Sorry for the late reply's! As stated support is minimum to none!
config= is disabled. you can think of a million ways why
If a user protects his stats dir, another user could just access it through his awstats!
Generic ? Yes, but that involves DA to implement it

Will they do it ? NO!
Why ? I asked them and provided them with enough info on various emails. So I gave up!
Icheb and others with these questions
Add it to the standard DA or whatever this file is called
to do something like echo "$USERNAME" >> /usr/.../awstats/.../permissions.txt or whatever
Check DA's POST Scripts.
Laurent, mmx, nhwebgroup and others
The logs are rotated nightly by DA. This will run into problems if you have large amount
of traffic on some domains. Use the cron job and run it before the tally=all (see first post!!)
All problems related to strange, incomplete or even no stats is because of log rotation or incorrect
log format in apache and the one specified in the config files in /etc/awstats
The .htaccess causes to set the as the standard document for that dir.
So /awstats/ will be /awstats/
And it enables CGI for that dir, like it is in CGI-BIN.
Do you have altered apache confs ?? Check the created .htaccess etc.
Check your httpd error log for that domain /var/log/httpd/domains/[domain].error.log or whatever it's called
Again awstats has proven to have a lazy way to handle their plugins. As I removed a lot of the plugin sh*t in the
script it could be I've missed some in the 6.4 that the plugin uses. I'll check on it and deliver an update if necesary