Internal license IP changes

@DavidK This doesn't sound accurate. Please post a screenshot where we asked you for $1000/month. Also, please restrict any further posting on our forum until this screenshot is provided, due to multiple posts in multiple threads that is cluttering up our forum right now.
Yeah and i'm sure your really worried about post clutter.. and not about people finding out what a scummy company directadmin apparently is now.
Well @DavidK I've been looking at your posts and truth be told.... I think you are the one that is a "poor excuse of a company/person".

Why you ask? Well, you are the one saying DA wants to see $1000 a month from you because they 'supposedly' asked that to an other user. Tho when you post a small picture of the chat it's mostly just you explaining something to DA. And you were not able to sell servers to your customers (for years)
Besides that, you know that not everything on the internet is real right? If it would be, i would have inherited a lot of money .... (and women)

Also you tell "I'm seriously considering switching to ISPmanager as I don't like being treated this way (they are also giving me attitude in the tickets)"
And not even a day later you are saying "Are you blind?".... you seem like a very nice person be drink a beer with ;-)

You are free te leave, nobody will give a single care about that. You want to go to ISPmanager? go, you want to use Cpanel? please go.

As a general life tip: If you want respect, you should give respect. If you think "Customer is king" than you should also act courteous.
And if you act like an ass, don't expect people to treat you like a king.

And now you want to collect more angry customers that will come with hay forks to the office of DA? Or would you like them to also go to ISPmanager so you might be able to squeeze in a deal?

Oh and it was kinda funny truth be told, that you are trying to explain stuff and while doing that you admit you are violating the t&c you agreed to when you ordered your lifetime license

Maybe I misunderstand what is happening here, but it sounds like you purchased a lifetime license, broke the term and conditions of that license (intentionally or otherwise) and are now unhappy that something you did on your side (changing IPs) triggered an alert to that misuse. You're making libelous and defamatory statements about DA even though they are telling you how to use the license that you bought - even though you broke the agreement.

I think everyone understands your frustration, but to be fair, it looks like you might even owe DA money due to the misuse of the lifetime license.
Just some clarification for those wondering what is going on:

Our "internal" (datacenter/NOC) products receive huge discounts and have certain terms in return: Only server providers can purchase them, and the only acceptable use is bundling the license with a server rental to their customer.

These terms are 20 years old and we have not changed them. In fact, they are so old that they require bundling DA with a "dedicated server" because nobody heard of VPS back then. ? These terms apply to all datacenter products, making lifetime or monthly license irrelevant.

However, lifetime licenses tend to see more abuse. It typically takes 3 forms:
  1. Buying and selling of entire internal/NOC accounts. Sometimes the new owner even comes to our forum with questions! We suspect such a thing in this recent thread. Unfortunately, they never replied back.
  2. Selling internal licenses as retail. Typically those websites that advertise cheap cPanel/Plesk/DA licenses.
  3. Cheating retail pricing by claiming internal pricing with the intent to buy 1 or 2 licenses for self-use (e.g. their own shared hosting service).
Our only interest is reducing abuse using the resources we have to do it with. Piracy (nulled licenses) was a big problem and part of the reason for the rushed migration to a new licencing system. Once we solved that problem, our trial licenses started being abused by the thousands -- some people were even selling them! Did anyone wonder why trial licenses vanished so strangely & suddenly? Now you know.

Now, we are seeing record-levels of internal license abuse. Internal licenses were never intended to compete with or dilute the retail license pool, but this is exactly what is happening. In the past we were very flexible with licensing and perhaps this contributed to the problem. Now we are a bit wiser; we are verifying rather than blindly trusting.

Of course, this may upset people because it certainly feels like being hassled out of nowhere. However, the conversation usually begins with us asking for their company URL that shows server rental products and where DA is offered as a bundled option. Most won't even give us this!

We are not sure what the best forum solution is. People should be able to freely post their grievances, but at the same time we cannot have the forum being overrun with it.

Perhaps we could introduce a new rule in the datacenter sub-forum that requires datacenter accounts must post their grievances there, and they must first identify themselves (e.g. post the URL where they offer servers). This would certainly help eliminate those who want to complain but also want to stay anonymous because they know they are violating terms.

Opinions are welcome. :)
Seems my suspicions about the reason behind the license method change and the abuse of licenses were correct. But way more than I expected.
My collegue also bought an internal lifetime license from a known datacenter in the Netherlands. However, can't use it anymore because we don't use the datacenter anymore. Which is like the agreement stated when he bought the license in like 2007. No problem at all, and he's also not angry about it. That was the agreement, no server, no license use, end of story. So we both bought external lifetime licenses a bit later.

Thank you for explaining.
But I think most of us, using Directadmin for a longer period, are aware that DA is not out to get us or to be dishonest.

