[release] Installatron v2.0

You're starting to get pretty complex there, Miky. :)

Your first post was actually the direction we were heading in at one point, but I think the two problems were: it's really slow if you have a lot of users (eg. 100+) and I'm not sure that the API gave the reseller info we needed (which I think is why there were no resellers in the old version, it just put ALL users in one list, although the newer versions of DA might allow that now).

I was never keen on the way users could be selected in multiple groups in the original version, necessitating priority settings. Messy.

We did have a hybrid version at one point which might be worth considering again if we can make that distrinction between different resellers.

But to make things easier, why not take the approach I suggested earlier.

iTron manages its own groups. That way we can set them based on applications that are included per example (light, cms, full,etc.). We wouldn't have group name conflicts.

Then the admin assigns users and/or DA packages to those groups.

The reseller's iTron admin panel could allow him to create sub-groups of what he has been given and to assign his users and packages to those groups.

I create a cms group with mambo, postnuke and drupal in it. I call it CMS.

I select two reseller packages and three users of mine and assign them to that group.

In my user's installatron menu, there are the three apps. Same in the menu of my resellers that are using one of those two packages.

One of the reseller uses his iTron admin to create a sub-group of CMS. He also calls it CMS, but there is only Mambo in there. He assigns the CMS package to it.
So now his users that sign up for the CMS plan get installatron with only one application Mambo.

As an admin, I don't see the CMS group of the reseller and I don't care. That's his things.

But if I were to modify my CMS group to remove Mambo, iTron should complain and refuse to do it since sub-groups were created with that application.

What do you think?
complex ? me ? hehe yes I can be sometimes... but don't get me wrong, i believe the simplest the best.

I agree, the groups with priorities and all users listed was a bit messy with a lot of users.

I don't mind the current per package solution, it's clean.
if Admin could select which reseller can have or not have installatron , and if techically, Installatron could handle the packages at the reseller's level, it would not cause an issue with similar package names between resellers.

If there was a default 'Custom' group with the left over users on custom plans , it would be good too, although I saw the solution to that in one of the previous posts.. create a Default DA package, does the job.

And if DA could squeeze the package name or part of it (including 'Custom') in the 'List Users' table, it would make life easier too and sort of fit together a bit more.


Upgraded to rc5 this morning after reading all the posts...

Should we be able to create our own defined groups? I see the DA groups that is creates but, no way to create our own group to put a customer in... Mainly, custom customers...

I don't see any "Add Group" or such in the Groups display...

Hummm... That's going to be a tuff one for you folks... Having default groups that mimic DA and then being able to create a custom group and assign individual customers to... eek.

Also, just out of curiosity, how does iTron determine the order listing in the groups display?

Thanks, David
We had a good discussion about this today, and after a dozen or so mockups we've found a system we like. It'll be in the next RC.

We're going to go back to the user-created groups. There will be only a single automatic group called 'default' after installation which will automatically be for allusers/resellers who are not assigned in one of the user-created groups:

Then you'll be able to make your own groups if you want. You will be able to assign a DirectAdmin 'package' to one of these user-defined groups, or create a custom user list.

The user list will now have resellers as a single user, rather than listing all the reseller's users as it used to. We'll know tomorrow if this will be possible but it looks like it will be.

Resellers will now get to make their own package groups too.

There are aspects of this approach that are perhaps not optimal in some situations, but it appears to be the best balance between the competing approaches so I'm quite happy with it now.


skruf: I dont know how the order is determined. We'll probably just make the group list alphabetic in the next one, with default right at the top.


Sorry to everyone who is trying out these release candidates. The tradeoff is that your opinions get to shape the final product. :)


That does sound like a good approach that should suit most everyone's needs...

Unfortunately, it might not work for everyone but, that is true with anything in business... We all know that!

You folks are listening and tailoring iTron where possible... That's what really matters. :^)

Thanks, David
iTron v2.3 rc6 will be up with the new package groups system in a day or two. :)

Turns out that to make the package groups work properly we need another feature in DirectAdmin's API. John is adding that for the next DA release (thanks John!) although that's still a couple of weeks off.

We've been debating over whether we should release a stop-gap version that has only half-working Package Groups, or wait until we can finish a full featured version.

The stop-gap version would actually end up being a lot like the original package group approach, where you create your own groups again (rather than the automatic groups of the current release), but reseller users are all listed with yours and resellers don't yet get control of their own package groups.

On one hand it would be closer to what the final system will be like, but on the other hand it won't be final so I'm not sure most users would be keen to temporarily set up package groups again.

Anyone have any preference?


I like going back to the old package groups. I'd vote for the stop-gap.

It's a choice to upgrade so, if some folks wanted to wait they could.

Just a thought.

On another note, making a link on the iTron Admin page or maybe on the DA plugin page that would link to Release notes for the plugin might be nice... Be a nice way to pass info on the release.

skruf: good points. We'll release a stop-gap version, and include a version-log link in the administration section.

hostpc: the stop-gap version won't be critical so you won't need to upgrade to it if you prefer, but it looks like we'll be able to convert Package Groups to the stop-gap approach from what you have now so it shouldn't take any more work than the upgrade step. We'll advise on that when we've released it (inside an hour).

I had only the default package. I created a new one and tried this :

Create a custom user list

but could only see one user.

This is a test setup, so there's not much on it, but still, shouldn't we be able to see all the resellers and users?