After changing file restart mysqld service?that one.
After changing file restart mysqld service?that one.
innodb_log_file_size = 1536M
innodb_buffer_pool_instances = 16
skip-name-resolve = 1
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2
innodb_flush_log_at_timeout = 10
query_cache_size = 128M
query_cache_type= 1
query_cache_limit= 5M
some processes are constantly showing (these marked in red) - why? , other are working normally
be carefull with such large log, in case of crash - you can crash a lot of DBs, also it slows mysql restart.innodb_log_file_size = 1536M innodb_buffer_pool_instances = 16
so you suggest that before changing anything in my.cnf I should optimize databases in Wordpress?IMHO, changing my.cnf parameters does not help much. It relates to DoS , rate-limit, and/or SQL tuning.
please write sample queries to adapt and run on my phpmyadmin to checkYou may run that SQL inside phpMyAdmin to see
- how many second(s) it needs to execute, and
- how many data it returned. Then, check for it.
is it something that I should do with this migration suggestion? This can have impact on databases performance? Or I should not touch this and ignore this errors?-------- MyISAM Metrics ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----
[!!] Consider migrating 424 following tables to InnoDB:
[--] * InnoDB migration request for testowy_spes.wpuo_usermeta Table: ALTER TABLE testowy_spes.w puo_usermeta ENGINE=InnoDB;
[--] * InnoDB migration request for testowy_spes.wpuo_postmeta Table: ALTER TABLE testowy_spes.w puo_postmeta ENGINE=InnoDB;
[--] * InnoDB migration request for testowy_spes.wpuo_links Table: ALTER TABLE testowy_spes.wpuo _links ENGINE=InnoDB;
[--] * InnoDB migration request for testowy_spes.wpuo_term_relationships Table: ALTER TABLE test owy_spes.wpuo_term_relationships ENGINE=InnoDB;
[--] * InnoDB migration request for testowy_spes.wpuo_options Table: ALTER TABLE testowy_spes.wp uo_options ENGINE=InnoDB;
[--] * InnoDB migration request for testowy_spes.wpuo_terms Table: ALTER TABLE testowy_spes.wpuo _terms ENGINE=InnoDB;
[--] * InnoDB migration request for testowy_spes.wpuo_users Table: ALTER TABLE testowy_spes.wpuo _users ENGINE=InnoDB;
[--] * InnoDB migration request for testowy_spes.wpuo_comments Table: ALTER TABLE testowy_spes.w puo_comments ENGINE=InnoDB;
[--] * InnoDB migration request for testowy_spes.wpuo_posts Table: ALTER TABLE testowy_spes.wpuo _posts ENGINE=InnoDB;
[--] * InnoDB migration request for testowy_spes.wpuo_term_taxonomy Table: ALTER TABLE testowy_s pes.wpuo_term_taxonomy ENGINE=InnoDB;
[--] * InnoDB migration request for testowy_spes.wpuo_commentmeta Table: ALTER TABLE testowy_spe s.wpuo_commentmeta ENGINE=InnoDB;
[--] * InnoDB migration request for tomsyl_ts.wp_comments Table: ALTER TABLE ENG INE=InnoDB;
a lot of THIS ...........