[PLUGIN] CustomBuild 2.0

ooh I just noticed the customize compilation (well took a closer look) and see I can add items to apache/nginx from gui. awesome.
makes it lot easier to add mp4 and flv modules to nginx.
just a thought but most installs use them, maybe they should be default?
Awesome job on the plugin! Lots' of useful tools! Many thanks!

Here are my comments:
  • Tooltips should work with rollovers
  • I'd like to be able to customise what's available on the "Build software" page as not everything is relevant to a properly configured FreeBSD server per example.
  • The "Update Software" page has the same problems as the cli version, as described here: http://forum.directadmin.com/showthread.php?t=48109
  • The colour red should be removed from the "Edit options" page. It's just confusing things. The green is enough to understand what's going on. Having a green no and a red yes is just wrong.
  • "Used configuration files" has a bug. I see this: "Executing /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/custombuild/admin/build used_configs. Request failed!", but I see the correct result in the logs
Awesome job on the plugin! Lots' of useful tools! Many thanks!

Here are my comments:
  • Tooltips should work with rollovers
  • I'd like to be able to customise what's available on the "Build software" page as not everything is relevant to a properly configured FreeBSD server per example.
  • The "Update Software" page has the same problems as the cli version, as described here: http://forum.directadmin.com/showthread.php?t=48109
  • The colour red should be removed from the "Edit options" page. It's just confusing things. The green is enough to understand what's going on. Having a green no and a red yes is just wrong.
  • "Used configuration files" has a bug. I see this: "Executing /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/custombuild/admin/build used_configs. Request failed!", but I see the correct result in the logs

I think the green and red should be swapped, red for no and green for yes, but I think the 2 colors (vs the single initially) are a lot easier to see.
I was also thinking mouseover tooltips would be good and was going to suggest that.
the ability to "hide" items not used would be nice I would think or perhaps a build page for installed items and one for uninstalled?
I think the green and red should be swapped, red for no and green for yes, but I think the 2 colors (vs the single initially) are a lot easier to see.
I was also thinking mouseover tooltips would be good and was going to suggest that.
the ability to "hide" items not used would be nice I would think or perhaps a build page for installed items and one for uninstalled?
I did not see the single colour version. I just found it too confusing visually to figure out what was configured. Maybe there should be a switch which adds the appropriate colour to the option based on its value. If the option is turned on, then the "pill" is set on "on" and it's coloured green and if that option is off, then it's on the off and red. Having said that, most mobile OS use a 1 colour system which works very well.

And yes, an automatic filter based on what's installed would be more useful than the "show everything" option we have now :)
Ah, I see why people found it confusing. There should only be one colour to let the user known the option has been turned on.
Here is a page full of examples:

Look for the Toggle in the themes section

And for the options where you select just one out of multiple possible values, just use one colour for the selected option and leave the rest as "grey".

EDIT: It's difficult to illustrate a point when the forum doesn't show pics...


  • 10_3_toggle_on.png
    6.5 KB · Views: 79
  • 10_3_toggle_off.png
    6.5 KB · Views: 86
  • components-switches-switch-switches_spec_03_large_mdpi.png
    1.1 KB · Views: 103
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that would be your own personal preference , I like the way it is :p

The colour red should be removed from the "Edit options" page. It's just confusing things. The green is enough to understand what's going on. Having a green no and a red yes is just wrong.
just an fyi, on the edit options page green is yes in some spots and no in others, IOW no consistency on the page.
that should be corrected.

but fwiw I vote for keeping the red and green, some of us have vision issues and the real contrast helps.

blue+green would be better
this would literally be a lot worse for me.
green yes red no is simple and universal.
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that would be your own personal preference , I like the way it is :p
Hmmm...Not really, based on all the literature you can find on the subject and the themes example I gave above, but Martynas could make the colours configurable ;).

Here is an example of the UI using
  • a neutral grey background
  • green for the enabled items
  • one example of using a darker grey for disabled items
  • one example of using red for disabled items

All that is required is the introduction of a "btn-options inactive" class

EDIT: It seems Bootstrap is missing a proper toggle button... but several projects are trying to tackle the problem

Here is one
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Green= Active
Red= InActive
seems clear for me :p

but the quick_mockup.png
looks good as well :)
green yes red no is simple and universal.
The problem right now is that no is coloured green if that option is disabled. Some options are also coloured red when not selected. Red should be used to indicate a problem or a disabled option and there is a lot more contrast when using a colour to indicated what has been selected and a neutral background for the alternative.
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Green= Active
Red= InActive
seems clear for me :p

but the quick_mockup.png
looks good as well :)
Yes, the idea is to have one colour per option. It's either red (disabled) or green (enabled), depending on what's been selected. There is no need to paint every PHP version or pureftpd red simply because they're not in use. The option in use is already standing out in bright green.
I agree with interfasys, since it's there I thought that something was off.

edit: concerning bootstrap: I'd make the active green + either ".active" or disabled, others just white (btn-default) and the green rollover can stay.
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Thank you for your input! :) Please give 1.0.13 a try and let me know your opinion. Changelog:
[+] When a modal window is closed, page refreshes (for example, if you update anything in the "Update Software" tab, page refreshes after update, and doesn't show update in the list anymore).
[+] Changed color scheme in "Edit Options" tab and added explanation at the top of the page (grey+blue), so that there would be no confusion of red+green :)
[+] Using "rollovers" for tooltips in "Edit Options" tab
[+] A check for CB 1.x version in main window (error is shown if CB 1.x is detected)
[+] Fixed output of "Used configuration files"
  • I'd like to be able to customise what's available on the "Build software" page as not everything is relevant to a properly configured FreeBSD server per example.
  • The "Update Software" page has the same problems as the cli version, as described here: http://forum.directadmin.com/showthread.php?t=48109

These 2 are not fixed yet, as they're not plugin related :) The 2nd issue is fixed into the next release of CB 2.0 (it should be uploaded to DA fileservers soon), there will be no need to update plugin for that. Talking about the 1st issue, that's also CB 2.0, not the plugin, related. May you post a list of components you'd like to disable on FreeBSD?
I'd like to be able to customise what's available on the "Build software" page as not everything is relevant to a properly configured FreeBSD server per example.

This is now also available in CB 2.0 rev 919 and higher (it should be uploaded to DA fileservers shortly) :) You can completely disable the component in "Update Software" and "Build Software" tabs by specifying "0" as a version in custom_versions.txt (even "Build all" wouldn't include the disabled version), like:

Just keep in mind that it's your responsibility to install the libraries/software you disable :)
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This is now also available in CB 2.0 rev 619 and higher (it should be uploaded to DA fileservers shortly) :) You can completely disable the component in "Update Software" and "Build Software" tabs by specifying "0" as a version in custom_versions.txt (even "Build all" wouldn't include the disabled version), like:

Just keep in mind that it's your responsibility to install the libraries/software you disable :)

is that supposed to be 916?
looking at 916 now but not seeing how to make it so stuff not shown but I only updated few moments ago so I may be missing it.
ah I think I see how
so if I wanted to make sure apache 2.0 not there I would do this correct?