DirectAdmin 1.62.0 BETA-1

Really Looking Forward to Track & Trace
It should be available in pre-release soon, but it's not going to be included into the next stable release.

With the resource limits can we maybe have some present settings for basic, standard and fast? just for reference. I know we can tweak actual settings.
It all depends on the server you have :) If you have a server with 32 CPU cores, you may assign 4 CPU cores for 'fast', but.. if you have just 2 CPU cores, you'd like to assign 1 CPU core max, for example.. There is no one-size-fits-all number there. It's pretty similar with RAM too.

Will custom build have the option to install the pro pack instead of manually running the command for the resources monitor etc...?
Em.. I'm not sure which command are you talking about?

Many companies sell support tickets e.g. for 30-100€ per ticket. I was thinking for DA, why not instead of yearly tech support? Wouldn't that me more fair for all of us with the lifetime licences and have that Pro features at lower cost? What do you think people? Thanks. :)
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I'm happy with the Beta. Sorry if anyone has mentioned, but does resource throttling include reseller accounts? I have the options under user packages but not reseller packages. Can it? Would things work if I configured the custom package options myself?
I'm happy with the Beta. Sorry if anyone has mentioned, but does resource throttling include reseller accounts? I have the options under user packages but not reseller packages. Can it? Would things work if I configured the custom package options myself?
If you're looking for a single reseller limit, which would affect his end customers (for example, 2GB of RAM max for any processes reseller+his users start) - it's not there yet. Reseller himself can be limited, his end customers can be limited, but there is no "group" limit for reseller+users.
Martynas, is there any plan to add PowerDNS integration (API based) to the Pro Pack? We may be alone but it is something that would be very attractive for us as we run separate DNS infrastructure just DA hosting.
Server Version1.61.5
Current Available Version1.61.5

why can't i update to version 1.62.0?
I did all the steps from that link, and now directadmin doesn't start

[root@server ~]# service directadmin status
directadmin dead but subsys locked
[root@server ~]# service directadmin restart
Stopping DirectAdmin: [FAILED]
Starting DirectAdmin: [ OK ]

how to solve this problem?
2021:06:04-13:26:01: [fatal] creating main HTTP server error=newServer failed to initialize TLS certificate cache: open /usr/local/directadmin/conf/carootcert.pem: no such file or directory port=2222
2021:06:04-13:26:06: [fatal] creating main HTTP server error=newServer failed to initialize TLS certificate cache: open /usr/local/directadmin/conf/carootcert.pem: no such file or directory port=2222
Just suggestion, I like the personal license $2/month ... it's super cheap but the big reason I'm staying away from this plan is because it offers only 1 user and IMO, it is better to have a minimum 3 user access level accounts in DA for best security. For example, we can have an admin account by default and we should not use this admin account to create domain.

Then from this admin account we can create a reseller account and he should not have any domains and finally this reseller will have to create a normal user account.

So, our website should always use normal user account not reseller or admin.

If we use admin account to create a website, and if somebody gained access into our admin account through web vulnerabilities, they will be able to get DA admin access level (might be with the API access etc). So, having 3 access level increases the file permission security in DA box. Maybe we can have another plan that can have a minimum 3 users (less than $15). The 10 users / $15 is overkilled because I don't need more than this to manage own websites but this plan is great if i want to host few external users in DA.

In brief, I feel like using $2 plan, we are losing one of the security features (access level) in DA.
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2021:06:04-13:26:01: [fatal] creating main HTTP server error=newServer failed to initialize TLS certificate cache: open /usr/local/directadmin/conf/carootcert.pem: no such file or directory port=2222
2021:06:04-13:26:06: [fatal] creating main HTTP
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