SSH / chroot / user jail - vaporware?

I do have an issue with this though. How do I remove a user? Can't delete the directories etc.
jail shell

i was testing jail on centos 4.4 and it working fine, i login to it without any problems, but im interesting how to add example mc on jailed shell, because on fresh install, mc and other appications does not working. How i make to add this to jailed shell?
Add the full path to the program you wish to the /usr/local/directadmin/customapache/jail/files.list.

I do have an issue with this though. How do I remove a user? Can't delete the directories etc.

hi ecsportal! i uninstall jail on user by delete this user and add the same new user. Only this way you can uninstall jail on user. i think so

sorry little mistake. in /etc/passwd is ususer with jail, just simple change it on normal password
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Is it true that this still only works with Apache 1.3? Does it work with the new build system? Thanks!
No work has been done on jailing for a while. We're trying to nail out the bugs in the backup system and get a few more OS's released. We do have very primitive jail working, but it's missing things like the ability to send formmail with cgi scripts because the mailer is outside of the shell. There will be many issues like that, but it's still on the backburner. Another reason is because the demand that we see has slowed, but that's most likely due to patient people like yourself :) ... at any rate, we really want to get it released, along with several other features/OS's, but there aren't enough hours in the day, so we need to prioritize.


Howabout hiring more staff, programmers? How many people actually work at DA? I heard it was 2. Surely, your making money arent you? I mean every DC iv seen is offering DA therefore you must have an income that can warrant continued production on DA in a faster manner by hiring addtional staff (programmers). Thats how a business works and how it grows. Overwhelming yourselves and stating you dont have enought time in the day, like all of us, is a crazy thing to say in my opinion. Time to look at getting some more people to Moderate on a technical level (sorry Jeff), support and most importantely handle the feature requests and continued development of this product.
It is working fine, but there is something strange - mc isnt working. I need to mount /dev to users jail and it will be. Do you know how I can do this?

I know I'm probably beating a dead horse, but got a couple of questions. We've modified this jailshell a bit, added other programs etc.

We're facing a couple of issues.

1. Users adding additional domains are not getting automatically jailed for that new domain. Can any type of check be implemented so thtat if a user adds a domain to their account (virtual) that the new domain will automatically get the environment set correctly?

2. If a user is NOT using jailed SSH .. is there any advantage to using a SetEnv JAIL_DIR |HOME| directive for that user? I'm specifically thinking this might help avoid XSS attacks, bad php scripts, etc. Any chance that'd help prevent malicious attacks/scripts?


1) The should be handling that.. check for the line:
echo "SetEnv JAIL_DIR |HOME|" > /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/${username}/domains/${domain}.cust_httpd
which should add the SetEnv bit to /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/username/domains/ ... so also check teh cust_httpd file to see if it's being added.

2) The jail with the SetEnv only applies to scripts run through suexec. mod_php is not run through suexec, so php scripts are not jailed. Suexec really only applies to the cgi-bin folder. Php scripts can be run through suexec if they have #!/usr/local/bin/php at the top line of the file, exist in the cgi-bin file and handle all environmental varibles correct.. because cgi-bin folders are not handed the formated variables as they are in mod_php. A better solution for php is suPhp (custombuild), as I believe it does have jailing for php correctly.

Can you make a version for Apache 2? I had to go to Apache 2 because of moddav...
How will it be implemented, from an administrator's point of view?

And also, will it work with Apache 2.2.x?

Thanks :)
Henrik, you will be able to use "./build all_jail" to build everything, it will add patched suexec file to Apache using "./build apache" (if jail=yes is set in the options.conf file). And yes, it will work with Apache 2.x.
Excellent, thank you for working on this.

What does it jail exactly? Does it jail just things run through Apache (that is, PHP, Perl, etc scripts run as CGI), or also FTP/SSH users?