HOWTO: Convert to courier imap using mysql

harro said:
As far as I know, the sorting into directories is dependent on maildir and will only run for a specific user, not for every user that wants that. I want it mainly for myself, so that's not a prolem. But then it might not be useful to write a howto. We'll see.

In the meantime:
- how did people fix their problem with only one instance of exim running and
- only mail from the server itself arriving in /var/spool/ ?


Sorting into directories is dependent on maildir, but it can be sorted into mailboxes, they would both appear the same way to the mail client.

I don't see the problem with exim, you only need one process waiting on a select and when an external program connects to the port selected, exim forks a new process. That new process handles the incoming email, by reading the exim.conf rules, it figures out where to deliver it.

thank you for your reply. I didn't realise that the second exim proces only starts when new mail arrives (but that doesn happen, I checked). Now all is clear.

I 'upgraded' to Dovecot and currently all the mail is held back in the /var/spool/mail dir. I have to check whether the Dovecot modifications have been processed in the exim.conf file!

<edit> It seems that if you use the MailScanner set-up, where the exim mail processing is split into two processes, you need to (also?) patch the SECOND exim_outgoing.conf file.</edit>

As to the sorting into mailboxes: what I want in the end is to set up one account for myself that pop's all my mail accounts en sorts them into separate folders under my one IMAP mailuser account. I understood that this is not possible on the server-side without mailfolders and some filtering program to direct each mail to the right place?

Since I don't know I am asking around :-)


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