CrazyLane said:
I've used SPAW Editor in several applications and they now support gecko. It seems like the figured it out.
We are working on a white paper that provides further details on browser technology that may help customers better understand the browser issue.
Here is an excerpt …..
Browsers were originally meant to view HTML and not to edit it. In version 5.0 of Internet Explorer, Microsoft introduced an API that allowed HTML to be edited. The API, known as ‘design mode’ allows an entire document to be put in an editable mode where text can be changed. A Javascript interface, known as ExecCommand, provides for basic formatting such as bold, indent, font changes and most of what one needs to implement a basic editor. These features made it possible for Microsoft to support its Hotmail product.
In version 6.0 of Internet Explorer Microsoft extended editing in a way that did not require the entire document to be editable. A contenteditable property was added to most HTML elements making it possible to selectively edit text in multiple places on a web page. These features are incorporated into siteZen. siteZen allows text to be edited anywhere on the page without exposing the complex table structure of a web page to the user. siteZen uses very little of the built in “ExecCommand” formatting in Internet Explorer because it does not provide for CSS based font sizing and had other serious limitations. Most of the siteZen editor is written in Javascript. Still siteZen absolutely relies on the basic editing that comes with the contenteditable property.
The Mozilla team realized that not being able to edit HTML was putting the browser at a competitive disadvantage with Internet Explorer. Therefore they added the ‘design mode’ API starting in version 1.3b of Mozilla. Essentially they copied the Microsoft API but unfortunately only the IE 5.0 version of the interface. This means that it is only possible to do HTML formatting on entire documents which means using iFrames in practical implementations . While this is fine for an email editor it is not sufficient for a site builder such as siteZen that allows the user to edit “in place” on multiple parts of a document while maintaining text flow over the whole page. For this reason siteZen continues to be incompatible with Mozilla based browsers (Netscape, Gecko, Firefox).
So the bottom line is that if we wanted to change the interface of siteZen so that you had to pop up to edit each block in siteZen we could support Mozilla based browsers. Unfortunately this would make our product less convenient for the majority of users. It also would not help us much on macs since mac users consider Safari to be the standard browser and most would not like the idea of downloading and installing Firefox.
Therefore we decided that deprecating functionality to allow site editing with a browser that has a 5-6% market share that might grow to 10% by the end of 2005 just does not make sense at this time. Since most Firefox users have IE this is more of a public relations issue. The majority of our customers feel comfortable managing this issue and agree with our design trade offs.
As I have said before coming up with a fully W3C compliant solution is our goal but is not something to be expected in the immediate future.
I realize this may not meet everyone's needs but I wanted to make clear that this was not an arbitrary descision on our part or due to a lack of understanding of the issues. I hope this helps.