Internal license IP changes


New member
May 18, 2023
I own a lifetime internal license that I had previously used for shared hosting. But now when I try to activate it on a new server it's saying the license is invalid.
And I see when logging in to the client area that they have locked the ip.
When I contacted directadmin they are basically refusing to allow me to change the IP, even though IP changes has always been part of the lifetime license.
So basically, pay them $15/month when I paid them for a litetime license previously, or your screwed.
It's a very dishonest money grab on their part.

I'm seriously considering switching to ISPmanager as I don't like being treated this way (they are also giving me attitude in the tickets). And the ironic thing is it's going to cost them future business since I was planning to do all directadmin licenses for the VPS and Dedicated server offerings I am planning to offer.
This is all part of their recent change to supposedly make it "easier" to move your license to new locations because it no longer is tied to IP.
Yeah right, more like killing off all of their lifetime licenses and forcing a bunch of upgrades to monthly. Someone should really look into a class action lawsuit.
Just install/update it with KEY, DA licences don't need IP starting from 2023.
If you don't have key - reset it, little lower than IP change field.
Also IspManager has a lot of bugs and using outdated software for years.
Just install/update it with KEY, DA licences don't need IP starting from 2023.
If you don't have key - reset it, little lower than IP change field.
Also IspManager has a lot of bugs and using outdated software for years.
I appreciate you trying to help but unfortunatly they have locked my ip.
They explained their new policy on this thread:
"This account looks inactive (no modern products). In this case we charge a fee for the ability to modify IP ranges freely, but it starts at $1000/month, so it might not be a good deal for only 20 licenses The free option is just to use the same Ip for your new customers, as a datacenter just make a list of DA ip addresses and those will be your licensing IPs. "

We are auditing all accounts, and asking them to fill out this form to define their datacenter activity and provide us their IP ranges, so the license keys will only work in the proper IP space:******* For most accounts this is completely free, but in a strange situation where a datacenter account is inactive (old products, hasn't' placed any order in many years) then we start asking a fee.

Basically, because I have a litetime license, and haven't purchased enough other products from them (even though I did have an extra personal license within a year), they have locked my ip to prevent "abuse".
And apparently if I want it unlocked I can pay them $1000/month to free it. Which obviously would make no financial sense considering I only have 1 lifetime license. So I'm warning people to be aware that you might have a suprise in store for you if you think you are going to move your internal licenses. Thanks directadmin for being greedy and sticking it to customers.?
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@DavidK This doesn't sound accurate. Please post a screenshot where we asked you for $1000/month. Also, please restrict any further posting on our forum until this screenshot is provided, due to multiple posts in multiple threads that is cluttering up our forum right now.
@DavidK This doesn't sound accurate. Please post a screenshot where we asked you for $1000/month. Also, please restrict any further posting on our forum until this screenshot is provided, due to multiple posts in multiple threads that is cluttering up our forum right now.
You didn't tell me directly that I have to pay $1000, I just read it in your forum post above that I quoted. You did however respond to me in a ticket that you wouldn't be unlocking my internal license IP. And a IP restriction has been placed on my account that I can't change.


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The internal license has always been allowed to make IP changes- 5 times each year. It's only with this new change they are locking it.

But it's their choice I guess..if they want to push me to ISPmanager. It's not even really the money but the principle behind it.
I can pay directadmin $15/month now fine.. but they have been rude about it and not honest with me on what they sold me.
Whereas I can pay $18 to ispmanager and move on but at least don't feel like i've been screwed over.
But other people should be aware of what they are doing.
We either demanded $1000/month from you or we didn't. This is a strange and contradictory post. Please tell us which one is the truth, so we can continue here...
Are you blind? I already answered your question THAT YOU POSTED in answering another user that "inactivate accounts" might be locked and only paying $1000/month would unlock them. So no..did you tell me yourself... NO.. but you did imply it was your new policy on this very forum.
The internal license has always been allowed to make IP changes- 5 times each year. It's only with this new change they are locking it.
It always had a policy too. It clearly says:
Only dedicated server providers or those individuals or companies that resell dedicated servers are permitted to have access to DirectAdmin's internal pricing structure. Untruthfully representing yourself as a server provider/reseller is a violation of this agreement.
All licenses purchased at internal rates must be included in with new dedicated server sale.
In your first post you've stated:
I own a lifetime internal license that I had previously used for shared hosting.
It's a violation of the agreement. Thus I'd say it was a nice decision of @DirectAdmin Sales that they did not cancel/block the licenses at all.
It always had a policy too. It clearly says:


In your first post you've stated:

It's a violation of the agreement. Thus I'd say it was a nice decision of @DirectAdmin Sales that they did not cancel/block the licenses at all.
Well I was selling dedicated servers locally when I purchased the license.. just no one bought any from me.
And now i'm rebranding my hosting company and was also planning to sell vps/dedicated servers globablly.
So I never violated the agreement - they just no longer want to keep allowing me to use my lifetime license that I paid for.
@DavidK It appears you are in violation of our License Agreement (which invokes the Partner Agreement for Internal Licensing). Our terms have been unchanged since the year 2003, and they require you to bundle Internal products with a server rental to a customer of yours.

If your circumstances have changed and you are no longer offering servers, then you are not to use datacenter products any more. Please deploy a retail license for your shared hosting services (which you admitted to in the first post of this thread).

If you decide to start offering server rentals again, please get in touch with us and we can assist you with the datacenter products that you own. (y)
@DavidK It appears you are in violation of our License Agreement (which invokes the Partner Agreement for Internal Licensing). Our terms have been unchanged since the year 2003, and they require you to bundle Internal products with a server rental to a customer of yours.

If your circumstances have changed and you are no longer offering servers, then you are not to use datacenter products any more. Please deploy a retail license for your shared hosting services (which you admitted to in the first post of this thread).

If you decide to start offering server rentals again, please get in touch with us and we can assist you with the datacenter products that you own. (y)
I was offering server rentals the entire time. The only thing happening is you are stealing money that I already paid you.
I was offering server rentals the entire time. The only thing happening is you are stealing money that I already paid you.
Please post the URL where you offer server rentals with DA as an add-on in your shopping cart. (y)
Please post the URL where you offer server rentals with DA as an add-on in your shopping cart. (y)
As I explained in my ticket to you, very clearly, I'm currently rebranding my hosting business and it's going to take a few weeks for the site to be live. So what your going to kill my directadmin license so I can't actually get the work done? For what purpose.
It's fine though.. I'll switch to ISPmanager and leave your poor excuse of a company in the dust if that's what you want.

I didn't have an issue meeting your audit. I told you I needed a few weeks. But you've literrally killed the ability to get my site online by refusing the IP change.
Just goes to show you how greedy directadmin has become. People are switching to them from Cpanel but they are just turning into the same thing. You probably made millions on those lifetime licenses.. but actually honoring them is not something your interested in now, huh? Well i'm not going to shut up about it.. i'm going to write negative reviews on every site, like trustpilot etc that you screwed me over.