[RELEASE] Exim Editor Plugin for DirectAdmin


This is the first time this updated for me with no problem. I just wanted to let you know. Keep up the good work. RHE3

Ah, that's good to hear... We did obviously have a couple of issues with the update script but, I think those are lined out now.

interfasys is on a different OS and we're trying to work through that issue.

Thanks, David
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Works great!

Purchased and installed this the other day.

Smooth purchase and installation, professionally written, works great!

Was super-quick to install (admittedly, I already had the ioncube decrypter installed on the server and referenced in php.ini, which saved doing this step)

Everyone should buy this plugin, it's well worth it!
Spamblocker 2.1.1

Is this version compatible with the RBL settings used by spamblocker 2.1.1 ?

Just bought it anyway. Noticed that the RBL settings are not the same as listed in the exim.conf version 2.1.1. Also activating spamassassin with this plugin does not seem to work. Perhaps there is a mismatch with this plugin and the latest exim.comf?
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We're working to make it compatible with 2.1.1 now... Should be a couple of days and we'll have a new release out.

Because of the RBLs changes we're having to rework the way we address that function.

I'm not aware of any problems with SA but, I will look into it... What exactly did not work properly?

Thanks, David
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There does seem to be a problem enabling and disabling SpamAssassin when using exim.conf version 2.1.1.

That will be fixed in the next release...

Thanks, David
Skurf, thx for your quick response. Must say that the interface looks much better then the 'old' Spamblocker plugin. Hope the new update comes soon. If so, and everyting works fine, expect our additional orders.

Thanks for the kind words...

We have identified the problem with SA and are in the process of fixing it now... Should have a new release out later tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest...

Of course that's if we don't break something between now and then!

Thanks, David

Just a quick note to mention that a new version of Exim Editor is now available.

Thanks, David
The latest version works fine with version 2.1.1. Auto-detects the RBL's. Problem with SA fixed also. Additional order placed.
I just purchased and installed it from DA. Everything went OK. But when I run it from DA, I got the following error:

Site error: the file /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/Exim_Editor/admin/index.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so to be installed by the site administrator.

I already checked this in your knowledgebase:


But what should I do to fix the problem?
The only problem with this plugin is that it resets the "display" option or "skin" whenever you update it. Not a big deal but should be fixed.

The only problem with this plugin is that it resets the "display" option or "skin" whenever you update it. Not a big deal but should be fixed.

Yep, you're right... I'll look into getting that fixed.

Also, selfwebhosting's issue has been resolved...

Thanks, David

The only problem with this plugin is that it resets the "display" option or "skin" whenever you update it. Not a big deal but should be fixed.

A quick note to let you know that this has been fixed.

Please let me know if you run into any issues with the latest release.

Thanks, David
Exim Editor Suppliment

Bought this plugin for my admin panel awhile back and I think it's an awesome browser based tool for the keeping of even more junk mail off of our servers.

Minor problem that I found with it is that it is a pain in the butt to locate an IP number to take "OFF" the list of "Bad Sender Hosts" especially if that list get's lengthy as the numbers are not stored in sequential order. Even then it became a pain in the butt to locate a number to remove.

So what I did was design a little database powered php script that helps to keep the IP numbers in order as you add banned IP numbers to your list and also allows you to delete a number from the list so you can maintain an updated list on the server with relative ease..

For those that are interested, here's a link to a demo you can try out: Sort Banned IP# List

... and here is the source code for anyone that may want to make use of the script for their own purposes:
Create a file and call it "index.php" and place the file in a folder that can be secured with .htaccess (no need for the world to see who your banning).
Note: make sure to insert database info into the mysql connections (red font)

@mysql_connect('[color=red]insert host here (usually localhost)[/color]', 
'[color=red]insert database username here[/color]', 
'[color=red]insert database password here[/color]') 
or die('Cannot connect to MySQL server');
@mysql_select_db('[color=red]insert database name here[/color]');
@mysql_query('set names utf8');


