shell command test
hi there,
i've executed shell command which works with no problem.
yet the stats do not appear updated on awstats.
I am forced to click manually on the update link to have stats appear.
I therefore believe that stats will be lost, if at least one click is not made each day.. Okay for moment only 3 domains to check, but what when there will be 40 or 50 domains...
Any idea ???
Edited : Although first test seemed to work, i've doubled it, and with the 243 updates made, it managed finally to update automatically awstats (time indicated corresponds to latest update made on shell.... theres hope...)
Will check if cron job works.
I've modified it to balance load through the hour (a few jobs run between 0 - 10 minutes, so i pushed it to 25)
hope it will work, will let u know tomorrow