webmail alternatives

jechilt said:
what does dwMail support have to say about the problem?
I have had nothing but prompt responses from them...seems that this would be more of an issue for dwMail to resolve?

Yes I have emailed them and am waiting for a response.

I have only notices unauthorized access to sites on different servers. My guess is how the account is setup (imap/pop3) but quickly resolved in advanced mode...

Did you install Dwmail into /var/www/html or another directory?

Are your vitual email account users able to login using the standard or the advanced interface .

What imap daemon are you running - is it the DA modified on, Imap-2002e?


I have two different "aftermarket" webmail tools.
dwMail was installed directly into my public_html directory.

Q: Are your vitual email account users able to login using the standard or the advanced interface .
A: So far, all accounts created on the local server are accessing without any trouble. External server accounts are hit and miss (meaning sometimes I can access in normal, but sometimes need advanced. I think some of the issue is the network itself)

Q: What imap daemon are you running
A: IMAP2004a

dwMail is currently set to allow extrnal connections on my site. Feel free to give it a try with your account and see if you are having the same problem Link Here
jechilt said:
I have two different "aftermarket" webmail tools.
dwMail was installed directly into my public_html directory.

Can you confirm that is in /var/www/html?

Q: What imap daemon are you running
A: IMAP2004a

Are you running redhat and where did you get the imap daemon?

Q: Are your vitual email account users able to login using the standard or the advanced interface
A: dwMail is currently set to allow extrnal connections on my site. Feel free to give it a try with your account and see if you are having the same problem Link Here

Yes I could connect to the domain main user account via the advanced feature but the other email accounts I have on that domain I was unable to login. Same error as before:

imapd[9268]: AUTHENTICATE LOGIN failure
imapd[9268]: Logout user=???


Two last questions.

1) Are you using tcp wrappers?

2) How does DA deal with bandwiidth usage for Dwmail e.g does it count towards the domain user by logging somewhere in the maillog or go on the main admin account?


To the best of my knowledge, we are not using any kind of TCP wrapper.

No idea about the bandwidth. Currently, bandwidth is a non-issue...
jechilt said:
To the best of my knowledge, we are not using any kind of TCP wrapper.

This was my problem after much chagrine. :o

No idea about the bandwidth. Currently, bandwidth is a non-issue...

Lucky for some. Our bandwidth is always an issue.

Thanks for your input. The Dwmail looks a good solution in new testing, will be interesting to see how clients take to it.


They will just keep getting better. We have made suggestions and they will be implementing some of them. For example, they have a feature to enable checking of mulitple mailboxes. One fallback to this is it dumps all the messages in the inbox (probably not a problem for some). for me, I monitor about 15 mailboxes and want one webmail tool to check them all. we asked for the ability to create folders and then be able to select mail to be delivered to specified folders when checking external account. (much better for me). i am not sure when the release that has this included but it will happen....so...for the price, it is pretty nice.
don't bother with nutsmail...

albatroz said:
Found this kind of Squirremail enhanced
what do you think?

Here is my experience with nutsmail.
1) The installation instructions are completely wrong.
I futzed around with it for about an hour to get it working.

2) Support doesn't respond in a timely manner (It's been 48 hours since I sent an email)

3) They say things like download the latest version from our member area. But, there is no place to actually get the download anywhere on their site.

4) They had some kind of problem with their "authentication" software and it stopped my webmail services from working. (This is not an exageration, when users log into your webmail app the login page checks with nutsmail.com to see if it is "OK" for your domain to use the software.)

------------- UPDATE :) -----------

He has responded to me... with the correct solutions..

So in all this... I'm the impatient bad guy here..

Daniel Miller (nutsmail.com) is a stand up guy. From what I'm seeing...
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