Roundcube search fails after few second


Verified User
Jul 8, 2011
Tried to search my inbox and got this: Server error: Failed to send UID SEARCH command.

Worked flawlessly before but now it has suddenly been failing on one account.

Yes I tried that one also. Did not work.

Still not found solution for this.
I tried to install squirrelmail and was getting this error when searching:

ERROR: Could not complete request.
Query: SELECT "V&AAk-2"
Reason Given: Mailbox doesn't exist: V 2 (0.001 + 0.000 secs).

I will try re-build dovecot. I dont think the error is related to roundcube itself. Squirrelmail is also making issues, so it might be the mailserver.
Well i "solved" it on a low-level way.

1. Deleted the email account (made a backup first from DA)
2. Created the account again, and restored the IMAP backup i had stored.

Now, i didnt use the DA backup tool to restore, but it might also had worked.
Dammit! problem appeared again on same account. No one else having this issue. Cant find any hints in any log at all

Thank you!

DA should install it ( fts-xapian ) by default!

Of course the root of the problem should be fixed first (search stopping after few seconds if fts-xapian is NOT installed).
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Having an another problem with Roundcube: Some times when I reply to a message that has html/image in it, Roundcube just hangs when it try to save/send the message.. If the post type is changed to plain text then it works ok.

What is causing this?
Noticed that just putting curl_exec(); in an e-mail causes Roundcube to stall in plain text and in html mode.. So how to fix this? Mybe something to do with mod-security/disabled commands?
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