ClamAV fails to start after update to v0.97.3


Verified User
Sep 27, 2006
ClamAV fails to start after update to v0.97.3. After the update/compile, I receive these error messages:

Restarting freshclam.
Shutting down freshclam: [FAILED]
Starting freshclam: ERROR: This tool requires libclamav with functionality level 63 or higher (current f-level: 62)
Restarting clamd.
cat: /var/run/ No such file or directory
kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l [sigspec]
Starting clamd daemon: /usr/local/sbin/clamd
Bytecode: Security mode set to "TrustSigned".
LibClamAV Error: cl_load(): Can't get status of /var/lib/clamav
ERROR: Can't get file status
Starting freshclam daemon: /usr/local/bin/freshclam -d -c 6
ERROR: This tool requires libclamav with functionality level 63 or higher (current f-level: 62)

Running ./build versions still shows that an ClamAV can be updated to to v0.97.3. It's as if the update didn't take?

Google search for "This tool requires libclamav with functionality level 63 or higher" didn't really reveal helpful information.

Any ideas?

freshclam -v

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build clean
./build clamav d
freshclam -v yields "This tool requires libclamav with functionality level 63 or higher (current f-level: 62)"

I did try to build it again, same error messages as 1st post. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
This is a Centos 5 box, 32 bit, up to date.
One thing that stands out: /var/lib/clamav no longer exists (thus I am assuming the error "LibClamAV Error: cl_load(): Can't get status of /var/lib/clamav").

I will see what my recent backups can provide.

I have the same error:

Starting freshclam: ERROR: This tool requires libclamav with functionality level 63 or higher (current f-level: 62)
Restarting clamd.
Shutting down clamd:                                       [  OK  ]
Starting clamd: ERROR: This tool requires libclamav with functionality level 63 or higher (current f-level: 62)

Anyone knows a solution?
Thanks for replying. I did


but nothing happens. In the past I succesfully updated clamav with custumbuild twice. Is the filename just libclamav and how can I remove and update the file?
Under /usr/lib/ I have and both linking to
Under /usr/local/lib/ I have and both linking to

Should I delete one of them?
I would remove the symbolic links in /usr/local/lib

More than likely that is the problem.
If you want to use CustomBuild for ClamAV installation, you need to be sure that there is no other instance of it installed on the server, or at least that you have no start/stop scripts on the system. Why? Because CustomBuild doesn't touch start/stop script if it exists on the system, we let users do any changes they want (that's why the file is not replaced with every installation). In addition to, ClamAV is installed to /usr, not /usr/local, so if you have an installation in /usr/local, the system uses binaries from /usr/local (it gives the priority to them). The same could be said about apache, pureftpd and other CustomBuild installations. For example, if you'd install apache to /usr/local, the system would use /usr/local/bin/httpd instead of /usr/bin/httpd when you call it from ssh, and which service to start is described in start/stop script.
Thank you scsi for the fast replies. And thank you Martinas for your clear reply. I now understand more about the way custombuild works. I removed the libclam* symbolic links in /usr/local/lib and all works fine now. Thanks again!
If you want to use CustomBuild for ClamAV installation, you need to be sure that there is no other instance of it installed on the server, or at least that you have no start/stop scripts on the system. Why? Because CustomBuild doesn't touch start/stop script if it exists on the system, we let users do any changes they want (that's why the file is not replaced with every installation). In addition to, ClamAV is installed to /usr, not /usr/local, so if you have an installation in /usr/local, the system uses binaries from /usr/local (it gives the priority to them). The same could be said about apache, pureftpd and other CustomBuild installations. For example, if you'd install apache to /usr/local, the system would use /usr/local/bin/httpd instead of /usr/bin/httpd when you call it from ssh, and which service to start is described in start/stop script.

Can u explain how to check if u have a doble installation of something or in particular Clamav and Freshclam(i' m full of this process instaces)
Ho to remove the installation with and without directadmin custom buil?
That will be very usefull!!
Thanks in advance


i've solved with this:

mkdir /usr/local/share/clamav
chmod 775 /usr/local/share/clamav
chown -R clamav:clamav /usr/local/share/clamav
freshclam -v
The update to clamav-0.98.5 fails with
[root@vps ~]# service clamd start
Starting clamd: ERROR: This tool requires libclamav with functionality level 79 or higher (current f-level: 77)
[root@vps ~]# service freshclam start
Starting freshclam: ERROR: This tool requires libclamav with functionality level 79 or higher (current f-level: 77)
Before the update clamav ran fine.
The update to clamav-0.98.5 fails with
[root@vps ~]# service clamd start
Starting clamd: ERROR: This tool requires libclamav with functionality level 79 or higher (current f-level: 77)
[root@vps ~]# service freshclam start
Starting freshclam: ERROR: This tool requires libclamav with functionality level 79 or higher (current f-level: 77)
Before the update clamav ran fine.

me too, I've the same problem with a server, not a vps
The update to clamav-0.98.5 fails with
[root@vps ~]# service clamd start
Starting clamd: ERROR: This tool requires libclamav with functionality level 79 or higher (current f-level: 77)
[root@vps ~]# service freshclam start
Starting freshclam: ERROR: This tool requires libclamav with functionality level 79 or higher (current f-level: 77)
Before the update clamav ran fine.

If you are updating from source code, go back to your your SRC directory and run make uninstall.
This should remove the now out-of-date libclamav libs and symlinks from the previous version install (usually in /usr/local/lib or /usr/local/lib64).
If you are updating from source code, go back to your your SRC directory and run make uninstall.
This should remove the now out-of-date libclamav libs and symlinks from the previous version install (usually in /usr/local/lib or /usr/local/lib64).

From the horses mouth..:rolleyes:
If you are updating from source code, go back to your your SRC directory and run make uninstall.
This should remove the now out-of-date libclamav libs and symlinks from the previous version install (usually in /usr/local/lib or /usr/local/lib64).
I am not updating from source code. I am using custombuild for ClamAV:
#ClamAV-related Settings
Custombuild did the update to 0.98.5 and failed.