What is the future for Legacy DirectAdmin License holders?

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No its not the pro pack itself see I think people are missing a point that if you turn the table and upside down and you will see this is da's way out only on unlimited license owners plus the cherry is extra features (new people paying) and and well conveys to me company is going broke possibly and needs new revenue of money.Just thinking outside the box but in fact make sense.

I see this if and when lifetime license holders are gone, I see DA like a airplane running out of fuel needed to land for fuel but eventual may make it to land safely (or crash) for fuel they may not be able to afford to refill because they make no money as no ones really left to pay them.
They think I think maybe they have a bigger market share on something that they don't in shared hosting panels.

Most don't realize is control panels for shared hosting in reality is on its way out one day. People are like flocks of birds and will just move on to the next guy throwing bread crumbs. Sad but true.
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I must also add to every other previous statements that I too absolutely do not care about most of the new features of the pro-pack.
I also wonder who is deciding that these are the features DA should invest time and money on and based on which facts / customer survey.

It's actually a feature request, see here: https://feedback.directadmin.com/b/feature-requests/wordpress-toolkit/
but, they got features with much more votes, like this: https://feedback.directadmin.com/b/feature-requests/complete-backup-system/

like you, I can't understand their prioritizing.
I see this if and when lifetime license holders are gone, I see DA like a airplane running out of fuel needed to land for fuel but eventual may make it to land safely (or crash) for fuel they may not be able to afford to refill because they make no money as no ones really left to pay them.
I agree about most of your point, but this one is wrong, because lifetime license holders are not providing money for DA now either.
So if they are gone or not doesn't matter financially in fact. In contrary, fore sure there will be holders which will not go away and are forced to upgrade or use some paid license, which then brings in money.
We lifetime license holders made DA big in the beginning. But is not earning anything anymore after that, so gone or not gone makes in fact no difference for DA income wise.

I understand that at some point, like others (cP and Plesk) they need to get money out of lifetime licenses again. But it's not fair to force it by removing the M from LAMP, so removing a basic free requirement and blocking manual installation (so intervening with the freedom of what you want to do with your server) too. And this way in fact making Lifetime licenses not unusable in 2 years when MariaDB 10.6 goes EOL. And that is the point which is unfair imho.
There is the upgrade option, which looked fair, but turns out to be too expensive at least for multiple license holders.
Wow, I was just trying to find out how to install Python on my new VPS w/DA lifetime license, and so disappointed to find out that my $299 external license has now become "Legacy". When I paid $299, I was told that I will get "lifetime update", and lifetime update doesn't have "Python" and My MariaDB will stick at 10.6 forever??

I don't know what to say about this, it doesn't cause DA a dime to provide us the latest version of everything, it's not like we are looking for free support.
I have 180 lifetime licenses. I was using them as a value added service for my vps business. Not anymore. I don't know what the right thing to do is. I guess I am just disappointed.
Totally agree. I am already making preparations for a full migration. Too bad, very sad.
For us it is the case that we bought DA lifetime licenses in 2019 after the cP fiakso and are now facing the same problem again.

In retrospect, I have to say cP is cheaper (gold partner with 30+ ONE TIME FEE licenses). We migrated to DA (with the servers without ONE TIME FEE licenses) because we had dozens of 3y licenses that expired, in retrospect it was not worth the effort. Absolutely not!

Above all, I've to mention that the cP support has decreased extremely after 2019 but the DA support is light years slower and even worse. Everything is questioned and no solution follows. Greed for money?

W're to the point where we give cP our money again.
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Guys I think it's time we started looking for a viable alternative.
There used to be open source panels (granted - long time ago) - something like zpanel or whatever it was - and it was fully open source.
So, let's start laying down the alternatives + if a lot of us agree on a a certain alternative - we can sponsor it's development.

Enough of this money grab BS. All of you see the admins/developers don't pay attention to lifetime license holders. All they want to do is force us to pay more. I say - F THAT.
Wow, just now reading about this... My "perpetual" license says it's valid until 2038. But it looks like in reality only until 2026, unless I want to use the then old and obsolete MariaDB 10.6 (and it won't stop with mariadb, of course).

WP manager, don't need it, I use and pay for Softaculous which is very good. PHP features, don't need them, I pay for CloudLinux.

Would gladly pay maybe $10/mo for continued support for now called "legacy" license.

Just got rid of the last cPanel server and time to move on I guess. Luckily, a new server is being bought now, so, where to go, Plesk? Who will make the next price squeeze and push out their loyal customers?

I can't imagine staying with the company that hasn't communicated this HUGE change in any way. What's next is even more scary, more price tiers, charging by user? I bet they're deciding on this "feature" right now.
Would gladly pay maybe $10/mo for continued support for now called "legacy" license.
In that case.... for $5/month more (so for $15/month) you can upgrade your current lifetime license to a modern license. Special deal for lifetime license holders.
In that case.... for $5/month more (so for $15/month) you can upgrade your current lifetime license to a modern license. Special deal for lifetime license holders.
Don't you get it? We won't pay a cent more, especially on a "whatever per month" basis.
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