Hey All,
Regarding our billing process I know it needs some work and I appologize for the somewhat painful hurdles you have to jump through, not very intuitive i know.
On that note, we always listen to any feedback recieved, good or bad and will revisit the billing process and try to make it easier for future clients.
You get the download url and further instructions when we send you your key file (which i'm about to do for you).
I will look into providing clearer instructions as well as a username and password for the welcome email, I agree it's unacceptable that you must use the forgot password button.
If there is enough interest for FreeBSD we will port it, however it seems that under 10 people want it and it's just not worth the work at the moment.
The plugin itself will function 100%, however our installer is what would have to be modded.
No one i know yet has tried PHP5, but I can't see many things being to different, if anything we may just have to mod a couple files/functions to get it working.
Glad you enjoy the plugin, we have worked very hard on all aspects so far and plan to continue to improve it based on our clients feedback.
RE: Bulk licensing.
We are going to release something either Monday or Tuesday which will include pricing.
Thanks all,