HOWTO: Convert to courier imap using mysql

Good Work Ballyn! Any progress on mbox conversion to maildir for current users? I will test this out once the new Exim package is available from DA. Is there a way to undo this once the mail system has changed?
Yeah, I'm working on the conversion now. I changed the process a bit so that delivery is to a different directory, so it should be easy to do the mbox to maildir migration. The only question is permissions on those folders.
Just an idea - I totally understand why you chose MySQL, I just personally would like to avoid inter-daemon dependencies where possible.

thoroughfare said:
Just an idea - I totally understand why you chose MySQL, I just personally would like to avoid inter-daemon dependencies where possible.


I also mentioned this. However it just occured to me that it might be possible to make adjustments and use sqllite. That would provide the same benefits as well as being a self contained, no dependency library.
Just an idea, I have not actually used sqllite in anything significant.
Well if it can run with mysql, I'm sure it can run with SQLlite. The good thing is that this can be a significant upgrade to DA. Fixing one of it's biggest weknesses. I don't know about any of you, but email is most critical to my business.
Please forgive my ignorance but I'm new to Courier.

If Exim is still used in this CourierIMAP thing, what is Courier actually replacing? Just the IMAP and POP daemons? Is there a difference between an MTA and an MDA?

Matt :)
Courier is replacing:

perl smtpauth (in

The MTA (transfer agent, exim) sends and receives mail. The MDA (delivery agent, uw-imap or courier, etc.) delivers mail to users.

I should finish the mbox to maildir conversion today. I need to clean up the (ugly) folders that squirrel et. al. create.
The script is pretty much ready... It will install the courier packages and dependencies including exim 4.51-1 with mysql support, configure the database, configure courier and exim and migrate mboxes to maildirs. It does this without touching anything default in DA besides exim.conf, so you can uninstall the system and roll back via the script as well.

The plugin that hooks into mysql and provides the ability to change real user email passwords (separate from the system passwords) is also done. Virtual user passwords are supported via DA custom scripts and there are also scripts for create domain, etc. These are also installed via the install script.

The new exim.conf uses the real user to run the domain_filter transport, so this system also supports per user (and per pop account) spamassassin delivery. The filter template is also installed via the script.

I really need some folks to test this, so if you're interested, please let me know.

Since it is now possible with this script to support per email box spam assasin, is it also possible that it can support per email box Clam AV?
You mean for message delivery of "virus found" or something? I haven't looked at mailscanner so I'm not sure what you mean.
I meant that on some systems I have seen like Hsphere and Plesk, AntiVirus can be turned on and off per mailbox.
OIC... yes, this should be possible, but I haven't looked closely at the logistics. It would likely be a pretty major modification since exim would have to pass all viruses through and then filter at delivery instead of at receipt.
this looks very interesting but complex to do, if I find the time I will try this on my test FreeBSD server.