We are not sure what the best forum solution is. People should be able to freely post their grievances, but at the same time we cannot have the forum being overrun with it.
As normal forum admin for many years I wouldn't follow the anonymous idea of you.

Maybe have a seperate off-topic complaint section, and if it's checked and violence of term, just close the topic with that comment. If they spam the forum with grieve, then ban them.
This is a business forum, not a hobby people wining forum. A bit of complaining can be good, if needed solutions can be made (as was always the case) and people violating terms should just stop violating terms and find a correct solution.

Just my 2 cents.
@Richard G Compliments to you & your friend for being rational about it. Many people are not. At a minimum, I hope that datacenter didn't claim (or hint) that it was a retail license that could be kept after cancelling the server.

Also, you are correct that a grievance section would likely cause the forum would lose focus and increase the drama. Some attempts to verify information turn into long & drawn-out (and typically unproductive) conversations, but that doesn't mean the solution is shift it to the forum. (y)
that it was a retail license that could be kept after cancelling the server.
No they were honest about it and told us from the beginning that we could buy it as lifetime internal license, and was only to be used on their servers in their datacenter, and that it could not be resold, not even after cancelling the server.
We would be able to use it again, if we would take a server again at a later time or year, however we decided not to go back there, so no problem. The information was very clear.
@Richard G Compliments to you & your friend for being rational about it. Many people are not. At a minimum, I hope that datacenter didn't claim (or hint) that it was a retail license that could be kept after cancelling the server.
That we did have in the past a Datacenter sold us a license the thought themselves it was one that could be sold, they got it from another very big data center company they paid in Holland.

So that is possible but not to claim at DA while it was against there License Rules , but if someone has the same i understand the anger . ;)

For sofar i only do short fast reading here , it looks more like the TS is trying to hurt DA for whatever reason, and no reasonable discussion possible here.

Also that this topic is still here suprise me , and a kind of proof you can trust DA, while if not ( onlye one example why ) this topic wasn't here anymore , direct after the TS and name posted the first post a guess , so good to have it here and to read some ................ haha (y)
Maybe I misunderstand what is happening here, but it sounds like you purchased a lifetime license, broke the term and conditions of that license (intentionally or otherwise) and are now unhappy that something you did on your side (changing IPs) triggered an alert to that misuse. You're making libelous and defamatory statements about DA even though they are telling you how to use the license that you bought - even though you broke the agreement.

I think everyone understands your frustration, but to be fair, it looks like you might even owe DA money due to the misuse of the lifetime license.
Well I think in truth it is less black and white then what you think.
I previously had another domain that offered server products that I decided to rebrand. I was in the process of making a new site that was also going to offer directadmin server products. I tried to explain that to directadmin but they instead locked/bombed my license.
I don't actually feel I violated any terms.. I was offering directadmin server products previously and was going to offer it on the new site.
Not giving me a few weeks and instead killing my license was very draconian.

But either way i'm currently migrating my sites to ISPmanager. I realize directadmin probably consdiers it no great loss so they don't care, since so far I haven't "performed" for them, but I think they voluntarily gave up a lot more business in the future. When I put my full effort into something it generally nets results. The fact that I didn't achieve those results previously was not a reason to kill my license, but maybe communicate to me that you want to see more results. Just being draconian was not a good choice. Honestly they are not even offering new licenses in less then retail prices - so trying to resell them is probably going to be a higher bar to achieve anyways. Whereas ISPmanager offers licenses for much less so I actually have a better chance of reselling them. I'm paying more for my ISPmanager license now to pay less later because I believe I will get the results soon. The fact that Directadmin doesn't care is their loss.
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Well either way I made peace with it - I'm currently moving my sites to ISPmanager and will put all my future efforts into ISPmanager. The system is different so it's requiring learning new skills. But it's worth it to me based on what I feel was unfair behavior on that part of Directadmin. If you agree or disagree is your choice.
@Richard G
Also, you are correct that a grievance section would likely cause the forum would lose focus and increase the drama. Some attempts to verify information turn into long & drawn-out (and typically unproductive) conversations, but that doesn't mean the solution is shift it to the forum. (y)
You obviously have power over the forum so you can do what you want - but I wasn't expressing anything that wasn't true.
I tried to explain that to directadmin but they instead locked/bombed my license.
I don't actually feel I violated any terms.
You say you weren't expressing anything that wasn't true you said, but in fact you are, because this certainly isn't true.
The did not locked/bombed your licenses, they were just limited to the ip range they were limited to. Like @Zhenyapan explained on the previous page.
If you need suddenly a complete range of other ip's, seems no reason, you can't keep things running on the current ip's until you were ready, which -was- possible.

Anyway, you have a very different view on things and license agreements, and with others I have a totally different experience with DA and their way of handling things and being flexible/fair.

