Please don't get me wrong, this is not to "validate" the measures and just to provide more details

I'm trying to reply personally, as you seem to be interested in solution and would like to understand the issue, thus, might really wish to give some suggestions.
Just sharing some of the abuse scenarios:
1) "datacenters" with 1-5 life-time $89 licenses, many of them, who don't even have any website, don't provide IP blocks etc. Nothing worked against them - IP limitations was bad, asking for a proof they sell VPS/dedicated was bad etc. If we take their licenses down for violation of the rules - that's also bad.
2) accounts with many life-time licenses used for their own shared hosting (they're not selling any VPS/dedicated servers), they have thousands of websites hosted, I won't name the hosts, but they're large. They never promoted VPS/dedicated offerings, and they don't do it these days.
3) re-selling of internal life-time licenses or re-rental of them (this was never allowed, there are many companies who have done this)
4) external life-time licenses and internal with recurring (no support as well for end-customers, just support for DCs) always had problems with support, even though 90 days was always mentioned, you may find many in this thread who said they created tickets, and they received help. How does that work? People are creative, when they get an answer "sorry, this is not a DA problem, and support period has ended", they insist that it's a bug, even when we know it is not - threatening starts. And those tickets are still support, as not giving the support costs more of the time (and psychological resources) than giving it..
And these aren't all. Regarding the deleted posts and some banned customers - when threatening starts + photos of garages/houses (some where we live, some aren't), cars with plate numbers etc. - I won't tolerate this, and wouldn't ever like to do this myself to someone else. It was me who removed the posts. I could say some had some truth, some didn't, but when it comes to personal things like places we live, or threatening PMs and posts - this won't be tolerated. I've banned one member a few days ago (permanently), as what has been done was too much

(I guess no one would like anything like this for their families, own environment etc.)
Regarding abuse scenarios - I personally had some more ideas which people affected would probably hate again (I guess there isn't any solution, which everyone would like and development would continue?). One of the ideas - note in DA that license internal and must be sold with VPS/Dedicated server and it's illegal to use it otherwise (rent separately, use for own shared hosting etc.). This may or may not solve some of the issues mentioned. Just like snickers have a pack of 4 snickers and mark each of them that they cannot be sold individually, I personally wouldn't think it'd be something bad to do. We don't tell snickers that it's their problem that they sell 4 items at a lower cost, so we're allowed to re-sell even though if rules say otherwise? I'm lost at the options as well, as many did not work in the past. That's why I'm still reading this thread from time to time for great ideas, but to be honest - I haven't found any great ones worth to try to solve problems #1-4 (the ones that could change the situation, and we have plenty of time to see if they do). Please note I'm not the decision taker, and I wish this problem didn't exist at all. Just like you - I offer various methods on how to stop the abusers. Just mentioning that IP blocks, license removals (for "DCs" with 1-2 life-time licenses having no webpage), proofs etc. didn't work. I personally try not to comment statements like MariaDB 10.1 to 10.4 is "update and not upgrade not needing any internal work", I know technical details myself, as I've done many implementations in the past, problems like wouldn't arise if that was true and many support tickets/forum posts on issues creating sql users, removal of databases etc. wouldn't exist, as well as documentation like I just try to ignore something like this in the thread, as it does not lead anywhere and is not realted to the thread. And this is not only MariaDB strategy, MySQL 5.7 could look minor when compared to 5.6, but then why do we have threads like and problems like (just wanted to let you know, as you seem to care).
I haven't mentioned even more more thing which
was a huge problem in the past, in addition to 1-4 - pirated licenses

It seems we were able to get this sorted out with the new licensing system, custombuild integration and merge of file mirrors. So, that one worked, and I'm glad it worked.
@fln had ideas for it. We were not able to get this sorted out without his ideas/work, even though we've tired to do this for many years. So, it shows that some measures could work.
That's the point of change, isn't it? Only external licenses

Just with different types. So that you could get a Lite license starting from $9 or Personal Plus (letting you own admin+additional user, so, host your own and friends sites on the same server is possible) starting from just $3 ("starting" = up to -40% off with bulk discounts, you don't need to prove you're a DC, it's for everyone). You may browse Wayback Machine, these weren't the options earlier, only introduced in 2019. And even add-ons like CloudLinux seem to be more expensive like this? However, those options don't seem to be a solution? If the switch isn't made - "there should simple be 1 license for a server" couldn't become a reality, thus other options should be considered.