[PLUGIN] CustomBuild 2.0

I build sieve with custombuild (./build pigeonhole), all is work but log files:

-rw-rw---- 1 mail mail 0 Mar 23 12:58 dovecot-sieve.log
-rw-rw---- 1 mail mail 0 Mar 23 12:58 dovecot-sieve-errors.log
-rw-rw---- 1 mail mail 0 Mar 23 12:58 dovecot-lmtp.log
-rw-rw---- 1 mail mail 0 Mar 23 12:58 dovecot-lmtp-errors.log

are empty. All sieve log are in /var/log/maillog.

My dovecot.conf:

## Dovecot 2.0 configuration file

listen = *

#IPv4 and IPv6:
#listen = *, ::

auth_username_chars = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890.-_@&
auth_verbose = no
disable_plaintext_auth = no
login_greeting = Dovecot DA ready.
mail_access_groups = mail
default_login_user = dovecot
mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir


passdb {
driver = shadow
passdb {
args = username_format=%n /etc/virtual/%d/passwd
driver = passwd-file
protocols = imap pop3 lmtp sieve
service auth {
unix_listener auth-master {
user = mail
group = mail
mode = 0660
user = root
service imap-login {
process_min_avail = 16
user = dovecot
service pop3-login {
process_min_avail = 16
user = dovecot
ssl_cert = </etc/exim.cert
ssl_cipher_list = ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:-LOW:-SSLv2:-EXP
ssl_key = </etc/exim.key
userdb {
driver = passwd
userdb {
args = username_format=%n /etc/virtual/%d/passwd
driver = passwd-file
verbose_proctitle = yes
protocol pop3 {
pop3_uidl_format = %08Xu%08Xv
pop3_logout_format = top=%t/%p, retr=%r/%b, del=%d/%m, size=%s, bytes=%i/%o

mail_max_userip_connections = 15
remote {
mail_max_userip_connections = 40

# LMTP socket for local delivery from exim
service lmtp {
unix_listener lmtp-client {
user = mail
group = mail
mode = 0660

#Managesieve service (allows rules editing on client-side)
service managesieve-login {
inet_listener sieve {
port = 4190
service_count = 1
process_min_avail = 4
vsz_limit = 64M

service managesieve {

protocol lmtp {
mail_plugins = $mail_plugins sieve
log_path = /var/log/dovecot-lmtp-errors.log
info_log_path = /var/log/dovecot-lmtp.log
postmaster_address = [email protected] #required

protocol sieve {
managesieve_max_line_length = 65536
managesieve_implementation_string = Dovecot Pigeonhole
managesieve_max_compile_errors = 5
managesieve_logout_format = bytes=%i/%o
log_path = /var/log/dovecot-sieve-errors.log
info_log_path = /var/log/dovecot-sieve.log

plugin {
#More details: http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Pigeonhole/Sieve/Configuration
# the path to the user's main active script (per user)
sieve = ~/.dovecot.sieve

# path to a global sieve script file, which gets executed ONLY if user's private Sieve script doesn't exist,
sieve_default = /var/lib/dovecot/sieve/default.sieve

# Directory where user's rules are stored
sieve_dir = ~/sieve

# Directory for :global include scripts for the include extension
sieve_global_dir = /var/lib/dovecot/sieve/global/

Where is the issue?
What's the difference between "Update CustomBuild" and "Update CustomBuild Script & Versions (only)" option on the first page of the plugin? thx
"Update CustomBuild" updates CustomBuild script (build file), versions.txt file and downloads tarballs of all enabled components. That way when you install the services, it does not need to download the packages again.
Installed CB 2 today from 1.2

./build | grep Version
| Version: 2.0.0 (rev: 1359) |

But I'm seeing



Needed to recompile apache & php
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Found an issue,

If you go to CMD_PLUGINS_ADMIN/custombuild, the CSS will not load. If you go to CMD_PLUGINS_ADMIN/custombuild/index.html, the CSS will load.

