[root@srv02 ~]# cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
[root@srv02 custombuild]# ./build frontpage_ext
Found /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/fp50.linux.tar.gz
Extracting Frontpage Extensions...
Setting the suidkey...
Creating we80.cnf...
Done. Frontpage Extension install complete.
[root@srv02 custombuild]# ./build mod_frontpage
Found /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/mod_frontpage-1.6.1.tar.gz
Extracting ...
Configuring mod_frontpage-1.6.1...
Let's see if it's a valid httpd... YES!
sbindir is /usr/sbin, trying to find apxs...Found!
Config directory: /etc/httpd/conf
Compiler: gcc
Include directory: /usr/include/apache
Libexecdir: /usr/lib/apache
Can't find /etc/httpd/conf
make: *** Geen regel voor het maken van doel `clean'. Stop.
Done. Making mod_frontpage-1.6.1...
Trying to make mod_frontpage...
make: *** Geen doelen gespecificeerd en geen makefile gevonden. Stop.
*** The make has failed, do you want to try to make again? (y,n):
The make isn't working, so frontpage isn't working...
It is installed in directadmin, and i needed to touch both srm.conf en access.conf to enable it in DA.
but when i connect with frontpage, it gives an error, that frontpage is not installed.