Plugin have bad visualisation for skin with icon menu (capri, einDa, etc...)
For correct work on skin with icon menu need:
1) span inside <a></a> tags
2) add icon
please change admin_img.html to(as variant):
<a href="/CMD_PLUGINS_ADMIN/custombuild/index.html"><img border="0" src="/CMD_PLUGINS/custombuild/images/custombuild-icon.png"><br>CustomBuild 2.0<span id="cb_updates" class="count_notice" style='visibility: hidden;'></span></a>
<script language="javascript">
if (typeof(ajax_start) != "undefined") {
var url="CMD_PLUGINS_ADMIN/custombuild/ajax_count.raw?rand="+Math.random();
ajax_start(url, 'cb_updates', '');
and add icon
Thank you!