[PLUGIN] Softaculous for Direct Admin


Verified User
Jun 6, 2009

The Softaculous Team has released Softaculous 1.7.
From this version onwards Softaculous has become available as a PLUGIN for Direct Admin.

To install Softaculous into Direct Admin please follow the Installation instructions:

We hope users of Direct Admin enjoy Softaculous!
If you have any suggestions/feedback please post them here.

Annoucement Topic:

The Softaculous Team
The following were updated:

1) Wordpress -> 2.8.1
2) MediaWiki -> 1.15.0
3) Coppermine -> 1.4.25

They will be updated via CRON.
All are capable of Upgrading previous installations.

Certain Installations were fixed as well:
1) PixelPost
2) PHPCollab
3) NetOffice
4) PHProjekt
5) dotProject

The Softaculous Team
May I ask why this install script is written in PHP? Since most hosting providers have some PHP functions disabled as shell_exec, init_set etc..

I guess it should better if you make a installer in BASH.
or use the -c /path/to/php.ini for each and every call to php to use your own php.ini to bypass any global php.ini.

#!/usr/local/lib/php -c /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/[B]name[/B]/php.ini
or use the -c /path/to/php.ini for each and every call to php to use your own php.ini to bypass any global php.ini.

#!/usr/local/lib/php -c /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/[B]name[/B]/php.ini
Indeed, thats also possible.

But why if hes using in the PHP script almost only SSH commands, wrote this in PHP and not wrote it in BASH?
Well there are many functions that are in PHP hence we use PHP.
We need to load many softaculous function from functions.php and so PHP.
If you see the CODE it requires many PHP functions.

We didnt want to rely on WGET and unzip as some OS of Linux have bugs.
Moreover installation is impossible without the Softaculous Functions and they are in PHP.

Are you having troubles installing Softaculous ?
We will assisst you on this regard.

Please let me know.

Ive tried this on my non production server and it worked but i seem to encounter a few errors .

When i try to install eg joomla as a user it keeps telling me that there is an error making the database.

Am i missing something or is this script for reseller/admins only?
so is it safe to install on share server?
what about above probelm?

We already have by now 17 installations of Softaculous Running successfully

Ive tried this on my non production server and it worked but i seem to encounter a few errors .

When i try to install eg joomla as a user it keeps telling me that there is an error making the database.

Am i missing something or is this script for reseller/admins only?

Sir, Softaculous uses Direct Admins API. Now the only way to connect to the DA API is via the WEB. As such me decided to use the local IP of instead of the actual server IP to make things Safer.
The only possibility I see is because of a IP Blocker / Firewall restricting Access to
Could you please confirm that there are no IP Blocker / Firewall restricting Access to ?


The Softaculous Team has updated the following softwares to their respective newer versions:
1) MediaWiki - 1.15.1
2) phpBB - 3.0.5
3) MyBB - 1.4.8
4) Phorum - 5.2.11
5) PunBB - 1.3.4

Scripts will be Automatically Updated by the CRON Job.

The Softaculous Team
Do you mean that all installed versions of (for example) phpBB will be updated to version 3.0.5?

Or that our Softaculous installations will be updated to install the newest versions?

Softaculous will update its files on your server.
Then users can upgrade whenever they wanto to!
Emails are generally sent when new versions are available.

Can you please make your installation instructions a little bit more clear as I have done it verbatim and it is NOT working for me! I am getting errors when I try to access it through the DA interface

Unable to execute your request


The requested file does not have read or execute permissions
Oh noes!

I think the permissions are wrong in the plugins dir....

chown -R diradmin:diradmin /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/softaculous
Oh noes!

I think the permissions are wrong in the plugins dir....

chown -R diradmin:diradmin /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/softaculous
Had to do that as well, the final thing though was having to make index.raw executable to get it to work.

Anyhow I did a test install of an app and it appears there are a few issues with it connecting to the db
nealdxmhost, What issues are you facing with the App and which app.

I was doing a test install of Joomla and the install appeared to be going OK but when I went to the location where the install was done it told me that it could not connect to the database.

Anyhow I figure that I would go into the Softaculous control panel as I realized that I forgot to do the settings thing and when I went to edit the configuration setting this is the error that I got:
The following Errors were found :

    * Could not locate universal.php at the path you specified

I am presuming there is supposed to be a universal.php file somewhere, just where oh where can I find it????
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