Internal license IP changes

Uh no its definitely not. This is a community forum where the community offers help not DA. If you need directly from DirectAdmin then you have to use the ticket system. The DirectAdmin people look here occasionally and may help at times but that is not the normal thing. You are stuck with us helping you so you better change your attitude.

Thank you for your input. I understand that this is a community forum and that DirectAdmin support is primarily offered through their ticket system. However, my intention in posting here is to connect with other users who might be experiencing similar issues and to share our experiences.

I have tried using the ticket system multiple times, but my tickets have been closed without any response. This behavior has led me to seek help and support from the community, as I believe that sharing our problems can help us find a solution together.

I apologize if my previous messages came across as negative. My frustration stems from the lack of response and support from DirectAdmin, and I appreciate any constructive help or advice from the community.
However, my intention in posting here is to connect with other users who might be experiencing similar issues and to share our experiences.
That is not where the forum is for either. These things have to be solved by ticket system.
And no, other users or sharing issues can -not- solve problems or find solutions. You have to obey the license agreement and other users can not unblock your ip's or licences in any way, so that is a non argument.

You were made aware of the fact multiple times that tickets close automatically because legacy license have the lowest priority due to the fact that they have no ticket support and after a few days without reply they close automatically. You have to reopen your original ticket until you get an answer. Which you already had some time ago, I'm sure.
And also if you send mail via sales, you have to wait your turn.
But it won't help either way if you don't or can not provide the necessary proof, which you obviously can't.

You were also made aware in the ticket how to proove your case, because DA always do that.

You were also shown before by me and by the wayback machine, there you don't have any website selling servers with licenses, so that you don't have any right anymore to use these licenses.

DA never promised unlimited ip block changes for internal licenses, so in fact they can even lock them at the current ip's if they want anyway.

My frustration stems from the lack of response and support from DirectAdmin, and I appreciate any constructive help or advice from the community.
We all understand the frustration if you are really ligit, but you already had the appropriate advice from the community multiple times. So please don't keep asking the same every time. Only ones able to help you is DA itself, not the community.
If you can't supply what they need, you are either using the internal licenses in an illegal way (not according to agreement) and maybe had to buy external licenses, or you have bad luck and the only solution is to sue them.
Wish you good luck with that as I'm sure the proof required should be easy to provide if it's legit.

Compare it to cPanel, if you can't proof that a netblock belongs to your ASN, it's end of story anyway. So it's not strange that DA is doing the same and they are not even as strict as cPanel.

Anyway nobody here can help you!
Dear community members,

I have been a DirectAdmin customer for 20 years, and I am well aware of their behavior and practices. I can clearly distinguish between a ticket that hasn't been answered due to lack of time and one that they choose not to respond to intentionally. Please take a look at this screenshot of my ticket history. I have a ticket that has been waiting for nearly a year without a response, while other tickets regarding IP updates are closed without any reply as soon as I check back.
What does this mean? Neither are they listening to my concerns nor are they asking for any documentation. We have been providing hosting services for almost 30 years and have not changed our IP ranges and blocks. However, with these restrictions, DirectAdmin licenses have become practically unusable. This behavior is unprofessional! At the very least, instead of closing tickets, they should respond with a clear answer, such as, "We no longer support internal licenses." A response is necessary.


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I can clearly distinguish between a ticket that hasn't been answered due to lack of time and one that they choose not to respond to intentionally.
Sorry to intervene again, because this is BS, you just can't. I have an ongoing ticket discussing some things and even this ticket gets closed regularly automatically.

Also you can see you have multiple tickets open for the same issue. They won't allow that, so in that case, others can and will be closed.
So yes, new tickets will be closed without any reply.

If you have that one on the waiting status from 2023, then probably that one is stuck. Prooves nothing. Most of use using tickets know about the automatic autoclose. And some also now about the manual direct closing on repeated tickets op these internal license issues.

As said this time already numerous times, keep it at your original ticket and provide the proof requested otherwise you will keep running in circles and nothing will happen, especially not here at the forums.
Reply to your original ticket and or send a mail. Nothing we can do here and DA won't fix things for you here anyway as they didn't in similar situations either.

A response is not necessary, you had your response in your original ticket.
We have encountered challenges in addressing @artakservers tickets due to incomplete or contradictory information. Our support team has repeatedly requested confirmation of IP block ownership or leasing details, which is crucial for ensuring the proper and secure use of our internal licenses. This measure prevents unauthorized resale and protects the integrity of our product and the investments of our legitimate customers.

To clarify, here are the steps required for us to proceed with support:

  1. Provide Confirmed IP Blocks: We need formal confirmation of the IP blocks you own or lease. This ensures that our product functions within the appropriate IP space. Please provide us ONLY IP blocks that show your organization in a WHOIS.
  2. Direct and Relevant Information: We ask for direct answers to our specific queries regarding IP ownership without extraneous details or requests for special terms. This allows us to process your request promptly.
We understand that this process might seem stringent, but it is in place to protect all parties involved and ensure a fair and secure usage environment.

For @artakservers, we are ready and willing to assist you as soon as the necessary information is provided. Prolonged discussions without the required details hinder our ability to offer support not just to you, but to other customers as well.
@DirectAdmin Sales

I am glad that DirectAdmin has finally seen my message and responded here. The last convincing response in ticket 55164 was:


All we need is a list of netblocks that you have formal ownership/leasing of and we will add it to your account under client (global) ranges -- and then all your licenses will work anywhere within your IP space. You don't even have to define per-license IP address anymore.

You have access to our logs and can see the IPs assigned to our licenses. I have specifically mentioned netblocks that we have been using for the past 20 years. For example, I wanted to change from IP to IP because of an internal migration within our network.

If you could respond to the initial ticket 55164 and resolve our issue, I would be happy to announce in this forum that our problem has been resolved and we can use our previously unusable licenses again within our internal network as before.

We are a private company that has been in operation for 25 years. We do not sell licenses and have no intention of transferring our internal licenses to others. We have always adhered to the rules since we became a DirectAdmin customer.
I am glad that DirectAdmin has finally seen my message and responded here.
Because I asked them if that was possible as an exception, so you could stop bothering us here.

Now please behave, and use the appropriate channel to go further with your response, being the ticket system!
As you can read, assigned ip's are NO proof, they ask for the WHOIS information.

Also, these licenses are for hosting company's selling/renting vps and server with licenses to customers, I very highly doubt that this a private company is elegible.

Anyway do us a fabor, re-open your 55164 ticket and provide the answers requested there and stop annoying us here.
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