WHMCS & Directadmin

I wanted to clarify that you can specify which user the accounts on DirectAdmin get created under. For each DirectAdmin server you specify in WHMCS, it requires the DA username and password.

When an account is created through WHMCS, it uses those credentials to create the account. As such you can easily set it up to have the accounts created using a reseller set up in DA.

I've been preparing WHMCS to run my server and am just about ready to launch. I'm impressed with it, and I hope it will help both me and my customers significantly.
Thanks for that clarification. We're a bit more complex than that; we choose specific reseller accounts based on the hosting package, so we can create custom signup emails on a per-package basis. Can WHMCS create custom signup emails on a per-package basis?


Jeff, while it was not designed with that in mind, you can achieve the same effect. You can set up several "servers", and assign any package to a server. I tested this just now to make sure it works.

Even if you only have one server with one IP, you can add multiple servers for that IP, specify a different name per server definition, specify a different username/password for a different reseller in DA per server definition, and assign a different server definition per service/package.

It seems a bit clunky, but it should work the way you want it to.

Er, to answer your actual question, while you can assign the account to specific users/servers, I don't see a way right off to differentiate the e-mail tmeplates. BUT that might not be an issue, as the templates pull the data from the system to show the correct data. I.E. the e-mail states that the account login is on |SERVER_IP|, and it inserts the IP address into that field. As such, if you have your servers set up correctly, you might only need one set of e-mail templates.

If I find something different I'll post here again.

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Can I turn off the templates and let DirectAdmin send the email? If so I can still do what I want.

I'm still looking at both WHMCS and AWBS... some days I lean towards one, and some days the other.

AWBS is currently going through a rebuild for the new version 3. I like AWBS but we have had to go with WHMCS for our projects and then use our own custom scripting on the backend to setup the hosting/vps accounts.
I'm not sure why you still wouldn't go with AWBS because they're working on a new version. I'm confused.

In each e-mail template (there's about 30 for different events) you can disable that e-mail, preventing it from being sent. As such you could just disable to Welcome e-mail, which gives the users the information of their new account, but would allow the housekeeping e-mails to go through (i.e. billing & bandwidth usage).

What I don't know is whether or not WHMCS can be convinced to let DirectAdmin still send messages at account creation. On my WHMCS server, when an account is set up through it, DA generated e-mails are not sent. Only WHMCS e-mails are created.

You might have to e-mail WHMCS support for that question. I've found them to be very helpful pre- and post-sales.
We needed a system that works for us now and AWBS didnt. Because of the way its templated and encoded we couldnt really make the changes what we needed.
Thanks for your comments, iceuk626. Can you tell us anything specific? Have you found a system that does work for you?

Well, we choose WHMCS due to the better templating, custom field options (variables in emails) and customer package upgrade system.

AWBS didn’t really have any of these options apart from the upgrade option, but you can’t stop AWBS offering downgrades so if you activated the upgrade system the user also had the option to downgrade and as you know we deal with VPS so it’s not something we wanted.

We actually setup our packages manually so the way both systems interact with API’s was not really important.

To be honest if i had the time i'd script our own billing system but unfortunately i don't!
Thanks, that's helpful. We don't allow upgrades or downgrades because we operate several different websites at different price points and we don't want a client paying $20 to upgrade to a plan at $15.95. :D

Hi Jeff,

I recommend WHMCS for our type of business. I've been using it for almost 2 years now and it's the core of our billing and account setup. They are an extremely active company, a lot of documentation, close to ligthning fast support, very affordable licence price, always coming out with new features, fixes, modules, payment gateways, you can make your own, etc...

It's a very powerfull, if not the most, all in one solution for hosting billing software and API system.

You can use templates or not for emails, you can create your own email templates, assign email templates to any product (independantly on from another, whether in the same group or not) , use variables such as name, username, passwork,. server, server ip, and whatever variable exists for that particular product,..

I can go on and on,.. WHMCS, is the bomb.

You know I don't work for WHMCS, so hopefully you value this opinion :)
I do value your opinion. And I value the opinions of my friends, clients, and correspondents who suggest AWBS, as well.

We need two systems because we have clients who pay in British Pounds (£) and clients who pay in U.S. Dollars ($).

So I guess we'll try one of each :).

Now the question is can I do all this by the end of the year so we can start our new billing by the first of January?

I doubt it but we're going to try :D.
Foro de Ayuda de Directadmin en Español ¡NUEVO!
You'll be happy to know that my Spanish isn't good enough for me to respond on your forum ;).

Hehehe, I doubt it too.

Yes, stay away from the spanish forum, you might get confused with a spammer !!

(just kidding)


Happy New One Everybody :)
Anyone have any information/experience with how WHMCS deals with DA Reseller accounts? Seems to really not want to be working for myself in that respect :)
If you have a specific question about it then email me and I will help the best I can. I use WHMCS for both regular single user and reseller accounts.
Thanks Floyd, will do as I had a reseller sign up today and it wouldn't create the account. I moved from modernbill to WHMCS, and I know modernbill needed 2 'admin' users to do both user and reseller signups, not sure if WHMCS needs to same or both can be done under the main admin user... Nonetheless, it just wouldn't create the reseller account in DA, even though the packages are aligned in both systems. It said it was created, but nothing happened on the DA side.