"Dixie" - A responsive DirectAdmin skin

hi,it's ok for the French translation? If you need to test or colmplèter translation I can help you for free. I'll buy your skin if the translation is complete.
Nice job!


French should be ready to go at the end of this week I believe. I'm gonna check in with our translator right away to get an status update.


shall i suggest you a bug-tracker or a ML for translators?

Cause everyone involved in translation would be needed to get informed once there are new things to translate.

Best regards
just tried your demo. When i click on File Manager i get

Program Error
A segmentation fault has occurred

Some suggestions:

1. Make the login box smaller, why is the username and password fields so wide?
2. Put a place for a logo on the login page, make it so we can change it easily.
3. Black is not very appealing, make skin at least in 4 colors Black, Blue, Red, Green.

Black is not very appealing, make skin at least in 4 colors Black, Blue, Red, Green.
Important consideration: as I get older my vision gets worse. And combination of white/light green is very hard to read for people with deteriorating (or already deteriorated) vision.

Some jurisdictions (California, USA, comes to mind) allow statutory $5,000 damages if someone sues under state or US disability discrimination acts.

Best if you're going to use colors is to allow CSS changes. I believe I've already suggested the possibility of changing the typeface weight.

dixie in polish

How about a trade?

You translate it to Italian and help us maintain it with new lang tags as they are added and you'll get a life-time license for free?
Does that sound like a fair deal for you?

we have bought one license for www.migomedia.com and we are glad - good job!
we are on the way of translating it to polish lang.
please mail us [email protected] if you are interested in pl version.
Very good looking theme :-) My 2 cents:
- SSL error on demo page
- I think disk/bandwith usage bars are way to slow
- Colordifference between green and grey is to small
- I think the whole menu-bar (so everything that changes color on hover) should be able to click on, not only the text.
- Would be nice to indicate the active sub-element by a different color. For example subdomains or mailinglists
- If a table is sortable, it would be nice to show arrows to indicate how it is sorted and that is it sortable
- When searching "mail" in the settings filter "domain administration" is shown, but no elements under it so clicking is useless
- I would like to see hovering an item wil open it's sub-items. Many times I have to click twice (Email, then email accounts) which is not very efficient. Of course with a little delay to accidentally hovering wouldn't slide-out.
- "cron job" should be "cronjob"
- "quick links" visually looks like a sub of "other" but it isn't.
- At "backup en restore" when creating a backup it would be nice to have a (de)select all option.
- At "SSL certificates" you show the message "SSL is currently enabled for this domain. You can disable it here.". The word "here" is not in the green background.
- That "SSL certificates" page needs some better styling. Doesn't feel like the rest of the theme.
- At "SSL certificates" at the bottom you see "Click Here to paste a CA Root Certificate". Clicking there does not seem to work.
- At "statistics and logs" you have "SET SELECTED DOMAINS TO BE PUBLICLY VIEWABLE FROM /". That text-field seems a little bit to wide for it's purpose.
- At "statistics and logs" disk usage details and bandwith usage details opens a pop-up with a fully styled page. There should be no navigation options in that window.
its OK, but as a designer I prefer the darwin skin over this one.
maybe its too early in the morn but seems navigation is a bit cumbersome and the colors are too bland for me, needs more contrast and a more friendly personality , need to make it for the End user and make them feel comfortable.JMHO
Hello guys

I just wanted to post an update regarding the poor level of support the last couple of weeks.

I have been on a much overdue holiday this christmas / new years. To make a very long story short - the plans to replace me during this time fell through. Up until now we have been a team of three people behind "ThemeRoyals". This is no longer the case. After internal discussions today (this is my first day back at the office) we have decided that I will take on ThemeRoyals myself from now on.

I apologize the inconvenience this have caused. I'm back now and will do everything in my power to resolve the issues as soon as possible.

shall i suggest you a bug-tracker or a ML for translators?

Cause everyone involved in translation would be needed to get informed once there are new things to translate.

Best regards

From now on I will clearly state language tag changes in the changelog. This should make it fairly easy for everyone running custom languages to catch changes.

I will also create an email list to all "official translators" so I can let you guys now when there are changes.
just tried your demo. When i click on File Manager i get

Program Error
A segmentation fault has occurred

Some suggestions:

1. Make the login box smaller, why is the username and password fields so wide?
2. Put a place for a logo on the login page, make it so we can change it easily.
3. Black is not very appealing, make skin at least in 4 colors Black, Blue, Red, Green.


