Problem after last update customBuild 2.0 to nginx

?DOCROOT=`HOME`/domains/`DOMAIN`/public_html| ?REALDOCROOT=`HOME`/domains/`DOMAIN`/public_html|

shouln't stay in nginx.conf and it's only use for variable of ./build rewrite_confs

then check your systax
|CUSTOM1| ?DOCROOT=`HOME`/domains/`DOMAIN`/public_html| ?REALDOCROOT=`HOME`/domains/`DOMAIN`/public_html|

see " | "
It missing between your " ?DOCROOT=`HOME`/domains/`DOMAIN`/public_html
|CUSTOM1| |?DOCROOT=`HOME`/domains/`DOMAIN`/public_html| |?REALDOCROOT=`HOME`/domains/`DOMAIN`/public_html |

It must like this
and im not family with variable in this
try fixed your self
You’re using custom corrupt template of nginx, that’s why the issue is there. I provided the line having typos :)