What is the future for Legacy DirectAdmin License holders?

I think LLH stands for Lifetime License Holder, but could also be read as Legacy License Holder.
No that's what DA made of it. It always has been lifetime licenses, with updates also for the packages like Mysql and apache.
DA made it legacy because they want to give modern licences and monthley payers more features.

Nothing wrong with that, but they should not rob us from the normal upgrades like at least Mysql to 8.4 and further.
@fln did you read my post?
"What used to be called DA with PRO PACK is now called just DA, or modern DA. DA without PRO PACK is now being called legacy DA."

I gave "without pro pack" as an example of something 95% of us never needed (or wanted). This was created with a simple purpose - we can all see it - a "monthly milking". There was never a one-time price option to upgrade a lifetime license to a "with pro pack".

I also gave an example of how you can cut costs by maintaining only 1 codebase. Surely you/your programmers can think of a way of limiting the "pro pack" and moving the lifetime license holders onto the new codebase if you really wanted to do so. Most of us know how things work, some of us are programmers, naturally we know how an 'if / else' condition works. Either that, or a one-time fee to "upgrade lifetime license to a 'with pro pack'" + optional fees for a major upgrade + fees for support. That not enough?
A new one time fee after 11 years of use would sure be " fair " in a matter of speaking. What is " lifetime " indeed, is that our lifetime, their lifetime, a 10year time, product lifetime? Who knows. Lifetime can be described many many ways.
What is a fact it was included a lifetime updates/upgrades also with protection of price increases and that has been stolen from us.

A new lifetime fee i'm sure open to as long as its doable in cost, not like a extreme amount but like 50% of the lifetime fee to renew for example.
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From a software engineering perspective, it is important to recognize that there is no fundamental distinction between legacy and modern codebases—they are essentially the same. A concerning issue, however, is the presence of pro pack options in the legacy code, which are non-functional. This results in a suboptimal user interface/user experience (UI/UX) for legacy users. If you choose to display these options, they should be inactive or not displayed at all. This adjustment is straightforward; for instance, you could implement a simple conditional statement like `if (license === 'legacy') { // do not show }`. Alternatively, you can achieve this using CSS by designating pro features with a `.pro-only` class and applying `display: none` to this class for legacy users.

The decision to offer lifetime licenses and then discontinue them reflects poorly on your marketing strategy. Such actions damage customer trust and your brand's reputation in an attempt to boost recurring revenue, which is ineffective.

It would be advisable to hire a more competent marketing manager if you are facing challenges with monthly costs or seeking to increase revenues. The current marketing approaches are inadequate and detrimental to your business.

Personally, the issue of discontinuing lifetime licenses is less concerning to me than the broader impact on customer trust and brand integrity. While I would consider purchasing a pro license for new features, the message displayed on the login page has led me to explore alternative options.
They put a huge notification on the directadmin login page, I only have a lifetime license and a personal plus license.

Directadmin simply used the Lifetime licenses to finance its project, now it simply wants to cancel the lifetime licenses, this is happening, even a blind person can see this.

1- They launch the pro pack version (they failed the mission)
2- They stopped releasing updates for MariaDB (they failed in their mission)
3- Now they put a huge warning on the login page for all my customers to see that it is a limited version of the panel.

I honestly think this is a slap in the face to those who purchased an external lifetime license,

The Company is not being honest with its external lifetime license customers.

As a client, I will look for another alternative and I will never in my life use anything for my business or for my clients regarding DA.
Its nice to see so many joining the thread here. But we see to be going in circles. I fear DA has made up their mind and they are not backing down. It's sad.
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It seems to me all the problems with duplicate codebase arrived with the inclusion from Pro Pack into the core. The solution would be simple: Make Pro Pack a plugin again, as it was before for some time. Then you have not to maintain two different codebases, and LLH could receive their updates as it was promised.
As Pro Pack was developed by Martynas, and now Martynas is stopping developing because of health issues, drop it from the core, make people paying only for the plugin who really wants this features (I argue this are not so much, as a lot of functions from Pro Pack is already available with other solutions, example Softaculous for WP, or CloudLinux for more PHP versions and resource limiting).
There is no need to punish LLH because of wrong decision to put Pro Pack into the core. Reverse this step, and all could be happy.
To be sure all our customers get to see the message about this being a legacy codebase, they made nifty changes.
I have a few control panels with a delayed update DA scheme. Using enhanced as a main skin is now forced to use evolution. After DA updates itself to 1.664 value doscroot no longer works and you need to manually override their skin again using https://docs.directadmin.com/directadmin/general-usage/all-directadmin-conf-values.html#system-skin
As such: #da config-set system_skin enhanced --restart
In https://docs.directadmin.com/changelog/version-1.665.html they are further forcing the login page changes upon us.

I'd rather have DA contact us and communicate with us, in stead of forcing things upon us.
But besides them saying they have not seen a good solution yet on the forum, they are as well not engaging with us (not in its fullest that is).

How often have I read here in this thread: we do not really need the pro-pack features. (sorry, I know it no longer exists, but it is to be clear about what I mean). Same here. I do not need it, never missed it at all.

Perhaps DA can set up a questionnaire?