I believe file manager is disabled for all demo accounts in DA and that's why you get that error. Correct me if I'm wrong?
Very good looking theme :-) My 2 cents:
- SSL error on demo page
- I think disk/bandwith usage bars are way to slow
- Colordifference between green and grey is to small
- I think the whole menu-bar (so everything that changes color on hover) should be able to click on, not only the text.
- Would be nice to indicate the active sub-element by a different color. For example subdomains or mailinglists
- If a table is sortable, it would be nice to show arrows to indicate how it is sorted and that is it sortable
- When searching "mail" in the settings filter "domain administration" is shown, but no elements under it so clicking is useless
- I would like to see hovering an item wil open it's sub-items. Many times I have to click twice (Email, then email accounts) which is not very efficient. Of course with a little delay to accidentally hovering wouldn't slide-out.
- "cron job" should be "cronjob"
- "quick links" visually looks like a sub of "other" but it isn't.
- At "backup en restore" when creating a backup it would be nice to have a (de)select all option.
- At "SSL certificates" you show the message "SSL is currently enabled for this domain. You can disable it here.". The word "here" is not in the green background.
- That "SSL certificates" page needs some better styling. Doesn't feel like the rest of the theme.
- At "SSL certificates" at the bottom you see "Click Here to paste a CA Root Certificate". Clicking there does not seem to work.
- At "statistics and logs" you have "SET SELECTED DOMAINS TO BE PUBLICLY VIEWABLE FROM /". That text-field seems a little bit to wide for it's purpose.
- At "statistics and logs" disk usage details and bandwith usage details opens a pop-up with a fully styled page. There should be no navigation options in that window.

Thanks for your suggestions / feedback!
Thanks all of you guys for the feedback on the design / colors of "Dixie".

I see where you are coming from and I get most of the comments. However, "Dixie" can't be everything at once. It was created from the start to have a black/white/gray look and will never be available as green or any other color. I would love to offer custom CSS changes, but I am not sure if this is possible yet. This is my first DA skin and there's still plenty to learn.

With this being said, I am currently in the process of designing another DA skin that will look very different than "Dixie" (more colors and totally different layout). Dixie can't be everything - so if you're in the market for something else, stay tuned for updates on my next skin!
Sir password,
anything is possible :rolleyes:
as a designer I would most definitely change things up a bit , its Not a bad skin at all just some fine tunning, larger fonts, better contrast and the system status bars more like what darwin has.
once in a while I have idle time and love to play, I may pick up the skin just to see what I could do, more play than work :cool:
Sir password,
anything is possible :rolleyes:
as a designer I would most definitely change things up a bit , its Not a bad skin at all just some fine tunning, larger fonts, better contrast and the system status bars more like what darwin has.
once in a while I have idle time and love to play, I may pick up the skin just to see what I could do, more play than work :cool:

Sure! I guess one could even ask the end user to create a MySQL database and use that to store various design settings like when creating themes for Wordpress for instance. It would make the install process a bit more advanced I guess.

Regarding the design:
If I have learned a single thing as a designer wannabe so far, it's most certainly that design is very individual. A single skin will NEVER satisfy everyone. We all have our thoughts on what is the best font, good looking colors, how much contrast there should be between them, spacing issues and so on...

I never intended to win any designer awards with "Dixie". I just wanted to take DA into 2014 with some updated markup :)
Regarding the design:
If I have learned a single thing as a designer wannabe so far, it's most certainly that design is very individual. A single skin will NEVER satisfy everyone. We all have our thoughts on what is the best font, good looking colors, how much contrast there should be between them, spacing issues and so on...

I never intended to win any designer awards with "Dixie". I just wanted to take DA into 2014 with some updated markup :)
First let me say I don't consider myself a designer.

That said, in a prior life (before the art and vocation both disappeared to computerization) I was a typographer. Trained in everything from handset lead type in a chase (at age thirteen, in 1957) all the way to the computerized type, layout and design offerred in Pagemaker (wikipedia.org). In the meantime my eyesight has gone from excellent to mediocre at best, and I'm currently being put on the schedule for cataract surgery.

The main thing I learned, at the (figurative) knees of such experts as Herb Lubalin and Tom Carnase (wikipedia.org), and through the writings of many typographers who came before them, is that the purpose of type is to carry the message without detracting from it.

As I wrote previously, I like the skin. And I'd like to offer it to my clients. However I have trouble with they lack of contrast in the design. I have trouble seeing it in normal browser sizes and I can only imagine how hard it wuld be to read it on my phone or tablet.

If indeed Dixie cannot be modified or made to be modified, then I hope to soon see more in the way of adaptive designs from you and your studio.

I'll follow your work with interest but at the moment I'm moving towards an adaptive theme for WHMCS and a plugin to allow DirectAdmin management through that theme.

While I'd also be very interested in a tablet optimized Android App, if past performance in the marketplace is any indication, there doesn't seem to be enough interest to see it anytime soon.
