Ruby on Rails GUI/Installer Plugin


Verified User
Oct 22, 2003
Calgary, AB
Hello Everyone,

We are going to release a beta version of Ruby on Rails Direct Admin Plugin and we need some more servers to try it out on.

If you can offer your server as a test bed to ensure everything is working properly we will give you the plugin free of charge once we release version 1.0.

Features include:
*auto ruby, ruby-fcgi, fastcgi, mod_fastcgi, ruby gems installer and updater (configures everything you need to run ruby automatically! keeping all ruby required software up2date with an easy to use bash script)
* multi language support for the GUI
* no SSH needed for your end users! they can run any needed ruby commands via Direct Admin increasing your servers security.
* add/edit/delete ruby applications per user and domain from the Direct Admin User Panel
* auto configures ruby files to run on fastcgi

Admin Level:
*turn ruby on/off for select users.

root access to your server
php 4
Direct Admin (of course)

We have tested this on a Redhat ES 3.0 box and would like to see some other OS's we can play with (fedora, centos, debian)
**the plugin itself should work on FreeBSD however the auto installer/updater is not yet ready for FreeBSD*** so someone wants to provide a bsd testbed that would be great for v2.0.

Please send me a PM with your email address, msn or aim and we will go from there.


The Van man.
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Van, I can give you a testbed server running CentOS 4 to test on if you'd like. You can have a week to a month on it. Will that help?

We'd appreciate a free copy when it's released, but obviously not for the testbed server, which gets rebuilt every time anyone is finished with it.

Let me know by email to the address in my sig if you need it.

got a BSD box suitable for testing but I dont own it so will need to find out about the root access.
Great Chrysalis,

I got a PM from someone else who offered a BSD box up.

The only thing that will really need working is the installer bash script as the plugin should function the same on all boxes. But I of course will need to verify that.

Any Fedora/Debian users still need one to try that on.


I could get a Fedora box online should you still need one to test on. Please PM me if you're interested.

Has there been any development on the BSD version of the installer? Where can I get it?

I have FreeBSD 5.3 installed on my server.
I'm interested in this plugin.
Where can I find info on this, is it free or does it cost money?

edit: I'll send you a PM instead :)
sorry everyone,

this project has been put on hold for the momement while we finish up some other pressing things.

This has not been tested on BSD yet and we have no idea if it will work at the moment for BSD.

sorry everyone.

All that's left really to do for an initial realease is to finish the plugin packaging and skin the look in the interface.

we were not able to have ruby turn on or off at this time though.