1) The domain_create_post.sh should be handling that.. check for the line:
echo "SetEnv JAIL_DIR |HOME|" > /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/${username}/domains/${domain}.cust_httpd
which should add the SetEnv bit to /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/
domain.com.cust_httpd ... so also check teh cust_httpd file to see if it's being added.
2) The jail with the SetEnv only applies to scripts run through suexec. mod_php is not run through suexec, so php scripts are not jailed. Suexec really only applies to the cgi-bin folder. Php scripts can be run through suexec if they have #!/usr/local/bin/php at the top line of the file, exist in the cgi-bin file and handle all environmental varibles correct.. because cgi-bin folders are not handed the formated variables as they are in mod_php. A better solution for php is suPhp (custombuild), as I believe it does have jailing for php correctly.