The Softaculous Team has released Softaculous 1.9
This version fixes some bugs and adds lots of functionality to softaculous.
Softaculous can now IMPORT/SYNC with other auto installers data making compatible on many more Servers. At present only fantasticos data is imported/synchronized.
Hey thats a good feature, but thats not all !
Out of all the 100 scripts Softaculous Installs, all of them can be Imported into Softaculous (if they were not installed using Softaculous) so that Softaculous can maintain them in the Future.
A list of all changes:
1) Importing Data from Fantastico, at present 31 scripts that are common in Softaculous and Fantastico can be imported.
2) Import any of the 100 scripts that Softaculous didnt install
3) Direct Admn Logout Bug - a trailing '/' at the end didnt Logout. This has been fixed
4) softaculous.cpanelplugin file that controls the Softaculous icon in cPanel has been revised and all 'Carriage Return' (CR) have been removed. The CR caused the error of wrong location of the Softaculous Icon in cPanel
5) On certain Direct Admin Servers (not cpanel) certain users complained of public_html directories were deleted. This was not a Softaculous bug but rather an ionCube Bug. A simple RECOMPILE of the file solved the bug
6) There was a lot of Grammatical errors of Software being mispelled as Softwares. This has been corrected.
7) News/Analysis for the End Users have been introduced. In this Software Vendors will annouce their news and we will also conduct timely Analysis of the Best Software in a Particular Category. (Anyone interested in writing Articles then please contact us)
8) Softaculous showed the wrong amount of Disk Space left in cPanel. This was because of the shift to the new cPanel API and its now corrected.
9) Better Integration Capabilities which will allow to Softaculous to Integrate Effortlessly with other Control Panels. Soon Softaculous will be available in other Control Panels.
10) The Ratings and Demos Tab in each Software will now Open in a new Browser Tab/Window.
We have already UPDATED all the 100 scripts with the new IMPORT API and most of the servers will already be having the latest files.
Softaculous has become much more competitive and will soon be seen in other Control Panels like Plesk, Kloxo, Enkompass etc.
The Softaculous Team