restore system backup


Verified User
Jan 29, 2005
2e time that I will post this.
(last time 1 year ago)

We want to see the following:
Just like the backups off the resellers we want to restore the admin backups!

Last month we had a crashed server and we are 16 oures busy to place the backups back online.
we had a downtime off almost 24 our!
Its a hell off a job!

But the reseller backups you can simple restore the account to an other server.

Why isnt posible in de admin mode?

just edit en justed the backup methode off the resellers for the admin mode!
I think its not so diffecault to make this.

p.s anotheter futere is dat it makes differend backups
daily - weekly - month, just like how cPanel it does.

HMM I like the backup methode off CPANEL.
backups off DirectAdmin s..ks
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I asking myself:

DA can uses the script off the reseller backup methode?
More we dont need!

Install new server
transfer backups
change ip off the new server with the old ip of the old server
restore accounts
and we are back online!

Proberly whitin 1 our
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Not yet a answer of directadmin.
Please cann you tell us iff this is posible in the futere?

If you read the forum here you can see that many people has many problems with a restore of the admin backups.

all other panels uses already a great restore function accept directadmin!
The admin backup is designed to be restored by knowledgeable systems administrators. We've done it several times and it works for us.

It's incredibly versatile; you can use it to look for an individual file, or to restore a complete server, or to restore one or more domains, or combine multiple servers into one. But it doesn require a good knowledge of Linux/Unix systems administration.

The reseller and user backups are designed to work on a per-domain basis and to restore the entire domain(s) without additional user knowledge or intervention.

Both have their place.

We looked into developing a restore function for the sysbk backup, but it would limit the restore to a complete restore on a server with the same OS and software versions.

That all said, I agree an admin level backup to backup/restore individual resellers, working similarly to the current user level and admin level backups, would be a helpful addition to DA.

We looked into developing a restore function for the sysbk backup, but it would limit the restore to a complete restore on a server with the same OS and software versions.

Consider the times you'd want to do a system restore from the admin backup.. that restriction sounds like it would not be an issue whatsoever :-)

I know I can untar the files to the right places, but the day I need to do that is the day I *really* want a one-click 'restore all my old DA settings right now' button.
Preferably one that would restore my DA system files too (eg the binaries) without having to re-install it first.
Maybe it is possible for someone to make a plugin for a better backup method for a incremental backup? It should be nice if you could specify more things in the backup system (maybe a second backup system). Also the restore option has to be really good (install the same OS, install DA and after that upload the backup, when that is finished everything should be restored with 1 click (all files, if this is possible it would be great)).
It's doable. We don't have the time to do it as a freebie, and we really haven't seen enough interest in it to create it as a commercial product.

Is anyone else interested?


Yes, I am extremely interested and would be willing to pay for such a feature. Please consider something like this.

Perhaps if you build it, they will come?

Then, you could become a 4psa for DirectAdmin. :)

Personally I'm not that impressed - I'd rather DA provided this kind of utility as part of the system.
I have read from a few administrators posts that it is rather easy for them to do it. Why not create a simple plugin or addon to DA that would basically list the version of all of the software in the backup, and their current software then give a warning message saying it may cause errors. Basically they could create a backup of what they have now, and then try and restore what they had, if errors come up they can simply restore the backup they just made. Below that they could then just put check boxes for all of the users/system files/settings that you want to restore and the script could basically run the simple mv, gunzip, tar and whichever other commands necessary to restore the backup. Maybe its not as easy as I have heard? Why isn't this feature already in DA?

Because it's just not that simple.

For example, try copying over the passwd file, the shadow file, the group file. Try restoring two machines to one.


if i create a reseller backup and upload it to a other server and reseller I can easly recreate this account on this other server.

note the other server is the same os, if i tried to upload it to a other os (RH to FREEBSD) the backup will not work.
but that no matter, whe used only RH systems.

1- make full backups off the server to 2e disk or backup server.
(backups off the all the accounts)

2 - senerario: server will crash and restore is not posible.
(or: restore while take many, many ours)

3- upload all the backups to a other server and changed these ips off this server to the ips of the crashed server.

4- unpack all backups on this new server with one click.

5- new server is up and running whit all the accounts.
(proberly within a few minutes!)

Now we must make backups off each reseller to oure backup server.
if these server crashed we upload the reseller backups to the new server (same os) change the ip's to the the ip's off the crashed server, recreate the resellers, unpack the backups off each reseller in directadmin.

These methodes works fine, but a litlebit strange.
Its absurd that oure resellers must create a backup cron to oure backup server.
We're extremely interested in this Admin (full) backup method. Its a nightmare to restore each reseller by reseller...
Also for us would it be a gift of god to make backups of our resellers.

It will then be easier to transfer all resellers to a new server if the old one wil crash....

Hope DirectAdmin can make this as a feature in there next release.
I hope admin backup restore will improve and the occasional mysql crash on admin backup will vanish.
I agree with all the above. Please develope a descent tool. Iam willing to pay for it.