Pro Pack?

It works on enhanced for me, out of the box (so internal defaults)
With older existing accounts from before autossl was implemented?

On my installs, once I select "Use the best match certificate" on user level, on page refresh, show those new options.
That's my problem. I don't have that "use the best match certificate" on older existing accounts, it says "autossl is not enabled" on the older existing accounts.
I only have that option on Evo skin on older existing accounts.

But you're right, indeed I can best start a seperate thread about this, will do that.
I only have that option on Evo skin on older existing accounts.
Just tested now and I can confirm it. On the Enhanced skin there's no such option, but the "Automated SSL Certificates Information" section will be show if you switch to Evolution, set SSL to "Use the best match certificate" then switch back to Enhanced.

But, from what I see, the option "Use the best match certificate" is the old "Use the server's certificate"... selecting it on the Enhanced skin at user lever, activate that "Automated SSL Certificates Information" section... Please, can you try and confirm on your side?

Also, I see that if the DOMAIN.TLD.conf file in /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/USER/domains DOES NOT contains SSLCACertificateFile, SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile lines, it will switch to "Use the best match certificate", but not sure if you manually (or by script) remove those lines, it will automatically activate the Automatic SSL function without using the "Trigger Retry for this Domain" button...
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is the old "Use the server's certificate"... selecting it on the Enhanced skin at user lever, activate that "Automated SSL Certificates Information" section... Please, can you try and confirm on your side?
Confirmed. I just see that the old option now also says "With this setting, DirectAdmin will automatically manage your certificates." But the first line still says "Use the server's shared signed certificate" which is confusing things.

I will set my own topic to fixed, as I now know the option in Enhanced skin for users to change it to autossl, while the description with it could work confusing for customers due to the "use the server's shared signed certificate" still being there.

Thank you!
I have looked but cant find any option to add pro pack as an addon.
It's not an addon. From what I saw, it's just an internal thing related to your license type.

If your license type is Lite or Standard retail, or if you bought the support extension for your Lifetime license, you will have to update the license on your server and restart DA and then you should see the new options. You might need to reset your skin customizations sometimes for the new options to show up on admin level...
possible email-tracking calendar app error:
On the "range" field, there opens a calendar on click, and on the very bottom from this popup, the actual month seems wrong to me: its september, but it shows september as 13. month of the year, instead of the 9.month. Am i wrong?


  • email tracking - september not 13.month.jpg
    email tracking - september not 13.month.jpg
    36 KB · Views: 130
I would put this in the pre release announcement thread, maybe they can fix it before the new DA is released.
I still have "lifetime licence"
Is there any way to buy propack for that licence ?