What is the future for Legacy DirectAdmin License holders?

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If you read the agreement very well, you see it's a slight chance because of the options they have. For example DA still works and you have to proove that in the agreement it says they would also lifetime upgrade all applications used.
Next to that, a software lifetime is not a human lifetime. Software can always be declared End Of Life. So the minute you start a law suit, they can declare the lifetime licenses EOL and any attempt one tries, is already lost before it begins, leaving us most likely with less then we have now.
If they had declared DA EOL then that would have been different. But that is not what they did. They should have EOL'd it and started a new project.
But that is not what they did.
Luckily for us they didn't as there are different ways to declare EOL even by stopping the license completely and even stopping all functionality.
For sure this is not what you want.
They don't need a new project as DA was always by default a project and the lifetime licenses where something extra. Compare it with other software company's. There is no need to start a new project. Plesk, AWS, WHMCS, cPanel also never started a new project. And WHMCS lifetimes became static licences.

It's better like it is now, we at least get some updates, unless you want to do every php and apache update yourself for example, but I'm sure most of us would rather have it like it's now.

And they still have the option to declare EOL if they want.
We understand that this is a heated topic and appreciate everyone’s passion for the product. However, discussing potential legal actions in a public forum might not be the best approach. It’s important to consider that such discussions could potentially harm your own case, as public posts are not protected and can be used in various ways.

Moreover, it’s not reasonable to expect any company to maintain a forum thread that includes potential solicitation of legal action against them. For these reasons, we’ll be closing this thread.

That said, because this is a technical forum, we’re open to someone starting a new thread focused on the technical usage and aspects of our legacy licenses. As @Richard G mentioned, these licenses still receive ongoing updates, and are usable for quite some time, so it seems fair to allow technical discussion of them going forward.
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