    $sql="TRUNCATE TABLE `ips` ";




    foreach($iparray as $k=>$ip){
        $long = ip2long($ip);
        if ($long == -1 || $long === FALSE || $long==0 ) {
            $iparray[$k] .= '----- NOT A IP ADDRESS';
            $sql="insert into ips(id, ip, addtime) values(null, '$long', now() ) ";
                $iparray[$k] .= '---- Already Exists'; //mysql_error();






    foreach($iparray as $k=>$ip){
        $long = ip2long($ip);
        if ($long == -1 || $long === FALSE || $long==0 ) {
            $iparray[$k] .= '----- NOT A IP ADDRESS';
            $sql="delete from ips where ip='$long' ";
           // echo $sql;
                $iparray[$k] .= '---- Not Exists'; //mysql_error();
                ////$message .= " Added IP: {$iparray[$k]} \n";



$sql="select ip from ips order by ip ";
    $allips .= long2ip($row[0])."\r\n";

<title>Sort Banned IP List</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function CopyToClipboard() {
   var t=document.getElementById('allips');
   CopiedTxt = document.selection.createRange();
body {
	font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;
	font-size: 12px;

table tr td {
	font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;
	font-size: 12px;

<h1>Sort Banned IP# List</h1>

<div style="color:blue;"><?=nl2br($message) ?>
if($count>0)  echo 'Total:'.$count.' ips added';
<form name="form1" method="POST">

<table width="100%">
	<td>ADD NEW IP Number(s) to BAN Here<br/>
		<textarea name="newips" cols="45" rows="10" ><?=$ips?></textarea>
		<input type="submit" name="submit_addips" value="Add" /><br/><br/>
		<a href="index.php" >Refresh</a>
    <td width="50%" rowspan="2">
		<button name="copy" onclick="CopyToClipboard();" >Select</button> All banned IP #'s from this list: Total <?=$allcount ?>    <input type="submit" name="submit_clear" value="Clear List" /><br/>
		Note: Clearing list will delete all IP numbers from database.<br/>
		<textarea name="allips" cols="25" rows="30" ><?=$allips?></textarea>
    <td>DELETE a BANNED IP Number here:<br/>
		<textarea name="rmips" cols="45" rows="10" ><?=$rmips?></textarea>
		<input type="submit" name="submit_rmips" value="Remove" /><br/><br/>



create a database and upload this table using SQL:
-- Table structure for table `ips`

  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `ip` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `addtime` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `ip` (`ip`)
) ENGINE=MyISAM  DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci ;

PS: If this little script gives you folks any ideas to improve your plugin, please be my guest and make use of the code if you want to.. :)

Bought this plugin for my admin panel awhile back and I think it's an awesome browser based tool for the keeping of even more junk mail off of our servers.

Thanks! We do like to hear that.

Minor problem that I found with it is that it is a pain in the butt to locate an IP number to take "OFF" the list of "Bad Sender Hosts" especially if that list get's lengthy as the numbers are not stored in sequential order. Even then it became a pain in the butt to locate a number to remove.

I'll see if we can work on that and make it better... And thanks for the work and the code...


Just a note to let folks know that Exim Editor has been updated.

We didn't integrate the script RadMan so kindly provided, but we did make it so the Blacklist, Whitelist and the Bad Sender Host lists are all in alphabetical order now. That should help make management of those lists a bit easier.

Also, the listing for the domains using RBLs is now in alphabetical order as well.

Thanks, David
It would be great if the plugin had an option to activate a cron that will automaticly include newly added domains in DA, to the list of activated domains in the plugin. I think the spamblocker plugin had something similar.

It would be great if the plugin had an option to activate a cron that will automaticly include newly added domains in DA, to the list of activated domains in the plugin. I think the spamblocker plugin had something similar.

Exim Editor has been updated and should now cover the above request. There's basically an option to symlink the user_rbl_domains file to the domains file...

Additionally, if you do not use the symlink option, there's an option to allow Resellers to enable/disable the RBLs on the domains under their control.

Other minor changes were made along with some cosmetic changes for appearance.
