Stats Control (Yet another AwStats Plugin ;)

How to upgrade awstats to 6.6 from 6.4?

BUMP! Anyone?
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**important** File Permissions on Patch and Other Info

(1) When installing the patch (if you are a linux user, specifically I use CentOS) make sure you set the file permissions for both the file and the awstats.patch file.

(2)Make sure also if you are getting errors on accessing the Log files (or no stats) That you change your permissions all the way up to var/log/httpd (this was set to only able to read/write or execute from owner(700) So I CHMOD that to 755.

var/log/httpd/domains was chmod to 755 and var/log/httpd/domains/ chmod to 777 (maybe this is ok at 755 but I haven't checked it)

(3) I made sure I ran the
usr/local/directadmin/plugins/Stats_Control/scripts/ as you need a log file in your domain/ folder for it to work properly.

(4) I also set it in AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser=1, so that from the awstats page I could update it myself as this may help with giving error messages. (easily done under admin, edit the override config) You could switch this back after you have completed successfully installing it, if u are worried that it will cause problems with all of your users updating their logs on multi-user servers

I spent my whole Sunday trying to get all 3 versions to work that are here on the site and it was really frustrating getting it to work. I am quite technical, and good at troubleshooting so I would suggest you take these suggestions seriously.

I also had to uninstall and reinstall a few times so if you have an older site, with stats you need to protect, I suggest you make backups!

If you are going to install this package and you are having problems you may need to remove any older files before trying to update the new ones, but I feel that if you follow the troubleshooting steps above first, you may find yourself doing alot better.

So with Putty program for SSH and this script I was able to successfully get the awstats to run ahd the script to update with-in the web-browser whenever I clicked update.

But after 9 hours of troubleshooting you'd expect to get somewhere hehe
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Still using this plugin for quite some time and yes, you really need to create the stats directory for users accordingly to let AWStats/Webalizer data to it.

When can we expect an update? Using this plugin almost a year now and i love it! :D
What you mean?
If '/user/domains/' directory is not exist it's created during stats update run.
Can you tell us the procedure to upgrade AWStats to the latest version so that we do not break anything?
I ran this on a freshly install Debian 4 box from the plugin manager

Stats_Control successfully downloaded
plugin.tar.gz extracted has been run:

chown: `root:wheel': invalid group
+ cp -R /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/Stats_Control/scripts/.plugins/stats_control /home/admin/.plugins/
+ chown -hR admin:admin /home/admin/.plugins
+ cp /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/Stats_Control/scripts/awstats.conf /etc/awstats/awstats.conf
+ ln -fs /usr/local/bin/webalizer /usr/local/bin/webalizer_default
+ cp -R /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/Stats_Control/awstats/icons/browser /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/Stats_Control/awstats/icons/clock /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/Stats_Control/awstats/icons/cpu /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/Stats_Control/awstats/icons/flags /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/Stats_Control/awstats/icons/mime /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/Stats_Control/awstats/icons/os /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/Stats_Control/awstats/icons/other /var/www/html/awstatsicons/
+ perl -pi -e 's/(webalizer|rotation)=1/${1}=0/' /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf
+ echo webalizer=0
+ echo rotation=0
+ echo -e '40 0 * * * root /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/Stats_Control/scripts/ #Added by Stats Control Plugin'
+ set +xe
/usr/local/directadmin/plugins/Stats_Control/scripts/ line 42: service: command not found
Plugin Installed!
I've got a couple of questions about this plugin;
(Yeah, I've totally ignored all other pages besides first post and last page).

1. Is there any kind of conversion from the fusionictnl version possible? - I've currently got that version running on a lot of servers, and I'd like to retain the data it currently has.
Found it at
Okay, now I read the entire topic... Some claim the script won't work, can anyone confirm or deny that?

2. Monthly log rotation; mixed feelings about this one, logs tend to grow in size quite fast sometimes. Furthermore, it's most likely we are going to have to store and process the logs; could this behavior be altered ?

3. Most importantly (besides 1.), is it possible to show a frontend or something to the awstats configuration? - A few users are asking their IP's to be excluded from awstats, however adding this manually in the config files of the old version is a bit hellish. So I was thinking about something like a frontend to it. Is this already in the plugin?
It should convert existing awstats folders. Don't quote me but it did for me.
Also post you request to DA. They asked for input on a DA supported AWstats and very few had anything to contribute.
awstats 6.4 (build 1.814)


I've just started using this plugin and I believe it's great, thanks so much for publishing it... I'm wondering if the version (awstats 6.4 (build 1.814)) that comes with this package is secure and bug free.... ?

how to


One of my resellers with around 160 users would prefer to use awstats, is there any easy way to do this for all his users, rather than logging into each users acc and selecting awstats, saving, then entering configuration, then saving, then doing the next acc?
Having errors after installing the plugin.


at first view , the plugins seems very nice , but after installing it , and choosing awstats as default , and use static page view.

i get the following error after trying to view the stats

Error: Couldn't open server log file "/var/log/httpd/domains//" : Permission denied

Setup ('/etc/awstats/' file, web server or permissions) may be wrong.
Check config file, permissions and AWStats documentation (in 'docs' directory).

This error is for al the domains i choosed awstats...

When setting the plugin back to webalyzer , how do i make that the stat is generated imediatly ? if i dont want to wate fot the auto update ?

I tried to set the permissions of all config files to 644 or even to 777 and also the log files...

But that diddend resolve the problem...

Plz help...

- update -

- Seems to after updating most of the permissions , i got the awstats on that site running , but on other domeins not ( even on same server )

- the sites with awstats , some work , other not , the sites with webalizer wont work...

In the webalizer config window i also get the following error
Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/Stats_Control/user/common.php on line 63
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Error on user set "Use Webalizer" and click "Configure"

Stats Control Plugin
Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/Stats_Control/user/common.php on line 62


If you wrote a nice installation readme in Russian, I'd translate it into English, where most of the issues could be covered.
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It Stopped!
Been using this plug-in for over a year,. but on Nov 4rd, 2007 it stopped running and updating the stats.
Any pointers?

Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/Stats_Control/user/common.php on line 63

The stats for the users who use webalizer does not update!

How to fix?
It Stopped!
Been using this plug-in for over a year,. but on Nov 4rd, 2007 it stopped running and updating the stats.
Any pointers?


Error: Couldn't open server log file "/var/log/httpd/domains//" : Permission denied

Setup ('/etc/awstats/' file, web server or permissions) may be wrong.
Check config file, permissions and AWStats documentation (in 'docs' directory

What are the file permissions and ownership that needs to be in these directories?
I didn't change a thing, so I'm confused as to why it has stopped responding.

Please suggest.... anything.