(this is using Darwin skin btw)
I have debian on my dedicated server, now I changed webserver to nginx+apache and it works... but now I see in System Information there's "MariaDB 5.5.42 Running" ... but I can't see MariaDB in customBuild 2.0 plugin? There's only mysql... and I can't create databases in directadmin... why? What should I do?

EDIT: Oops... I see now in options MariaDB... but I still can't create databases (Error connecting to MySQL: Access denied for user 'da_admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES)) and log-in as admin/root in phpmyadmin, why? :/
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Hi, I try install plugin but I get this error:

Result While Installing Plugin(s)


No install.sh script was found. Script not executed.
Error with install script

So, I need install it in console or in directadmin?

Regards, Niko H.
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Is varnish cache available on CB2 now?
I installed nginx_apache with no change in load speed.

Thanks so much for this Plugin. Should be installed by default in DirectAdmin, if it isn't already these days! It makes everything so much easier to oversee, avoids typos in the options.conf file, etc.

Hi there.

I am currently running PHP 5.5 with mod_ruid. I would like to add PHP 5.4 as an alternative.

However this posts from the FAQ confuses me:
Main requirements:

•If nginx is chosen, use php-fpm only as a PHP mode.
•Do not set both php1_release and php2_release to the same release of PHP.
•Do not set both php1_mode and php2_mode to mod_php, if php2_release is set.
•Do not use mod_ruid2 together with php-fpm or php-fastcgi.

The post is correct. When I tried the default php-fpm I got:
apache webserver configuration option is not compatible with php-fpm, lsphp or php-fastcgi PHP mode with mod_ruid2 enabled.
When I changed to mod_php I got
Cannot install both versions of PHP in mod_php mode.

So is my only option to set it to su_php? If so won't that hurt my server performance?
#PHP Settings
Thanks for this plugin! Working great!

Why isn't it included by default with new DirectAdmin installs?
Hi there.

I am currently running PHP 5.5 with mod_ruid. I would like to add PHP 5.4 as an alternative.

However this posts from the FAQ confuses me:

The post is correct. When I tried the default php-fpm I got:

When I changed to mod_php I got

So is my only option to set it to su_php? If so won't that hurt my server performance?
#PHP Settings

Yes, suphp should be your choice if mod_php is a MUST for you as the 1st version of PHP :) With no mod_php set as php*_release, you could have almost any combination of PHP running on the server (fastcgi+php-fpm, php-fpm+suphp etc. etc.).
Martynas, the PHP CLI version used on the server is always the "first PHP" version (symlink to php1_release PHP binary). Would be nice if this is configurable in custom build. We use 5.3 as default version and 5.6 as new version. PHP CLI is used for cronjobs for example, we have now edited the symlink and that worked without problems.

I removed dovecot as I dont need on the box from custombuild plugin.
Now it is displayed in updates with the following line.

dovecot.conf 0 update to 0.1 is available

You may want to remove this available update record perhaps, it's a false warning.
Plugin have bad visualisation for skin with icon menu (capri, einDa, etc...)
For correct work on skin with icon menu need:
1) span inside <a></a> tags
2) add icon

please change admin_img.html to(as variant):
<a href="/CMD_PLUGINS_ADMIN/custombuild/index.html"><img border="0" src="/CMD_PLUGINS/custombuild/images/custombuild-icon.png"><br>CustomBuild 2.0<span id="cb_updates" class="count_notice" style='visibility: hidden;'></span></a>
<script language="javascript">
        if (typeof(ajax_start) != "undefined") {
                var url="CMD_PLUGINS_ADMIN/custombuild/ajax_count.raw?rand="+Math.random();
                ajax_start(url, 'cb_updates', '');

and add icon

Thank you!
Have you set dovecot=no and dovecot_conf=no in your options.conf?


I was like this..



I have one other question if you don't mind. I can't update phpmyadmin, I hit the update button and the wizard says phpmyadmin is updataed, but again it is listed in available upgrades. Do you have any clue about why that may happen?