DirectAdmin v1.642 RC

@Erulezz you will not be able to purchase new personal licenses after August 1st 2023, but all your existing personal licenses will continue to work.

Excerpt from the docs:
Existing licenses will continue to function after the deadline as long as an active payment subscription is maintained. If a license expires due to cancelled/failed billing, it will be considered permanently forfeited and cannot be reactivated at a later date.
Still pity. Price of personal plus is still low. But $ 5 a moth is $60 a year which is almost 3x as expensive. For small companies this is fine. But for hobbyists it's very pity, because this can press hard on the budget with a vps costs counted to it.
But I do understand that you guys want to have all licenses with the pro pack included.

However, you forgot one question:
Will the old lifetime licenses still be supported and updated? Got worried again with that message.
I presume they will function and be updated as before?
@Richard G Retail Personal licenses and all recurring datacenter licenses will receive the same legacy codebase flag that lifetime licenses do, so lifetime licenses are not in a special class any more. They join a large group of products that can vote with their wallet (threaten to cancel their recurring billing). If anything, we've lost our ability to specifically target lifetime licenses. ;)

It's difficult to give an answer right now because we don't know what will happen in a year. This large group could dramatically abandon their legacy licenses, or they could dramatically grow them (accumulate many more before the deadline). Or maybe things remain stable (no significant accumulation or cancellation). We could see one extreme or the other, or maybe some middle ground. Therefore it's premature to declare "security updates only" or "guaranteed 20 more years unlimited development" or something else. We will let the numbers decide closer to that time. At least it will be based on math rather than opinion, and based on a large pool of license types to prevent bias against any particular one (lifetime).

@Richard G Letting the numbers decide is also the reason behind retiring the Personal license. There was many requests for a Personal license with Pro Pack and people said they would be willing to pay more for it. Maybe this is true, maybe not. So we created the product and simply observed. It's only been around 3 months but it's already outselling the traditional Personal license which has been around 3 years. So, this is another example of math rather than opinion. The math shows us where the demand is and which product types we should add the most value to. You used good math by pointing out the price jump in % is really big from personal to PLUS, yet it hasn't seemed to hurt sales of it. I suppose now we move into opinion -- trying to figure out reasons for this. But maybe that is better for a different thread.
I suppose now we move into opinion -- trying to figure out reasons for this. But maybe that is better for a different thread.
Not for me. My questions are answered in this. As said I found it pitty, but can understand why it's done.

As for the lifetime licences, ofcourse you can't predict the future. But since I'm not native English, I don't understand everything 100%. For me it's only important if the main things like php, mysql/mariadb, exim and apache can keep being updated, at least in the near future. Maybe it's a good idea to switch to rpm based update for some things which do not need source compilation (for example mariadb).

Ofcourse also in this matter people might not like it, but I do understand that at a certain point that math is more important than opinion.

Thank you for explaining. No need to start a new thread for opinions in my behalve. Unless you want to stop supporting lifetime licenses. :)
@Richard G Retail Personal licenses and all recurring datacenter licenses will receive the same legacy codebase flag that lifetime licenses do, so lifetime licenses are not in a special class any more. They join a large group of products that can vote with their wallet (threaten to cancel their recurring billing). If anything, we've lost our ability to specifically target lifetime licenses. ;)

It's difficult to give an answer right now because we don't know what will happen in a year. This large group could dramatically abandon their legacy licenses, or they could dramatically grow them (accumulate many more before the deadline). Or maybe things remain stable (no significant accumulation or cancellation). We could see one extreme or the other, or maybe some middle ground. Therefore it's premature to declare "security updates only" or "guaranteed 20 more years unlimited development" or something else. We will let the numbers decide closer to that time. At least it will be based on math rather than opinion, and based on a large pool of license types to prevent bias against any particular one (lifetime).

@Richard G Letting the numbers decide is also the reason behind retiring the Personal license. There was many requests for a Personal license with Pro Pack and people said they would be willing to pay more for it. Maybe this is true, maybe not. So we created the product and simply observed. It's only been around 3 months but it's already outselling the traditional Personal license which has been around 3 years. So, this is another example of math rather than opinion. The math shows us where the demand is and which product types we should add the most value to. You used good math by pointing out the price jump in % is really big from personal to PLUS, yet it hasn't seemed to hurt sales of it. I suppose now we move into opinion -- trying to figure out reasons for this. But maybe that is better for a different thread.
Which license do we currently need to run a DNS-only server for DA? And which license will we need come August next year.
Which license do we currently need to run a DNS-only server for DA? And which license will we need come August next year.
none, realy.

You can configure named as a slave on another box, use a script to sync domains and let the DNS protocol do its magic keeping things in sync.

