strange situation -possible rootkit !?


Verified User
Feb 26, 2015

I am using directadmin for many years and right now I have no clue what is going on.

Centos 7 eol, DA legacy.
I have one use account with one mariadb database. There are 2 mariadb users, let say: user and user_db.
And randomly appears a new user like user_uidsniduenjnfndurujdUuYgGyhNj.

This new user has access to user_db database and host is set to localhost and %. The server is binding to only so the access from outside is not possible.

I remove the user and it appears in 1-8 hours.
No rootkit found, no suspect processes found for that user.
No other user with this issue.

I started to log all query and it seems the user is not appearing anymore, so I guess the malware is checking if general log is enabled or not.
OS reinstall in programmed soon.
Any other ideea?
I would like to find the problem before reinstall.

Thank you.