[RELEASE] SpamBlocker Plugin

How much would you pay for this plugin

  • €50 or more

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • €40 - €50

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • €30 - €40

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • €20 - €30

    Votes: 29 90.6%

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@how@ said:
I mean in configuration i cant change any thing
Do you get an error? Does it appear to work but not change anything?

Have you checked (see Onno's reply) to see if your cron file is running?

Chrysalis said:
another question, if the exim.conf is non standard, (has added exiscan and a different message size limit) if an option is changed in the plugin does it just ammend the appropriate lines or reset the whole config file?


Unless you use the upgrade feature in the plugin it will leave all lines intact except for the lines that you can enable/disable/change from the interface.

Your customization of exim.conf is no issue for the plugin.
I just wanted to add the caveat that updating exim.conf from the Plugin will lose all customizations.

Just bought the plugin. No problems installing it. But will it be possible to delete the style code that the plugin installs in the Admin panel so that the SpamBlocker link is not shown red and bold:

<style type="text/css">
.style1 {
color: #FF0000;
font-weight: bold;
<a href='/CMD_PLUGINS_ADMIN/spamblocker/index.html' class="style1">SpamBlocker™</a>
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Just figured it out. I changed the file admin_txt.html in the hooks dir of the plugin.

about three weeks ago I bought (and paid) an additional license for spamblocker at daplugins.net, but the order is still in pending status what means the license can't be used at the moment. I've already mailed their support but with no luck, i get no answer. Is daplugins.net still alive??? :confused:
groefie said:

about three weeks ago I bought (and paid) an additional license for spamblocker at daplugins.net, but the order is still in pending status what means the license can't be used at the moment. I've already mailed their support but with no luck, i get no answer. Is daplugins.net still alive??? :confused:

What is the username you registered with and how did your pay and I'll see what I can find.
Site done and plugin does not work?

Is there a reason for this, or is it just a SNAFU on my part?

I added a domain to be blocked a little over 2 hours ago and everything was fine. I got back to the office to add some domains to the white list and the plug-in would not come up.
I tried to go the daplugins.net and that site is down. Is the plug-in tied to the site? I am highly medicated right now so sorry if my question does not make sense.

OK site is back up and I an get to my SpamBlocker plugin.
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Re: Site done and plugin does not work?

estover said:
Is there a reason for this, or is it just a SNAFU on my part?

I added a domain to be blocked a little over 2 hours ago and everything was fine. I got back to the office to add some domains to the white list and the plug-in would not come up.
I tried to go the daplugins.net and that site is down. Is the plug-in tied to the site? I am highly medicated right now so sorry if my question does not make sense.

OK site is back up and I an get to my SpamBlocker plugin.

I'll look into this the plugin should fail over to daplugins.com if daplugins.net is unavailable. If this is a problem I will bring out a fix as soon as possible.
Just wondering aloud here but should something that one pays for be tied to someone elses "structure"? What would happen if your servers were down for a week? And someone who only knows how to modify the whitelist via the plug in has to add a doamin to it? Does he have to wait untill someone else fixes your server. What if you toss in the towel, and just give up on this? Where does that leave the people that paid for the plugin?

Sorry if I sound grumpy. I am just in a bad mood this morning.
That is why we run it off 2 domains located on 2 seperate servers in 2 seperate datacenters in 2 seperate countries ;)

DA is ties into the DA licencing infrastructure, so are many other applications out there but don't dispair, we are currently working on making you less reliant on our infrastructure.

Well I can claim that we'll never leave but as the saying goes... "never say never....". If for any reason we no longer wish to carry on developing of supporting the plugin we will send all license holders a copy of the source code which is more than most other companies would do. Don't worry about it as we already have :)
groefie said:

about three weeks ago I bought (and paid) an additional license for spamblocker at daplugins.net, but the order is still in pending status what means the license can't be used at the moment. I've already mailed their support but with no luck, i get no answer. Is daplugins.net still alive??? :confused:

same situation for me ;)
I created my own mini-spamblocker plugin..well not really..I just added all the spamblocker files to my File Editor list in DA..lol...
That works, Sean :) .

SpamBlocker plugin was created for several reasons.


To make it easy to manage the SpamBlocker files added to /etc/virtual/ .

To give people a chance to support our work on SpamBlocker, which we've given to the community.

To give us experience in plugin management so when we issue MailBlocker Pro we'll have a lot of experience and we'll know what you and other clients are looking for.

It's not really very complex as most of the work is done in the free SpamBlocker additions to the exim.conf file.

And certainly anyone can use an editor to do most of the same thing.

resolveit said:
What userid did you place your order under? When did you order the plugin?

Onno Vrijburg

Username is FastAttack
Order is # 83
OrderDate was : 3/15
And my 2checkout payment :

Checkout.com Order Number: 2308546174

Quantity: 1
Product ID: 7
Product Description: SpamBlocker Plugin
SBPlugin ($ 29.95 USD)

Total: $ 29.95 USD ( US Dollars )
The order was billed to:
Enrique Mertins
[email protected]
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