cPanel-to-DirectAdmin conversion tool

Sounds like user.conf is corrupt... have you tried making another backup copy?

We use this script quite often, and have never experienced an issue with it.
EDIT: silly me, i had wrong folder permissions ( was set as root), changed to reseller ownserhsip and it seemed to work

It doesn't seem to copy the clients email accts. Like the email accts exist, but 0kb email usuage. IS there a way i can do this manually?

Another quick q, Does their passwd get transfered too or i have to reset all accts passwds?
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Mikron, the changed script I posted does copy e-mail accounts.
Passwords are transfered. No need to reset them.
Thanks getup,
I am not sure how i skipped ur earlier post.. It works great. Alsmot done transfering half the clients.

Thanks alot guys. This tool saved me lotsa time!
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Originally posted by jechilt
I am getting this during the output of the examining stage:
[SIZE=1]Fround user can't stat source ./import/decoju00
Copying remaining files... mv: can't stat source ./import/decoju00/homedir/public_html

Is there something I am doing wrong?[/SIZE]

I had the exactly the same error and it happened when I ran the script on the DA server trying to convert cPanel backups (made using fullbackup.html under reseller cPanel login which allows me to access all my users cPanels) to DA backups.

But accidentally I made the script eventually work!!! Let me explain...

Initially I thought the cPanel backup file has to be renamed to username.tar.gz to match that of the DA backup file (no need to do this in fact). Anyway, having not fully understood the instructions, I renamed the cPanel backup file - luckily I did it using a FTP client which in fact created a folder (with the same name as the part before .tar.gz) and explode everything to the folder - I will call this folder the MAGIC folder which I will mention later on.

Anyway, I did not know this to be a gain :-) so I proceeded to run the conversion script and restored the converted files on the DA server. But I found it restored only the username along with other things. The most obvious sign of the conversion not working is the domains field is BLANK which means the domain name and maybe other things did not get converted.

So I thought it must be the fact I renamed the cPanel backup file which was not necessary. So I thought... how could I recreate the tar.gz file with exactly the same name?

I used the tar and gzip commands to tar the files and folders I found it the MAGIC folder. So basically I just recreated the cPanel backup file by exploding and imploding it.

Now I ran the cPanel to DA backup conversion script with this recreated file and it worked!!!

I have not checked things other than domain name - will let you know later on. At least the script saves me tens of hours of work! I am so excited to share this with you. If you would like to know how to re-create the cPanel backup file. Here are the step-by-step procedures...

Note all the following steps should be done by login to the DA server via SSH (I use putty.exe to access SSH). You need to have the root password for the server.

(1) Extract things in the cPanel backup file to a folder - my DA server accidentally did it for me when I tried to rename the file :-)

(2) Go to this folder where files and directories are extracted to, and then type...
[SIZE=1]tar -cvvf backup-1.11.2006_17-59-21_username.tar.gz *.*[/SIZE]

This tars mainly mysql.sql - note in my case backup-1.11.2006_17-59-21_username is the name of the folder into which my DA server extracted the cPanel backup file into.

Then you need to issue this command:
[SIZE=1]tar -cvvf backup-1.11.2006_17-59-21_username.tar.gz *[/SIZE]

This will tar all the files and folders which do not have an extension name.

(3) Zip the new .tar file by typing this...
[SIZE=1]gzip -c backup-1.11.2006_17-59-21_username.tar > backup-1.11.2006_17-59-21_username.tar .gz[/SIZE]

Now you have recreated the cPanel backup file!

Your next job is to move or copy this file to the import folder and run the script again. You should have no problem converting :-)

The fact this works indicates that cPanel backup file is slightly different from what the script author understood it - wish that he could update his script and offer to sell!

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Well, not all passwords are transferred

OK, after a thorough check into the transfer, I find the following items are not (or cannot?) restored after cPanel to DirectAdmin transfer:

(1) Passwords for protected directories

(2) Passwords for MySQL databases (the databases are transferred properly using my method, but not the passwords)

I will keep you updated with more findings if there is any.
After rebuilding the server, I tried to follow my previous unique approach of extracting and tar/gzip the backup files but it does not work anymore!

Eventually I tried to use the backup files directly (created using cPanel's Full Backups function - fullbackup.html) and it turned out this simple approach (just as the author suggested) worked!

Don't know why. Maybe either the author has made some modifications (I downloaded the script fresh this time) or cPanel has changed its way to do full backups.

So just follow what the author suggested in the first place. If it did not work, then try my approach.
Examining backup-1.29.2006_17-24-07_koclises.tar.gz...
Fround user koclises..
gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
mv: cannot stat `./import/backup-1.29.2006_17-24-07_koclises': No such file or directory
Copying remaining files... mv: cannot stat `./import/koclises/homedir/public_html': N
o such file or directory

Creating domain pointers...
Translating any Crontab entries... 0 total..
Dumping databases...
Creating DirectAdmin tarball...
Cleaning up...

1 tarballs attempted/converted.


This is the error i am getting. Why is this happening?
The errors are self-explanatory:
cannot stat and No such file or directory mean there's no file so the program can't do anything.

Why is there no file? That I have no idea. But here's a clue
gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
This means the filename ends in .gz but it's not gzipped. So the unzip command can't unzip it.


I've tried the script. Everything works ok besides :

1) FTP accounts are not transferred :( However they work!!! But they are not visible in panel. Where they are?

2) Password protected directores - not work at all

I have a domain that I would like to transfer from Cpanel over to DA.

I would like that domain to be under my "admin" user level instead of being a user under my reseller level.

Anyway for me to do that?
yes, but when I restore the backup of this site, it will not be seen under the username "admin"'s user level instead, it will be just a user under reseller.
How well does this utility work for mass transfers? I have about 2000 accounts across several servers I am going to convert from CPanel to DA and hope to make it as painless as possible for the customers.

Any tips/gotchas you have please post as I get ready for this.
if im not wrong, just place all the backup you wish to convert into the import and it will all be converted for you.
I know how the script works, was looking for tips/advice/gotchas before I start the conversions.
Cpanel Package usage!

One of my sites have 350Mb backup and i try to convert it with da.cpanel to DA format. But after convertng, it is resized to 40Mb!
Therefore backup isn't correct and i can't restore it correctly!
Please help me!
This is very important!
Additionaly, please tell me how can i move all of my backups from Cpanel to DirectAdmin manualy without using this tools!