Verified User
Íts work great!!
much better then the webalizer stats
much better then the webalizer stats

spirit said:Íts work great!!
much better then the webalizer stats![]()
Full year view has not been allowed from a browser (AllowFullYearView should be set to 3).
Setup ('/etc/awstats/awstats.mydomain.tld.conf' file, web server or permissions) may be wrong.
Check config file, permissions and AWStats documentation (in 'docs' directory).
2004-12-20 19:00:11 1CgRpB-0001pW-0P User 0 set for local_delivery transport is on the never_users list
2004-12-20 19:00:11 1CgRpL-0001q4-Rn User 0 set for local_delivery transport is on the never_users list
2004-12-20 20:00:11 1CgSlE-0002IC-SF User 0 set for local_delivery transport is on the never_users list
2004-12-20 20:00:11 1CgSlP-0002Ir-KF User 0 set for local_delivery transport is on the never_users list
2004-12-20 21:00:11 1CgThI-0002QA-Jf User 0 set for local_delivery transport is on the never_users list
2004-12-20 21:00:11 1CgThT-0002Qi-2x User 0 set for local_delivery transport is on the never_users list
2004-12-20 22:00:11 1CgUdM-0002Xe-2N User 0 set for local_delivery transport is on the never_users list
2004-12-20 22:00:11 1CgUdX-0002Ym-1f User 0 set for local_delivery transport is on the never_users list
2004-12-20 23:00:11 1CgVZQ-0002mY-Id User 0 set for local_delivery transport is on the never_users list
2004-12-20 23:00:11 1CgVZb-0002nB-7I User 0 set for local_delivery transport is on the never_users list..
2004-12-20 23:00:11 1CgVZQ-0002mY-Id <= [email protected] U=root P=local S=10874 T="Cron <root@marnix> /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/awstats/hooks/cgi-bin/awstats_updateall.pl now -aw" from <[email protected]> for root
2004-12-20 23:00:11 1CgVZQ-0002mY-Id User 0 set for local_delivery transport is on the never_users list
2004-12-20 23:00:11 1CgVZQ-0002mY-Id == [email protected] R=localuser T=local_delivery defer (-29): User 0 set for local_delivery transport is on the never_users list
2004-12-20 23:00:11 1CgVZQ-0002mY-Id ** [email protected]: retry timeout exceeded
2004-12-20 23:00:11 1CgVZb-0002nB-7I <= <> R=1CgVZQ-0002mY-Id U=mail P=local S=11873 T="Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender" from <> for [email protected]
2004-12-20 23:00:11 1CgVZb-0002nB-7I User 0 set for local_delivery transport is on the never_users list
2004-12-20 23:00:11 1CgVZb-0002nB-7I == [email protected] R=localuser T=local_delivery defer (-29): User 0 set for local_delivery transport is on the never_users list
2004-12-20 23:00:11 1CgVZb-0002nB-7I ** [email protected]: retry timeout exceeded
2004-12-20 23:00:11 1CgVZb-0002nB-7I [email protected]: error ignored
hostpc.com said:Removed the plugin, re-installed with a new install at 9:45am ET today.
Same error - can't write to permissions.txt -
Checked the filetree, no file named permissions.txt.
touch permissions.txt
chmod permissions.txt 755
-didn't work
chmod permissions.txt 777
-worked, but refreshed to a 404 error page.
At this point, all clients /awstats are offline for this particular server, but they're aware we're working on it.
As for the "toggle" button - it existed before this mornings upgrade, just didn't work in Mozilla Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; rv:1.7.3 Gecko/20041001 Firefox/0.10.1
it just didn't toggle - strange stuff. Moved over to an IE machine, worked fine.