HOWTO: Convert to courier imap using mysql

DA staff has written about switching to Dovecot.

They've not written about any conversion. My understanding is they've decided on Dovecot because it can handle both formats and wouldn't need preexisting mailboxes to be converted.

We may eventually do a conversion based on interest, but only based on interest.

A change such as this would really push DA far beyond Cpanel, Ensim, and Plesk. You, I, and many other people have stated that we would pay extra to get this done. I'm not sure why the DA team hasn't taken more interested in this conversion.

There's always the "rut" affect with software development. Why spend a lot of time making a big change when they are making good money just doing updates here and there.

The fact of the matter is that DA would make a ton more money if this was implemented. If you read about WHT and other forums you'll see this is one of the biggest complaints about the DA structure.
keefe007 is bang on right, word does spread around and if maildir was implemented along with other stuff such as jailed ssh directadmin would be much more popular and highly regarded then it is now.

I think you will find the interest will be apperent when dovecot is implemented their will be little interest if there is no integrated maildir solution available.
I don't remember saying I'd pay for anything :) .

My understanding is that if/when Dovecot is enabled all new domains will be (perhaps optionally) Maildir based.

So for new sales, that's a good thing.

Jeff - any chance of asking John for an official type word on this? Are we all just spinning our heals - or is this truly in the works. I wont hold you to a time frame, but is this something we're likely to see soon?
I suppoose you could ask him, Joe.

Nevertheless I've saved you the trouble and I just sent him the link to this thread in an email.

I've got dovecot running on a DA system. Works well ;)
I've got DA converted over as well for the new passwd format. For the next release anyone will be able to get DA to recognize/setup/convert the dovecot passwd files with the simple addition of a flag into the directadmin.conf (dovecot=1).

I'm quite impressed with the simplicity of the dovecot configs (after reading the docs for several hours anyway ;)).

So DA itself is 'done' wrt supporting it. There is a convertor for the passwd files in the dataskq options. (action=convert&value=todovecot).

When we release it, I don't want everyone to quickly jump into it blindly. This is a *major* system overhaul so I can predict a few bugs, so only people who absolutely want to test it should try it. The passwd format change is the easy part. The new format requires changes all over the place with regards to backups/restores, and domain pointers (symlinks need to be moved around)

At this stage, I still need a conversion script to convert existing email data (mbox to maildir) for all accounts, as well as a domain pointer conversion script to simply create symlinks where needed. Email data will now all be stored under /home/username, chowned to username:mail, which is great because now the system quotas will monitor everything. No more runaway inboxes under /var ;)

I'll be posting more info as it comes.

Remember, it's not completely done yet, so nothing is for *sure* ;)

WHOOOOOO! Go John!!!!

This was absolutely the (2nd) best way I could have gotten woken up this morning :)

Great news, thank you for your hard work.
I am interested in trying this (he says on the last 2 days of his official DA support).

Do I still need to follow the steps at the start of this thread to install the courier functionality, or did John also make an installation script for Dovecot?

Balyn / toml did lots of work, but the actual result of the scripts wasn't shown. Is your script, Balyn, compatible with John's work?
So where do I now start :-) ?

Last question (the actual reason I want to try this):

Does this also make it possible to set up exim / fetchmail to collect mail from various email accounts and sort the mails into different maildirs, according to the account that was checked (using mailfilter, for example)?
The dovecot install has been added to the build script. Same with the conversion script.

Dovecot replaces vm-Pop3d and wu-imap (or some other imap daemon you have running). There is no need to install anything else.
You say that dovecot and the conversion is built into the "build script"... but this does not mean anything to me (yet) :-(

- Where can I find this build script?
- Do I have to reinstall my whole DA for it?
- I looked around in but can't find dovecot or a build script - is it there?

Thanks Interfasys, for your fast reply - it helps out :-)

harro said:
I am interested in trying this (he says on the last 2 days of his official DA support).

Do I still need to follow the steps at the start of this thread to install the courier functionality, or did John also make an installation script for Dovecot?

Balyn / toml did lots of work, but the actual result of the scripts wasn't shown. Is your script, Balyn, compatible with John's work?
So where do I now start :-) ?

Last question (the actual reason I want to try this):

Does this also make it possible to set up exim / fetchmail to collect mail from various email accounts and sort the mails into different maildirs, according to the account that was checked (using mailfilter, for example)?

I would hold off until DA releases their version of dovecot. It will be a lot easier to get support on a configuration that DA supports.

The work I did with courier, was to add a new authentication module to handle the DA method of authentication. It did not do any conversion. Again, wait for DA, and I would wait until a decent script(s) is made to do the conversion, it is a lot more work than just running the script on one or two accounts, it has to work with both system and virtual accounts.

This should have nothing to do with your ability to use fetchmail to fetch mail from various email accounts and filter them. The only difference, is that it will now have to use Maildir instead of mbox, fetchmail supports both methods.
Thanks toml!

I just got a message back from John as well, stating that the DA release of dovecot is coming up soon.

Note: we have not yet released DA for dovecot, so don't try to install it ;)

We'll be releasing it in somewhere around the 19th, so if you can wait 8 days, it will be available then.

I can wait for that... In the meantime I can read up on the fetchmail + mailfilter. Maybe even write a howto on that. As far as I know, the sorting into directories is dependent on maildir and will only run for a specific user, not for every user that wants that. I want it mainly for myself, so that's not a prolem. But then it might not be useful to write a howto. We'll see.

In the meantime:
- how did people fix their problem with only one instance of exim running and
- only mail from the server itself arriving in /var/spool/ ?

