail pricing, it is meant to be the most expensive and least desirable. If you are a server provider, you get much better pricing. If you get your DA license through your server provider, you get much better pricing.
I'd be more than willing to make an exception for anyone who can show me that they have offered the same price for 17 years, and that they guarantee their customers to continue to offer it at that price. I'm not trying to be rude, and I realize everyone wants the cheapest price forever, but we have to work in real life.
Please look at: (this is the site in 2001, so external source for pricing for 2001)
And now look at
Domein + email (domain and email): 60 EUR
.NL or .COM domain: 20 EUR
Smallest hosting package: 10 EUR
Next hosting package: 20 EUR
Next hosting package: 30 EuR
Yes prices have been the same, hosting packages have new names (that is different I know) and have more disk space/bandwidth (that is also different, I know)
So prices have been the same since 2001. I'm happy to keep the same internal license price as we did pay the last time (49 USD), but some other price is also not directly a problem. Lets have contact privately about it.