The LLH licenses will be kept working without the pro-pack features, and it will keep updates on all software/Custom build items (like things were a full year ago)
1-A) I could live with a yearly payment of 60 USD
1-B) I could live with a yearly payment of 120 USD
1-C) I could live with a yearly payment of 180 USD AND get the pro pack features
1-D) I do not want to pay and will let my license deteriorate over time. And maybe upgrade when I want or need (and pay the full price if there is no longer a discount possible)

The new LLH license will get a pause option build in
2-A) I have no need for a pause option
2-B) I will accept solutions because the pause option is build in
2-C) I will accept solutions if a pause is build in, I am willing to pay a minimum of 1 USD for every (part of) a month the license is in pause (this is 12 USD per license per year when not in use).
2-D) I will accept solutions if a pause is build in, I am willing to pay a minimum of 2 USD for every (part of) a month the license is in pause (this is 24 USD per license per year when not in use).

3-A) I would like to be able to request support. Price is 20 USD and I am put in the queue together with other license keepers.
3-B) I would like to be able to request support. Price is 20 USD and I am put in the queue together with other license keepers. Price is 30USD to get an elevated ticket/queue. I understand normal license users also have a paid upgrade option for elevation.
3-C) I expect DA to keep their quality high and do not need support. Thanks to the documentation and forum (and search engines)

Not sure if this will cover everyone's needs. It is also an example, we need to cover all as much as possible. Also all prices are open for improvements, DA should let us know their marketing options.

Also note: @ DA: We know you diverted the code, making solutions very difficult to implement. The longer you wait with adding "if cert=='LLH' " options in that code base, the more effort you need to build it in later. Or, and please be honest, did you already go too far and see no way to again add support for LLH code in the now normal license? Communicating this detail is super important to us, as it tells what is possible or not. And what can be discussed or not.
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For LLH, change to normal license with discount pricing, that's the only middle ground i can see from this entire thread, and i have read all 30 pages, even tough i have none LLH lol.

the issue or where i see what's blocking this to move forward is pricing, specially agains't some that (maybe within his fully rights) expects to still using the license for years without paying or paying close to nothing.

right now, regular clients pays $29 per month, or if they have many licenses can get down to $17,4 per month.

LLH should indeed get lower pricing, because of the previous investment made (even tough they have already saved a ton of money).

I do hope DA offers something in the lines of $12 per month and some maybe even cheaper like $99 annually.
If anyone consider going to Cpanel because of this and has like 300 accounts, then that's close to $999 annually (give or take)
NO pause option. DA stops working if not renewed, and includes regular license codebase and support.

just my 2 cents.
They put a huge notification on the directadmin login page, I only have a lifetime license and a personal plus license.

Directadmin simply used the Lifetime licenses to finance its project, now it simply wants to cancel the lifetime licenses, this is happening, even a blind person can see this.

1- They launch the pro pack version (they failed the mission)
2- They stopped releasing updates for MariaDB (they failed in their mission)
3- Now they put a huge warning on the login page for all my customers to see that it is a limited version of the panel.

I honestly think this is a slap in the face to those who purchased an external lifetime license,

The Company is not being honest with its external lifetime license customers.

As a client, I will look for another alternative and I will never in my life use anything for my business or for my clients regarding DA.
You can hide the notification by going to Customize Evolution Skin --> Login Page --> Styles Tab and paste the following and save.

html.vue-app.root\:login .LegacyLicense {
display: flex;
position: fixed;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
background: #ffffff26;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
gap: 1rem;
padding: .5rem 1.5rem;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 500;
letter-spacing: .5px;
cursor: pointer;
box-shadow: 0 0 2px #00000032;
transition: all .3s ease;
border-radius: 0;
color: #eee;
display: none;
You can hide the notification by going to Customize Evolution Skin --> Login Page --> Styles Tab and paste the following and save.

fln already showed us how to hide it. That is not the point. We shouldn't have to hide it at all. It shouldn't be there.

@fln How is it you have time and energy to force this message on us and our customers but don't have time to update MariaDB or MySQL?
fln already showed us how to hide it. That is not the point. We shouldn't have to hide it at all. It shouldn't be there.

@fln How is it you have time and energy to force this message on us and our customers but don't have time to update MariaDB or MySQL?
Show message less consumption on time 😄
Maybe one of us could write a MariaDB/MySQL plugin to use the updated versions.
like a hack to use the official functionality?
just like to remove the message bar?

i would love that, great idea to use something like:

html.vue-app.root\:board .LegacyLicense {
display: AllFunctions, PlusPack;
html.vue-app.root\:CustomBuild.LegacyLicense {
display: AllVersions;

Maybe one of us could write a MariaDB/MySQL plugin to use the updated versions.
The license ping to your server checks the DB version and gives you a nice screen if it detects any MariaDB version above 10.6, I presume it would do the same with MySQL

Even with the DB management disabled from custombuild options and a manual replacement / upgrade of what is there it will do the same thing.

Decided to move to a new panel, there will be no win with DA just more disappointment and more loss of trust.
Decided to move to a new panel, there will be no win with DA just more disappointment and more loss of trust.
May I ask which panel did you move to? I'm looking for an alternative to cpanel and this with DA doesn't look like it would end well.
fln already showed us how to hide it. That is not the point. We shouldn't have to hide it at all. It shouldn't be there.

@fln How is it you have time and energy to force this message on us and our customers but don't have time to update MariaDB or MySQL?
I don't think DA people will remove it though. They'll add more and more until we get fedup. Better to move it to somewhere else. Currently i'm satisfied with Enhance and fastpanel