There is also a program called directslave which does the same
@dafang - yes, if you switch to the beta release channel you can try checking out the cPanel import feature.
@fln Trying to import a test Cpanel account using your latest magic feature... the import got stalled with a warning on a red triangular icon saying "backup stage, database is locked". Mysql is fully active and running on both source and destination.
This test account has no databases. The backup log ends with:
mysqlsize is: 0
pkgacct completed

Update: A second import test for a Cpanel account that owns mysql databases has completed successfully. So the above stalling issue might be to do with Cpanel accounts that have no databases.
Which license do we currently need to run a DNS-only server for DA? And which license will we need come August next year.
I think the info from @k1l0b1t was incorrect.
It's possible to use the personal license for this. When used onlyl for DNS clustering, then the domain limit is not present.
As long as you pay the fee, your license will not be revoked as stated in the doc.

Anoter option is to use Directslave, also free and easy to use on a cheap VPS for example. There is a support thread for it here on the DA forum.
Thanks for the feedback everyone, we have pushed one more update to the beta RC channel. Key changes:
  • Added new Evolution icon customization section, allowing to replace any Evolution icon
  • Fixed style issue for login-as drop down list in the icons grid layout having white areas.
  • Fixed custom CSS style for creating traditional sub-theme to use logo from the dark mode (needs extra CSS rule).
  • Extended Custom CSS to support using customized logos as CSS variables, documentation for CSS variables is here.
  • Fixed issue for Evo not using custom languages list.
  • Fixed style issues for Evo in mobile mode.
  • Hardened cpanel-import security based on issues reported by team.
nice! what about adding nginx to:
and exim can't start on systems with nginx+php-fpm (without apache) till I add nginx to this list
much better but there are still graphical difficulties:

user switch: looks okay now but no scrollbar visible

main header:


html.layout\:grid .app .app-header .ui-toggle-switch {background: var(--classic);color: #fff;border-color: var(--classic-l10);}
html.layout\:grid .app .app-header .ui-toggle-switch>.label {background: var(--classic);color: #fff;}
html.layout\:grid .app .app-header .ui-toggle-switch>.options>.slider {background: var(--classic-l30);}

and still the logo color problems (Light mode logo image), with new css the logo is now just invisible
Last edited:
@apogee, for the logo please make sure you have the line:

html.layout\:grid .app .app-header .header-logo {background-image: var(--img-logo2); }

In custom CSS. It was added to docs but was not there on initial release, where CSS block for traditional theme was in the change-log page. Without this line light logo is used by default. This forces dark logo to be used even when in light mode.

We will check the scrollbar but not sure whats wrong with main header.
@apogee, for the logo please make sure you have the line:

html.layout\:grid .app .app-header .header-logo {background-image: var(--img-logo2); }

and on mobile still only the stats are visible with no possibility to access the functions:

here is the skin on old DA versions:da-old-skin-hader.png
Hmm there might be more things at play here. The traditional sub-theme used to have search area background the same as header background. Original sub-theme release post and screenshot.


Which hints that on your DEV servers we replicate traditional theme more closely. And on your old PROD servers there might be other customizations.

Finally caught a missing icons grid button you reported initially (to access the functions). The button is actually visible on mobile screen size and on small desktop screen size, but get hidden in tablet screen size.
Interesting, I'll have to look into this more.

Under "Layout Options" there is still the option "External CSS URL", hasn't it become obsolete with the new "CSS Styles"?

But what confuses me at most is this: if I delete logo 1(IMG_LOGO.png) logo 2 (IMG_LOGO2.png) is also deleted (whether it is effectively deleted I have not checked now but it is no longer displayed in evo).

If I upload logo 2 again it replaces logo 1, if I don't upload anything logo1 is replaced by the file logo.svg (from :2222/assets/img/logo.svg).

If I now delete the browser cache the logo is no longer visible. Only testet with Chrome.

Totally confusing, today I do not have the time to deal with it further.
@Richard G Retail Personal licenses and all recurring datacenter licenses will receive the same legacy codebase flag that lifetime licenses do, so lifetime licenses are not in a special class any more. They join a large group of products that can vote with their wallet (threaten to cancel their recurring billing). If anything, we've lost our ability to specifically target lifetime licenses. ;)

It's difficult to give an answer right now because we don't know what will happen in a year. This large group could dramatically abandon their legacy licenses, or they could dramatically grow them (accumulate many more before the deadline). Or maybe things remain stable (no significant accumulation or cancellation). We could see one extreme or the other, or maybe some middle ground. Therefore it's premature to declare "security updates only" or "guaranteed 20 more years unlimited development" or something else. We will let the numbers decide closer to that time. At least it will be based on math rather than opinion, and based on a large pool of license types to prevent bias against any particular one (lifetime).

@Richard G Letting the numbers decide is also the reason behind retiring the Personal license. There was many requests for a Personal license with Pro Pack and people said they would be willing to pay more for it. Maybe this is true, maybe not. So we created the product and simply observed. It's only been around 3 months but it's already outselling the traditional Personal license which has been around 3 years. So, this is another example of math rather than opinion. The math shows us where the demand is and which product types we should add the most value to. You used good math by pointing out the price jump in % is really big from personal to PLUS, yet it hasn't seemed to hurt sales of it. I suppose now we move into opinion -- trying to figure out reasons for this. But maybe that is better for a different thread.
Hello sir.
may I ask about the $299 Owned License
it will suffer the same treatment as datacenter licenses?