How-to: cPanel to DA migration


When I transfer from Cpanel to directadmin, the customer's outlook downloads all the emails in the inbox again. Why is this happening. There was no problem in transferring from cpanel to cpanel.


When I transfer from Cpanel to directadmin, the customer's outlook downloads all the emails in the inbox again. Why is this happening. There was no problem in transferring from cpanel to cpanel.


I think he has POP3 configured with "leave copy on the server" option. And I think it should affect any migration, including cPanel->cPanel:
I searched the documentation but couldn't find a way of exporting packages from cPanel to DA. My cPanel packages are all at root level, so no reseller packages exist. I tried a test account transfer which worked OK, but it didn't bring across the packages.
I'm transferring one big site at 130GB. Does the DirectAdmin server need to have double this space to restore the backup? Currently the DirectAdmin server has 200 gigs.
I'm transferring one big site at 130GB. Does the DirectAdmin server need to have double this space to restore the backup? Currently the DirectAdmin server has 200 gigs.

I'd suggest not including public_html to cpmove backup, and then rsyncing it manually. Alternatively, you may convert the backup to DirectAdmin format on a server having more space, and transfer just DirectAdmin-format backup to this server for the restoration.
I followed guide, I am facing 3 major problem :
1. Disk usage is not update ie. I can see sites moved and files are there but every account is showing 0 disk usage. Even after hours , its same.
2. It appears I can't login to any email Its showing error in maillog as :
dovecot[18124]: auth: Error: plain([email protected],,<KFsNfu6jPrx/AAAB>): user not found from any userdbs
I tried rebuild exim then dovecot as per discussion here:

But still not working.

3. Since I am not able to login mail, I am not sure if mails were also restored, although I can see all user mail accounts are restored in DA admin, none of the login is working. It is also 12KB usage for all email accounts.
1. Disk usage is not update ie. I can see sites moved and files are there but every account is showing

0 disk usage. Even after hours , its same.
Tally is ran every night. Real-time quotas can be enabled too.

2. It appears I can't login to any email Its showing error in maillog as :

Please check if /etc/virtual/ has test8 inside.
Tally is ran every night. Real-time quotas can be enabled too.
Ya, I noticed it but somehow I was not able to find reference for it , all I found was that DA does quotas in 15 min or so, hence after waiting for long enough, I came here. Most of the searches were taking me here : which was ofcourse not relevant.

Please check if /etc/virtual/ has test8 inside.
I had tried so many things at that but I suppose following fixed it.
./build todovecot

I have error to restore cPanel to directadmin:

Unable to find cPanel user configuration in /home/admin/user_backups/2020-05-09/turbosufla_cpanel_to_convert/cp/turbosufla

Error converting file: /home/admin/user_backups/2020-05-09/cpmove-turbosufla.tar.gz: Converting turbosufla (/home/admin/user_backups/2020-05-09/cpmove-turbosufla.tar.gz)...
Found previous /home/admin/user_backups/2020-05-09/turbosufla_cpanel_to_convert. Removing...
Found previous /home/admin/user_backups/2020-05-09/turbosufla. Removing...

File '/home/admin/user_backups/2020-05-09/cpmove-turbosufla.tar.gz' has not been restored

I have error to restore cPanel to directadmin:

Unable to find cPanel user configuration in /home/admin/user_backups/2020-05-09/turbosufla_cpanel_to_convert/cp/turbosufla

Error converting file: /home/admin/user_backups/2020-05-09/cpmove-turbosufla.tar.gz: Converting turbosufla (/home/admin/user_backups/2020-05-09/cpmove-turbosufla.tar.gz)...
Found previous /home/admin/user_backups/2020-05-09/turbosufla_cpanel_to_convert. Removing...
Found previous /home/admin/user_backups/2020-05-09/turbosufla. Removing...

File '/home/admin/user_backups/2020-05-09/cpmove-turbosufla.tar.gz' has not been restored

Are you sure the backup was taken from cPanel machine, not jetbackups?
I'm really new to DA.
Today I tried to transfer one account from cPanel to DA and get the following error:
(I'm used this tutorial:

pigz: skipping: /home/admin/converted_user_backup/cpmove-munkaved.tar.gz: corrupted -- incomplete deflate data
pigz: abort: internal threads error
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Failed to extract /home/admin/converted_user_backup/cpmove-munkaved.tar.gz to /home/admin/converted_user_backup/munkaved_cpanel_to_convert

Error converting file: /home/admin/converted_user_backup/cpmove-munkaved.tar.gz: Converting munkaved (/home/admin/converted_user_backup/cpmove-munkaved.tar.gz)...
Found previous /home/admin/converted_user_backup/munkaved. Removing...

File '/home/admin/converted_user_backup/cpmove-munkaved.tar.gz' has not been restored

what did I wrong?

thank you!
I'm really new to DA.
Today I tried to transfer one account from cPanel to DA and get the following error:
(I'm used this tutorial:

pigz: skipping: /home/admin/converted_user_backup/cpmove-munkaved.tar.gz: corrupted -- incomplete deflate data
pigz: abort: internal threads error
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Failed to extract /home/admin/converted_user_backup/cpmove-munkaved.tar.gz to /home/admin/converted_user_backup/munkaved_cpanel_to_convert

Error converting file: /home/admin/converted_user_backup/cpmove-munkaved.tar.gz: Converting munkaved (/home/admin/converted_user_backup/cpmove-munkaved.tar.gz)...
Found previous /home/admin/converted_user_backup/munkaved. Removing...

File '/home/admin/converted_user_backup/cpmove-munkaved.tar.gz' has not been restored

what did I wrong?

thank you!

looks like archive broken, maybe you start copying before account was totally backuped, maybe there was not enough space where you create it, maybe creation was broken (killed process). Try to create new Cpanel backup, copy to directadmin server and restore again
Step 1: Download the conversion tool. Download the cpanel-to-DirectAdmin account conversion tool. ...
Step 2: Create paths. ...
Step 3: Copy the files to “import” directory. ...
Step 4: Match the configuration. ...
Step 5: Execute the module. ...
Step 6: Move the converted backups. ...
Step 7: Restore the backups.