Just some clarification for those wondering what is going on:
Our "internal" (datacenter/NOC) products receive huge discounts and have certain terms in return: Only server providers can purchase them, and the only acceptable use is bundling the license with a server rental to their customer.
These terms are 20 years old and we have not changed them. In fact, they are so old that they require bundling DA with a "dedicated server" because nobody heard of VPS back then. ? These terms apply to
all datacenter products, making lifetime or monthly license irrelevant.
However, lifetime licenses tend to see more abuse. It typically takes 3 forms:
- Buying and selling of entire internal/NOC accounts. Sometimes the new owner even comes to our forum with questions! We suspect such a thing in this recent thread. Unfortunately, they never replied back.
- Selling internal licenses as retail. Typically those websites that advertise cheap cPanel/Plesk/DA licenses.
- Cheating retail pricing by claiming internal pricing with the intent to buy 1 or 2 licenses for self-use (e.g. their own shared hosting service).
Our only interest is reducing abuse using the resources we have to do it with. Piracy (nulled licenses) was a big problem and part of the reason for the rushed migration to a new licencing system. Once we solved that problem, our trial licenses started being abused by the thousands -- some people were even selling them! Did anyone wonder why trial licenses vanished so strangely & suddenly? Now you know.
Now, we are seeing record-levels of internal license abuse. Internal licenses were never intended to compete with or dilute the retail license pool, but this is exactly what is happening. In the past we were very flexible with licensing and perhaps this contributed to the problem. Now we are a bit wiser; we are verifying rather than blindly trusting.
Of course, this may upset people because it certainly
feels like being hassled out of nowhere. However, the conversation usually begins with us asking for their company URL that shows server rental products and where DA is offered as a bundled option. Most won't even give us this!
We are not sure what the best forum solution is. People should be able to freely post their grievances, but at the same time we cannot have the forum being overrun with it.
Perhaps we could introduce a new rule in the datacenter sub-forum that requires datacenter accounts must post their grievances there, and they must first identify themselves (e.g. post the URL where they offer servers). This would certainly help eliminate those who want to complain but also want to stay anonymous because they know they are violating terms.
Opinions are welcome.