Good luck with ispmanager.
You say you weren't expressing anything that wasn't true you said, but in fact you are, because this certainly isn't true.
The did not locked/bombed your licenses, they were just limited to the ip range they were limited to. Like @Zhenyapan explained on the previous page.
If you need suddenly a complete range of other ip's, seems no reason, you can't keep things running on the current ip's until you were ready, which -was- possible.
I guess your right there that they did leave the license on the previous IP. The problem is I purchased a bare metal server in preparation for launching the new hosting company brand. I suppose I could have kept both services running at more costs until I had time to prove the new site was meeting the terms, but I feel they could have allowed the change and allowed me a few weeks to get the site up.
But anyways, you did have some good points.
I suppose I could have kept both services running at more costs until I had time to prove the new site was meeting the terms, but I feel they could have allowed the change and allowed me a few weeks to get the site up.
so just ask them to add new IP pool and explain for what - they will help.
but I feel they could have allowed the change and allowed me a few weeks to get the site up.
You know they don't do difficult when you ask a temp license right? Or maybe they forgot to point it out to you in the "heat of the moment" or something.
Officially they don't give temp licenses out anymore, but for an existing good customer, for a few weeks, if that's less then a month, you have the money back guarantee, so you could use a new license for the time being. And you could set things up on that server.
And I'm sure if you did that, and then explained and asked to change ip pool (like Zhenyapan said), they would't have done difficult. Provided you still sell the licenses as you did before.
I own a lifetime internal license that I had previously used for shared hosting. But now when I try to activate it on a new server it's saying the license is invalid.
And I see when logging in to the client area that they have locked the ip.
When I contacted directadmin they are basically refusing to allow me to change the IP, even though IP changes has always been part of the lifetime license.
So basically, pay them $15/month when I paid them for a litetime license previously, or your screwed.
It's a very dishonest money grab on their part.

I'm seriously considering switching to ISPmanager as I don't like being treated this way (they are also giving me attitude in the tickets). And the ironic thing is it's going to cost them future business since I was planning to do all directadmin licenses for the VPS and Dedicated server offerings I am planning to offer.
Hello everyone,

I am encountering the same issue as DavidK. I have submitted a request for an IP change which, unfortunately, has not been addressed. My server remains within the original network for which the license was initially purchased, and all I'm seeking is the addition of my netblock to the license. This way, if the server is ever decommissioned and a new one is spun up, I would still be able to select the DirectAdmin license. However, such requests seem to be getting closed by DirectAdmin without resolution, and my tickets remain unanswered.

It appears that there may be an underlying intention to phase out lifetime licenses, which is concerning given that we have already paid for these services. Transparency and support in such matters are critical, and I hope to see a resolution soon.

Best regards,
However, such requests seem to be getting closed by DirectAdmin without resolution, and my tickets remain unanswered.
Lifetime licenses are not entitled to ticket support. Neither internal or external. Next to that, we're having Easter weekend. Most company's don't answer tickets within the Easter weekend.

and all I'm seeking is the addition of my netblock to the license.
So why would you need to add your netblock? Why can't you use the original netblock with them? That's why you get these licenses so cheap.
In case a server is decommissioned and a new one spuns up, give it the same ip as the decomissioned one. Shouldn't be an issue.
You didn't buy licenses for new ip's.
$89.00 / server (IP)
$49.00 / server (IP)
Some even got them for free if I'm not mistaken. So it's per ip. You're not entitled to adding netblocks.

Since we lost MariaDB 10.11 for lifetime licenses we are al having a problem and it can get even worse. Yes we paid for more, but due to lack of resources (mostly due to abuse) we're all paying the bill now.

Best is to contact DA via e-mail and get an answer that way or wait until after Easter to get a ticket reply.
So why would you need to add your netblock? Why can't you use the original netblock with them?

In my case I am leaving one bandwidth provider and switching to another and thus a new set of IPs but the server never moved from the rack.

But I am having trouble understanding since the licenses are not based on ip anymore anyway. Why would an ip change affect the license?
and switching to another
That's a different ballgame. You're switching for a good reason, not adding. I don't think that this will be a big issue, or are you having trouble too?

since the licenses are not based on ip anymore
For easy installation if I'm correct. There are still licenses out there which have an ip restriction.
I don't know for sure how that is for internal licenses, but I am sure they are limited to a certain netblock. Since I don't have any of those, I don't know either if changing netblock is allowed according to the agreement.
That's a different ballgame. You're switching for a good reason, not adding. I don't think that this will be a big issue, or are you having trouble too?

No trouble. Just an example.

For easy installation if I'm correct. There are still licenses out there which have an ip restriction.
I don't know for sure how that is for internal licenses, but I am sure they are limited to a certain netblock. Since I don't have any of those, I don't know either if changing netblock is allowed according to the agreement.

I have a bunch of internal. I can choose to ip restrict it or not for better security in case the key gets exposed but its my choice. The footnote says "DirectAdmin license keys no longer require IP registration." and refers to this thread.