Discussion about CustomBuild

ok, i've re-built mysql using ./build mysql. 5.0.45 is now running. ./build php n still refuses to configure correctly, and bombs out complaining about libmysqlclient. any clues?
none of the commands there were very relevent, since freebsd doesn't have an /etc/ld.so.conf. however the libmysqlclient.a and _r.a files were in /usr/local/mysql-5.045-linux-i686/lib, so i linked them to /usr/lib and re-ran ./build php n, to no avail.
of course, i can't see what versions of mysql files are installed, since freebsd doesn't have a package manager such as rpm, so the rpm -qa command is of no use. generally, you use cat /var/db/pkg to see what's installed, but because DA's structure is all built up custom, it doesn't use freebsd's ports collection, so of course it doesn't think they're installed.
dan, you should report that to DirectAdmin support, because PHP configuration files aren't changed (MySQL options are set as they were).
Ok mysql is running now here, but it gave me this error:

Stopping mysqld:                [ FAILED ]
mysql-5.0.45-linux-i686.tar.gz                100% of   75 MB  407 kBps 00m00s
Starting mysqld:                [ OK ]
ELF binary type "0" not known.
./bin/my_print_defaults: 26: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
This script updates all the mysql privilege tables to be usable by
the current version of MySQL

ELF binary type "0" not known.
Got a failure from command:
cat /usr/local/mysql/share/mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql | /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql --no-defaults --force --user=da_admin --host=localhost --database=mysql
Please check the above output and try again.

Running the script with the --verbose option may give you some information
of what went wrong.

If you get an 'Access denied' error, you should run this script again and
give the MySQL root user password as an argument with the --password= option
cp: directory /usr/lib/mysql does not exist
web01# ELF binary type "0" not known.
./bin/my_print_defaults: 26: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
ELF binary type "0" not known.
./bin/my_print_defaults: 26: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
ELF binary type "0" not known.

web01# ps waux | grep mysql
root     10547  0.0  0.0  1592   940  p0  S+    4:17PM   0:00.00 grep mysql
Z4P, please contact DirectAdmin support, I'm sure they will help you. I'm very busy today. Good luck!
I think i'm close now. Only need to get those header files working.. I'm getting this stupid message when i install php:

configure: error: Cannot find MySQL header files under /usr/local/mysql-5.0.22-freebsd6.0-i386.
Please add this to the faq :) i figgured it out myself ;)

xx. How to fix "gcc: /usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so: No such file or directory" IF YOU ARE RUNNING 64bit (tested with CentOS 5) ?

cp /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.* /usr/lib64/mysql/

Can you update the build script to dovecot version 1.05 please. Im sick of having to keep changing it :P
Martynas, please check custombuild script, I tried install with mysql 5.1 and it does not work (5.0 is OK).
I talked to DA support (John) and MySQL 5.1 is in Beta, so it's not supported by DA, however if you want to install and run it, you can download the 5.1 rpm's from dev.mysql.com

DA has no plans to even mess with 5.1 until it's no longer beta.
hello to all

I have tryed to upgrade Apache, Mysql and PHP to last release doing:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/

wget http://files.directadmin.com/services/custombuild/beta/custombuild.tar.gz

rm -rf custombuild

tar zxvf custombuild.tar.gz

cd custombuild

./build update_data

./build all d

./build mysql

everything ok with apache and php but mysql give me this error:

Stopping mysqld: [ FAILED ]
Starting mysqld: [ OK ]
This script updates all the mysql privilege tables to be usable by
the current version of MySQL

Got a failure from command:
cat /usr/local/mysql/share/mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql | /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql --no-defaults --force --user=da_admin --host=localhost --database=mysql
Please check the above output and try again.

Running the script with the --verbose option may give you some information
of what went wrong.

If you get an 'Access denied' error, you should run this script again and
give the MySQL root user password as an argument with the --password= option
cp: cannot stat `/usr/lib/libmysqlclient.*': No such file or directory

What can I do??? tryed to look in the forum but the suggestion gived to other users seems not work :(

Mysql seems to have been upgraded but stopped and not start
Apache 2.2.6 Running
DirectAdmin Running
Exim 4.67 Running
MySQL 5.0.45 *** Stopped ***
Named 9.3.4 Running
ProFTPd 1.3.1rc3 Running
sshd Running
vm-Pop3d 1.1.7f-T6-DA Running

Thanks to all, Michele
That's ok if it's not a RedHat based system (Fedora or CentOS). If it's Debian - try /etc/init.d/mysqld restart.
fixed :)

looking at .err file in mysqd/data directory saw that I can't write file .pid in this folder, so chown the data folder and mysql started right :)

thank to all
After any option change do: ./build update_data

Then do: ./build all d (to build everything)